Parting ways

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I'm sorry in advance.
Also, it's 1:30 in the morning and this idea just came to me. Enjoy.. I guess?

"JD?" Veronica slammed the morning newspaper onto The counter. Jenna was working the diner floor and the kids were playing kickball behind the building. Giving Veronica and JD some much needed alone time. "Jason!" JD sipped his coffee, staring off into the clouds out the window, that or he was desperately trying to ignore her. Veronica still had her Pajamas on and her dark brown hair in the same ponytail from last night. "Jason Fucking Dean I'm talking to you!"
   "And what the fuck do you want to talk about Veronica?" JD practically yelled, nearly flipping the table over as he stood up. He never spoke to her like this, every since the twins had been born, Veronica could count on one hand the amount of times the two of them fought. And even then, JD has ALWAYS kept his cool with her, in fear that Jazmine or even Ellie would inherit his not-so-far-away temper.
  "How about your little 'self defense' act you pulled with the cops?" Veronica said, pouting her lips and making quotation marks with her fingers to amplify her sarcasm.
  "You're reading it, it was self defense. That's it, jeez Ronnie your mood swings are starting already." JD shrugged, taking another sip of his coffee and returning his gaze to the clouds.
   "Right. Because it totally doesn't make sense that you of all people would kill two people." Veronica's blood was boiling, she really thought he changed. She raised their daughter with him, thinking it was what was best. But because of him all her belongings are nothing but ashes, her dreams of going to college are crushed and she's spent nearly six years running from people she doesn't have anything to do with.
  "You know what Jason? I really thought you changed. I really thought you could be a father without being a murderer on the side. I gave everything up to be with you. I haven't seen my parents, or any of my family for that matter in months because I had to run from your family's mess. But you know what JD? Maybe if I had just left your sorry ass MY son wouldn't be flinching when people go near him and afraid of everything maybe MY children would live a normal fucking life!"
   " So If your life is so horrible, then go." JD yelled back, purposely dropping his coffee mug on the floor and almost smiling as it shattered on the checkered floor. His eyes were on fire though, a fire that had reignited itself from years before. "I've given you EVERYTHING you would be nothing without me! You wouldn't have OUR kids. You would be no one!" He paused for a minute and stepped closer to her," Hell, Veronica do you know how much I love you and our babies? More than anything. That man hurt our son, that son of a birch deserved to die."
   "JD you promised you would stop! We can't raise three kids like this! I won't raise our kids like this. I should've turned you in all those years ago." Veronica's voice grew louder with every word, and tears began to stream down her face. " being a single mother would have been so much better than this! Our son doesn't even know who we are Jason! And that's because of you!"
   "GO AHEAD! You turn me in Veronica and they'll take you two! And then what happens, huh? They throw ours kids into the system, you give birth in prison rot in their until you die? Face it, you're stuck with me and that's it!" JD grabbed Veronica by her shoulders and slammed her against the wall, gritting his teeth as he yelled at her. "Do you think I asked for any of this to happen? Do you think I wanted to still be here stuck with raising two kids in a two bedroom apartment at 23? God. I should've killed you when I had the chance."
  "What did you just say?" Veronica was shocked did he really plan to kill her at one point? That was the final straw. What makes her believe he wouldn't try to kill her in her sleep or god forbid the twins or even Ellie. She had a baby on the way and three children to think about, even if it meant leaving who she thought was the love of her life to keep her children safe, then so be it.
  JD continued with a psychopathic smirk twisting his lips. "I think it was the day you broke up with me, I had planned The Whole  thing. But then figured, hey why not take the whole school down in one shot right? But then you saved me and part of me loved you too much to let you die at that moment. There was other times I thought about it too, when you told me you were pregnant, a few nights after you gave birth, hell I even took out one of the kitchen knives last night, but Jaz woke up before I could do anything. The only thing that's really kept you alive is, well come to think of it..." JD paused  and brought his mouth inches from her ear, " I can't get your handwriting right."
  Veronica could feel JD falling back into his old ways more and more each second, and each time her heart was crushed. If only she had gotten out when she was young. But she loved  him, and she thought he loved her. " So for six years you've, what? Just been pretending to love me? And our daughter?" Veronica struggled to keep her voice from cracking, in an effort to not let him win. But he was pushing more of his weight into her with each passing second, pinning her hands to the wall so she couldn't defend herself or her unborn child.
    "Oh no, trust me Veronica I love you and our Daughter, but I killed my father, and believe it or not I loved him too. Sometimes you can't always have what you love." JDs voice became deeper and more menacing.
  "That's it, Jason." Veronica finally gained the strength to push him off of her, wrapping and arm around her stomach in case he got any ideas. She had to do this for her children. " Here's what's going to happen, I'm gonna leave with the kids. I'll go back to Ohio, and I want you to never try and talk to me or my kids ever again. I want you to leave here and find something else to do with your sorry ass life. And even in ten or maybe twenty years from now when MY kids are grown up, you are to never speak to them. Do I make myself clear?"
   JD crashes his lips against hers, distracting her while he gripped a dirty knife from the kitchen sink. He carefully slithered it near her stomach and braced himself to lodge it deep into her intestines.
  Thankfully, Veronica was one step ahead of him and slammed him to the floor. His head bounced off the hard tile and knocked him out for hopefully enough time for her to get the hell out of there. Loud and fast paced steps came from the steps, and Veronica prayed it wasn't anyone of the kids. Thankfully, It was Jenna and two men Veronica had been introduced to, but didn't quite remember their names.
  "What the hell happened?" Jenna asked frightfully, noticing the knife in JDs hand. Veronica finally let herself cry as she opened up for the first time to someone about her past while the two men (who she now remembered to be Ogie and Cal), carries JD away to be "dumped far enough away he won't come back when he wakes up" as they said it.
"Please don't turn me in." Veronica begged, knowing she had to trust Jenna, a woman she barely knew, to keep her secret.
  "Veronica, in my eyes none of this is your fault. You were the victim of his crazy shenanigans and now you have to do what's best for your kids. I'll tell you what, I'm gonna give you enough to get you and your family one way anywhere you would like, after that just promise we'll keep in touch and that you protect those babies with your life." Veronica nodded and gave the older woman a hug. " Oh and I saw the test you took earlier, there's some old baby toys of Lulus next to your suitcase, take whatever you want.
    Almost an hour and a half later Veronica has packed all her and her now shortened family had left. Poor Clyde didn't even have any clothes. Her mother would surely take both children shopping, neither of them really know who she is. And Ellie would be so happy to see her mother again, although Veronica felt horrible for ripping her away from Lulu, they had made such a great connection.
   " But Ronnie, why can't we stay?" Ellie asked, after parting from a last hug from Lulu. The two had promised to write to each other and both Jenna and Veronica agreed to letting the girls visit after a little time for this to blow over.
  "Ellie I told you why. I'm sorry, I really wish it was different." The two spoke while getting the twins into their car seats of the taxi. She couldn't imagine what it was like for her to learn her big brother was a psychopath this whole time. Jazmin didn't fully understand what was happening, the poor girl couldn't stop crying for her Daddy, and didn't understand what Veronica meant when she tried to explain to her daughter that her daddy was a very bad man. And poor Clyde had so many things thrown at him in the span of a few days, he didn't even speak. Veronica was scared and confused too, her world came crashing down all in one morning. And to think just a few nights ago her and JD were talking about weddings...

The Edge of Forgiveness        Heather's (musical) JD x Veronica - If JD livedWhere stories live. Discover now