Some are better off alone

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She'd always had a respect for single Mothers growing up, Martha's Mother was a single mother, and Veronica remembered being amazed at how well Ms.Dunstock made things work despite it just being her and her daughter. Now a single Mother herself, Veronica understood it wasn't as easy as it looked when she was a Child.
  After leaving JD, Veronica took her now shortened family back to Ohio, Where Heather Duke and her Fiancee, Alexander, were kind enough to let her and the twins live in her completely finished basement. Ellie, moved back in with Janis, she would have offered to take her and the kids in too, especially after hearing about what happened with her son, but she simply didn't have the room.
   It was the end of January now, Clyde was starting to act like a normal boy, him and James, (Dukes son) were best friends and played every single day from morning to night. Veronica was worried about her daughter mostly, she'd been ripped away from her father, who she was so close with, moved away from the only home she ever knew, lost all her belongings in a fire, found out she had a long lost twin, and was about to get another new sibling in a few weeks. It was all too much for her in such little time.

"Mommy?" Jasmine looked up from her homework at her mother who was cooking dinner.

"Yeah, Baby?"

"When the baby comes, is Daddy gonna come back?" Veronica sighed, struggling to form the right response in her head."I miss Daddy." Her and JD splitting up hadn't affected Clyde as much, he barley knew him. Jazmine though, always asked when he was coming back for them.

"Honey, I wish he could. But, Daddy did a very bad thing and we have to stay away from him, okay?" Her daughter nodded and she whipped a tear from falling down her cheek to make sure Jazmine didn't see her cry. Jazzy was very protective of her Mother, and so was Clyde. They both got that trait from JD, no doubt. "Why don't you go play with your brother and James? Aunt Heather's coming home soon so i'll call you down for dinner when she does." Jazmine nodded, and disappeared into the livingroom.
   It was truly amazing to see how much Heather Duke changed since High School. After the birth of her son, she went on to compete collage, where she met her Fiancee who was graduating law school that semester. Alexander took on James as his own and Heather graduated and became Westerbergs new Guidance counselor after Ms.Fleming retired. Her personality changed drastically too, the old Heather would have at least asked for a favor or something for letting her stay in her home with two kids, but nope. Heather let her stay there for completely free. It did have its downside though. Every now and then, Veronica could see Ram following his son around the house, James could see him too, which made her feel a little better, only a little. But other than that, Veronica could say she was living a somewhat normal life.
  About two weeks later, Veronica had a 37 week check up appointment she went to alone. The baby was healthy and this time she made them check, there was definitely only one this time Due to her paranoia from last time she gave birth, Veronica decided it was best to give birth at home, where she could keep an eye on her baby at all times. Anytime she had to go to a doctors appointment, she'd sit at the park afterwards and have a sandwich for lunch, it was something that kept her sane after all the stress she endured over the past few months. Some days she laughed, some days she cried, and other days she just sat there in silence, with her hand following her baby's movements. Today was a crying day. Veronica was still trying her best to get over JD, he tried to kill her, why was it so hard to just move on from him?
  "You know you're never going to know your Dad, huh?" She asked her stomach while the baby did somersaults inside of her. "Somedays I wish I never met him, thinking it would be easier."She admitted out loud crying a little harder, "But then I think if I never met him, I wouldn't have you and your Brother and Sister. Part of me still loves him, even though I hate him so much."
"Well thats not very nice, Ronnie." A familiar, yet haunting voice spoke out of no where. "You're going to fill the poor kids head with all sorts of evil before it's even born."

   Veronica turned around with tears still falling to see no other than Jason Dean standing behind the bench she was sitting at. Being February, he had a  black Jacket on with black pants and boots to match. He was clean shaved, obviously had a fresh hair cut, and held a single pink rose in his hand.

"I missed you, babe."



"No!" Veronica took a step back, keeping her arm protectively over her stomach, "No! You don't get to just waltz back into our lives after the shit you pulled!"

"They're my kids too, Veronica!" Surprisingly, Jason wasn't yelling, he actually sounded like he cared, but she still wouldn't let him get to her.

"No, you lost that title when you tried to KILL me. How am I supposed to know you won't try that again? And maybe this time succeed? Who will it be JD? Me? Jasmine? Clyde? The Baby?Or maybe you'll go for all four of us?" Veronica kept her grip around her stomach in both pain and for protection. She'd been suffering from false labor for the past few days, it wasn't anything serious, just stress induced, so this wasn't helping. "I won't let you hurt them!"

"Veronica I couldn't live with myself if I killed any of you!" JD grabbed her face, with no aggression at all, just seemingly pure love, but she still pulled away harshly. "Hell, I almost killed myself a few months ago when I couldn't find you anywhere. I left my meds at home, that's why I had an outbreak. Please, I understand if you don't want me to see the kids, but I need you Ronnie." He was crying now too, "I love you."
  They kissed, and for a moment, it felt amazing, but Veronica broke the kiss, throwing JD's hand off her stomach where he placed it. He sighed as Veronica left him behind and started towards her car.

"You know where to find me if you change your mind, I love you." He said, not expecting to hear it back even though he knew she loved him too.

Should the baby be a boy or a girl because I honestly don't know. Also! Hamilton story coming soon!

The Edge of Forgiveness        Heather's (musical) JD x Veronica - If JD livedWhere stories live. Discover now