In a faraway land, there was a big Reign of Kingdoms, in between, there were many little villages, inhabited by humans, while the Kingdoms were ruled by various creatures of the night. Three of these Kingdoms were the biggest ones...
The Isayama Kingdom is ruled by the cruel Shinigami King Yuusei and his Wife Yuri, their Son Yurai being the next in line. Not far away was another well-known Kingdom, ruled by Queen Celeste of Ril'ia, a very powerful Shinigami Queen, leading alone, accompanied by her best guards. The last and biggest Kingdom was the Kingdom of Asteria, ruled by the evil King and his servants. Many years ago, the King went to the market and wanted to get a new servant. One of the Servants being sold spiked his interest. The King spotted a young lady, only 10 years old with silky black hair and piercing yellow eyes, and bought her immediately. During the years he hired private lessons for her in fencing, piano, singing, dancing, and etiquette, raising her to be a well-behaved young woman. Up until the age of 14, the King spend most of his time with his precious little demon girl, before he started to turn his back on everyone. Even to his most loyal Servant Selene, he had turned his back.
Now at the age of 15, Yomi was one of the Kings dearest and closest servants, even tho he remained to be strict and cold to her. In all these years tho, the King was very curious about her roots and wanted to know what this little lady was capable of. He found out that she was in fact a Succubus, which was a sexual energy-feeding demon. Most Succubi are fully grown at the age of 16 and need to be fed with sexual intercourse, or rather the semen of men, to stay alive. They can survive for up to three days, without any negatives. After about seven days tho, they start to get weak by the hour and can die if they don't feed on men.
Soon it was Yomi's 16th birthday, and her king informed her about her origins and her needs, as soon as the clock hits midnight. And so Yomi waited, for the last days to pass, and her true form to be revealed...
Craving your Love - Between blood, betrayal and crowns
Fantasi!! TRIGGER WARNING !! In a faraway land, there was a big Reign of Kingdoms, in between, there were many little villages, inhabited by humans, while the Kingdoms were ruled by various creatures of the night. Three of these Kingdoms were the biggest...