Happy and shiny

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Third person POV

JD was finally asleep after a sleepless night of worrying about Veronicas school day. It was a cold and bitter September day in Sherwood, that being autumn began next week. It was six in the morning and the air was cold and painful the wind blew up against Veronicas face, while she walked into the doors of Westerburg High. She glanced over at the football field, and everything came back to her.

"I'll trade my life for yours." She heard JD say to her. She was back on the football field, JD had the bomb cradled like a baby in his arms, and blood gushing from his side. Veronica tried to move, to save him, but she couldn't. She was frozen in place, her body started to feel heavier and heavier, it was getting harder and harder to stand, even though she couldnt move if she tried. "Our love is God!" JD cried, Veronica watched in horror, knowing what she was about to see. Then it happened. The bomb went off, leaving her alone of the football field. "Say hi to god." She whispered.

'" If only it ended like that!" Said a familiar voice. Veronica turned around to see Heather Chandler who had a red glow around her. The field around her was being swallowed up by a roaring fire, coming closer and closer to her. "You're a monster Veronica Sawyer! Heather screamed. Kurt and Ram appeared behind the demon queen. "I-I-I d-d-d-didn't k-kill y-you!" Veronica stamered.

"But he did! Kurt and Ram said in unison.

"And you're still with him." Heather said. "AND YOU'RE BECOMING JUST AS INSANE AS HIM!"

"Veronica?" Asked a familiar voice, Veronica opened her eyes to see Heather MacNamara shaking her. "Are you okay?" Veronica shook her head, "Yeah" she lied. "Just tired."

"You look like hell!" Smirked Duke from behind Veronica, which earned an eye roll from both Veronica and Mac. Then Veronica realized, she did look like hell. Her hair was frizzy and all over the place and she was wearing the same clothes from the day before. While the remaining two Heathers were wearing their signature outfits. "Just got back!" Veronica said feeling proud of her comeback, and trying to push what just happened behind her and walking into the school.
"Excuse me where are you going?" Duke scolded Veronica, to which Mac put her head down, not wanting to intervene. "I have the red scrunchie on my head. You follow me!" Duke sounded so proud and full of herself, it almost made Veronica sick. But, that feeling of sickness quickly turned into anger. "You know what Heather?" Veronica clenched her fists, and ripped the red scrunchie out of Dukes hair and put her own hair up."What the fuck Veronica?" She screamed, causing students to crowd around them.
"From now on the 'Heathers' will not run this school with fear!" Veronica smiled, not believing what was coming out of her own mouth. Mac lifted her head up and stepped next Veronica, causing Dukes jaw to drop along with the crowd. "We are done acting evil. Brand new Sheriffs come to town. And you can either accept it, or leave." Veronica and Mac turned around to walk to their homeroom which they all shared. After stamping her foot, Duke followed her new '' Leader."
By now it was seven in the morning and first period had already began in Westerburg High. JD, was only waking up, turning over to his side and then quickly remembering Veronica wasn't there. He felt his stomach jolt at the thought of her being in that school, but before he could even cry, a little girl emerged from the bathroom. She was a beautiful little girl, who like JD had chestnut curly brown hair, fair skin with rosy cheeks, perfectly pink and plump lips and bright blue eyes. She only looks about three or four, JD thought to himself.
"H-Hey there kiddo!" JD smiled, he always liked kids, he liked their innocence and curiosity, something he was robbed from before he could even talk. The little girl was frozen in place with a frightened look on her face.
"H-Hi" She waved. "S-Sorry if I woke you up." The young girls voice was soft and light and seemed naturally quiet. "I had to go potty and the other bathroom was too far." JD chuckled at her remark, "Don't worry about it, kiddo! What's your name?"
The little girl ran over to the chair next to JDs bed with excitement, "Elliana, but Mama calls me Ellie!" Ellie smiled, swinging her feel that dangled off the chair. "Oh and I'm four years old but tomorrow guess what?" JD chuckled and how adorable the little girl was, " what?" He asked pretending like he couldn't guess what she was about to say. "Tomorrow," she squealed, "I'll be five! A whole hand!" She showed JD the five fingers on her hand, which made JD laugh out loud a bit.
"My names Jason Dean, but you can call me JD." JD sat up from his bed and ruffled the girls hair like his father would.. before.. everything. Ellie gave an adorable giggle that made JDs heart melt. Sure, he liked kids but he had never had a connection with another person other than Veronica. Like Veronica, he wanted to protect Ellie from all the assholes of the world, and he didn't even know her, that confused him the most.
"What are you doing in a hospital?" Questioned JD, "Mamas work, she's a nurse and she has no one else home to play with me." JD shuddered at the word 'mama' as it's exactly what he called his mom when he was her age. At first he was angry with her she's mocking you! Said one of the voices. He still heard some of the voices, but he assumed because of the medicine, he was able to push them away. "Why are you in the hospital?" Asked the little girl, with curiosity in her eyes. JD teared up at the thought and wanted to let it all out, but she was too young. Too young to be corrupted like him.
"I got into a fight" he lied, "and then I got really mad at myself and I'm here to not be so mad." The little girl nodded in slight understandment.

The Edge of Forgiveness        Heather's (musical) JD x Veronica - If JD livedWhere stories live. Discover now