If we're not dead by June

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Third Person POV

     In the two weeks Veronica kept the pregnancy from JD, the two changed in numerous ways. Veronica for one, had become more clingy and lovey-dovey and JD loved every second of it. His medication kept him calm and was able to show off his sweet,kind and dorky personality. Even Ellie was getting used to the idea sharing her Mother. However, Janis and JD acted like anything but Mother and Son. Despite being glad she was back, JD was angry with her for not just taking him and running away and Janis felt too guilty to explain the truth to her son. Of course, she had nothing to worry about with Bud put in jail for child abuse, attempted murder and way too many other charges, but she still couldn't bring herself to explain the truth. They only spoke in terms of when Ellie was coming and when she wasn't since Janis's neighbor had offered to babysit her whenever she needed.

   "Veronica?" JD asked kissing his girlfriend, she groaned and turned over. "Come on, babe. I know you're scared but we gotta go to a doctor." She sat up and rubbed her eyes. "Can we get food first?" The girl asked leaning on her boyfriends left shoulder.  JD nodded and helped her stand up. The couple had woken up around six o'clock in the morning when Veronica had to vomit again. JD had fallen right asleep but Veronica tossed and turned for another hour. Now, it was ten, and she was exhausted to say the least. The pair made their way downstairs to the cafe where JD bought the half asleep Veronica her requested banana muffin, and himself his favorite pack of trail mix that he loved getting with his slushies usually when he was on the road.
   "It's so bright in here." Complained Veronica, whose voice sounded strained from the amount of crying and vomiting she'd been doing the past few days. "Sorry, Ronnie." JD reached his casted hand and stroked her face. "You ready? Veronica sighed at her boyfriends question. "I think so." JD took her hand and the two sat in the waiting room of free teen clinic JD had seen an advertisement for one day on one of his many walks with Ellie.
   "Next?" A nurse called, referring to JD and Veronica, were next in line. She led them into a room where they were met by what they assumed to be a doctor.
   "Hello there! He greeted, he wore a white coat, blue scrubs and had a stethoscope around his neck. Veronica waved and JD shook the mans older mans hand. "I'm assuming that you are victim to the recent recall in that Invidox pill?" Veronica nodded as tears formed into her eyes and JD rubbed his hand up and down her back. The Doctor waved his hand towards the examination bed, "Please lay down." Veronica did as she was told, JD sat in a nearby chair, twiddling his thumbs, a coping mechanism him and Dr.Smith had come up with in one of his many therapy sessions. The man lifted up her shirt, "My names Dr.Johnston, by the way." He placed the stethoscope on Veronicas stomach, making her flinch at how cold it was on her bare skin.
     "Well it's got a heartbeat!" The doctor exclaimed, JD and Veronica smiled at each other. Dr.Johnston pulled out a large machine and a bottle that contained blue gel. "Now this here," the bald man began, "Will show a picture of the inside of your stomach." Veronica nodded and JD leaned in closer. With being on the road his whole life, he knew almost nothing about medical conditions or machines. The cold blue gel was placed onto Veronica's stomach, followed by a wand like stick that was connected to a large machine, Dr.Johnston moved the stick around while looking at the screen that projected what seemed to be nothingness to the two teens.
    "There it is!" Dr.Johnston said, "That dot" JD questioned sceptical that the small black dot on the screen could be a baby at all. "Well, yes!" The doctor replied, " And it's perfectly fine!" Veronica and JD, said nothing, to astonished to speak. "Take these daily" Dr.Johnston said, breaking the silence and handing Veronica a bottle of vitamins. "And go to the front desk to receive an excuse for gym." The couple did as they were told, Leaving Dr.Johnston in the room.
     "I mean at least I get out of gym the whole year!" Veronica exclaimed, feeling much better than she had earlier. The two had came back up to JDs room, which was finally being switched back to his room upstairs. "I just have to tell my parents" She frowned sitting of the hospital bed, followed by JD. "Shit, I have to tell my Mom!" He said, still taken back from being able to talk about his mother in a  present tense.
    "Tell me what?" Janis popped her head in suspiciously, and glanced at the pregnancy test that Veronica had left on the nightstand the night before. "Jason, Veronica, what's this?" Her voice turned angry as she picked the test. "The two of you are only seventeen!" Now, she was yelling in Jason's face. He handed her the article Veronica gave him last night.
    "It wasn't her fault!" Jason screamed, standing up. Petrified, Veronica sat on the bed, frozen. She hadn't seen JD like this in a long time. Janis glanced at the article, "That's not the point!" Janis threw the paper across the room, "Oh then what is?" JD replied clenching his fists, a sign to Veronica for help. In response, she grabbed on of his hands and they softened. "Your father... has people that are after you and now will be after that baby." JD rolled his eyes. "Right."
    "Jason, I'm serious! God.. Your father was in a" she paused, " gang. Jesus I'm trying to protect you!" Janis tried to give her son a hug but he turned away. "You did a great job of that the past five years!" His hands trembled in Veronica's and Janis turned to face the door. "You don't know a Goddamn thing. They're going to be after her, if that kids yours." JD shot a disgusted look at his Mother, "Of course it's mine, who the fuck is they? And how would 'they' know?" Janis took a deep breath and JD crossed his arms and sat next to Veronica, waiting for a response.
    "When I met your father, we were fourteen. He was a rebel but I was head over heels for him." Veronica laid her head on JDs shoulder who was still anticipating his mothers explanation. "When we were sixteen he started to hang out with people involved in gangs. I told him so many times not to but then, he joined one and became in  charge of the gang when we were eighteen. Then I got pregnant. When you were born, I was told you would have to join the gang at some point in  your life to take over for your father, and that your children will do the same."
  "And what if I say no?" JD asked, slowly grasping how serious his Mother was being. "Well first off they'll kidnap that baby the second it's born and most likely kill Veronica in the process." JD and Veronica looked at eachother. " And there's no way you could just abort it either. They'll kill her for that also. The only reason that your father had that deconstruction job was so he could move around the country to meet with other gang members and to have access to explosives." Janis ended with her head down and tears flowing down her cheek. "You need to find somewhere to live, where you'll be hidden, I'm  sure even in jail, your fathers gotten the word out that I'm alive and you're being released tomorrow morning." She left the room, leaving the two teens in silence. "You can live with me." Veronica stated, breaking the silence, JD smilled, " Trust me,after that, I'm not letting you leave my sight." Veronica pressed her soft lips on his, "we'll be okay. Maybe after schools done we can leave ohio, maybe even the country." JD paused. "What about college?" He knew that Veronica always wanted to collage and maybe even become a lawyer.
      "Umm" Veronica began, "Wherever we go will find somewhere to go." Veronicas face lit up with excitement, making JD smile, "What about we apply to study abroad in the UK?" Veronica asked. JD thought about the idea, "well.. we will have a baby so I'll take a year off to stay home and you can go to college?" Veronica squealed in approval, "I know a nice place we can apply to and we can get an apartment somewhere close too. I have a bunch of savings in the bank."
    "Well then it's settled." JD laid down and pulled Veronica with him "Well then, it's settled." Said JD jokingly, "will move to the UK and escape my crazy ass Father's gang." Veronica laughed, "if we're not dead by June!" We

Ahh sorry this took so long! Hope you enjoyed!!

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