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     There's a lot to be said about the start of a new life, of a new soul beginning its journey on the mortal coil. A personality yet to emerge, with no idea what's in store for them. Like clay awaiting a potter's touch. There are those who believe that new souls choose their earthly lives in a world before ours, yet Veronica couldn't think of a single reason why this new soul would choose her, knowing the life ahead.
    Not to say she wasn't overjoyed when they placed her baby on her chest, she'd never get over that euphoric feeling. Like the first hint of golden sunlight after rain and how it's warmth bathes your skin in pure bliss.
But she knew her poor girl, her poor Charlotte Ann, would grow up in a broken home, with a broken mother and a father she could only hope she would never know. She'd been ten days over due when she finally went  into labor at the supermarket with the twins, in the middle of their winter break. Not even six hours later, she gave birth in her bedroom, with the Heathers by her side, all of them.
     Like her siblings, Charlotte shared many of her fathers traits, his nose, his lips, his ears but she resembled her mother too. She had fiery curls that she inherited from her grandmothers side with bright green eyes to match. Veronica knew they would get darker as she got older, but in a way, her baby girls slight resemblance to Heather brought her comfort somehow. A manifestation of rebirth, that maybe redemption was possible.
    Often, Veronica found her hovered over her child's crib, brushing a translucent hand across her face and placing a kiss on each of her children's cheeks. Their very own guardian angel.
Each night Veronica would catch a glimpse of her, each night Heather would vanish before she could speak. Heather would have been 24 this year. She wondered what her life would have been like, had things been different. Would she have become a better person after high school? Would she have gone to college? Would she have a child of her own by now, or would she and a lover decide to travel the world, falling in love all over again each day? They took so much from her, everything. She could have been so much more. Veronica could help but grieve for the life she ended, she was her friend, and she failed her.  
And Kurt and Ram, though not her friends could've been so much more today. She wondered what kind of father Ram would've truly been, if whether or not James would call Kurt, Uncle Kurt. Sure they weren't good people as teens but they would've matured eventually, unfortunately they were never given that opportunity. They could've made it big in football like they always dreamed, they were so talented, though then she would never admit it. Now they'd only be remembered as forbidden lovers. Even if, deep down that were true, they deserved the chance to grow and be more than they already were. If not for her children, her devoir to live for all three of them is what kept her going.
Charlotte had been extra fussy that night,  much so the twins moved into the living room for the night, pretending they were camping and using the fireplace as their campfire. Veronica groaned against her pillow, she had been up every hour with Charlotte the past two nights, getting maybe fifteen minutes of sleep in between. She didn't know what else to do, she fed her, burped her ,rocked her, nothing would work. She spent so much of Jazmines first few months blurred with grief, it was like she was a first time mom all over again. Her pediatrician assured her that her six week old daughter was perfectly healthy and would sleep through the night in no time, Not soon enough.
Something was different that night, a warm humming noise echoed from the childrens nursery, a sound no toy or doll made. A person. She feared the worst. She hadn't heard or seen JD since that day at the park. With a bottle in one hand, and the taser she kept in the kitchen draw in the other, she slowly crept towards the nursery. The humming grew louder, as it's owner began to sing;

"When you wish upon a star,
    makes no difference who you are
         Anything your heart desires
             Will come to you."

"Heather?" Veronica relaxed, expecting to find her ex-best-friend gone in the blink of an eye, but she stayed, once again brushing the back of her hand across Charlottes sleeping face. "You got her to sleep."
"You're welcome." Heather almost scoffed, but chuckled instead. Her lips still stained blue for eternity.
"I never knew you could sing." Veronica said, standing across from her, the crib in between them. Heather looked down, a single tear escaped her eye, Veronica thought, she wasn't sure though.
"Theres a lot you never knew about me." Gone was Heather Chandlers spiteful demeter, instead it was replaced by the remnants of heartbreak. She glanced down at the sleeping baby bellow them, sniffling.  "I wanted this. I wanted to be different. I was so alone." Heather had spent the past six and half years torturing Veronica, she had figured Heather found peace with making her life a living hell whenever she so chose. She got so caught up in mourning what Heather could have been herself, she forgot to consider that Heather was faced with that crushing reality every second of everyday for all of eternity. How could she be so selfish?
"Heather I'm so sorry." Veronica let out a sob, covering her mouth with her hand in effort to not wake her children. " I should ha- I should have called someone, or- or done something. I was so scared, I thought I could stop him."
"No." Heather whispered, her voice cracking slightly. Veronica braced herself for what she deserved, Heathers wrath. "You were seventeen Veronica. You didn't know you were handing me the wrong cup, you didn't know ich luge bullets didn't exist, you were hurting and you were afraid of what would happen if you said something. He trapped you with love Veronica."
"I had choices Heather! I had opportunities to leave and I didn't, I don't deserve-"

"Holy shit Veronica I forgive you!" Charlotte jumped in her sleep and the room fell silent for a moment. "I wasn't exactly Mother Theresa. Look, you were scared, confused and doing what was best for- for them, please, for the love of God, listen to me for once."
In some twisted way hearing Heather's sourness released the tension in the room. For a second Veronica felt like a teenager again, and the two once best friends found themselves giggling like they used to at sleepovers, afterall Heather wasn't all that bad outside of school.
"You always said to stay away from him."
"Maybe 'cause I was a little jealous but boy did you pay for it." They giggled again. "Is it too late to say I told you so?"
"Maybe a little." Veronica smiled, whipping a tear from her cheek, typical Heather.
A flash of light filled the room, and Kurt and Ram appeared next to her, the three of them dressed in the same clothes, or lack there of, as the day they died.
"Didn't like him either." Kurt shrugged.
"Threw a sick punch though." Ram added, which earned him a shove from Kurt, which broke out into a brawl on the nursery floor.
"Will you two knuckleheads get up?" Heather ordered, her hands on her hips, and they obeyed. "So help me God if you wake that baby up. I can't listen to her cry again even dead I can still get a head ache!" Veronica almost laughed at the normalcy of the scene and how Heather... being Heather felt so good in that moment. The boys stood at each of her sides glaring at each other, to which she responded by rolling her eyes. "Veronica?"
"We need you do to something, for us, and for you too I guess."
"What is it?"
"You need to tell the truth, about everything."

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2022 ⏰

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The Edge of Forgiveness        Heather's (musical) JD x Veronica - If JD livedWhere stories live. Discover now