A life with me

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After being in the hospital for almost a month, you would think JD would be excited to leave. For some reason, he wasn't. Maybe, it was because he wasn't ready to leave the people who gave him a second chance. But, he was to come back each saturday for the next four months, so that wasn't it. Maybe, it was because the hospital walls protected Veronica and him and now he would always be paranoid for her safety.. That was part of it. But, maybe it was that he would be leaving without fixing his argument with his Mother, after grieving her for years. That was definitely it.
    "Mom?" JD asked as his mother passed his room, he had been up gathering his things while Veronica slept in his bed. "Yes?" Janis huffed. "Listen, Mom, I-I'm really sorry." JD held out his arms for a hug and the Mother and son hugged. "I know baby."
   "Momma!" Groaned a tired voice. Ellie stood at her mother's feet rubbing her eyes as if she had just woken up. It was seven in the morning after all. JD grinned at his little sister and she seemed to perk up when she saw him. "JD!" She hugged his legs and JD picked her up with his good arm. " I missed you, kid!" The new found siblings were excited to see each other since Ellie hadn't been in the hospital with Janis between having the flu and staying at their neighbors house. "Momma says you're going home today!" The little girls face turned sad. "Ellie?" Janis chimed in, before JD could answer his sister. "Me and your Brother need to talk, okay?" Ellie sighed as JD placed her back on the floor and skipped over to Alison, one of the front desk workers who always had candy to give her.
      Mother and Son brought their attention back to one another. "Have you figured out what you and Veronica are going to do?" Janis's expression turned serious. JD pushed back a few curls blocking his eyes and made sure no one was watching them. "We're going to move to the UK. Ronnie's gonna go to college somewhere after the kids born and hopefully one day will come back." JD spoke softly, playing with the short sleeve of his gray shirt. "I need you to take your sister, I already spoke to Veronica's parents. Ellie will take the guest room and you'll share a room with Ronnie. Then, I need you to take her with you, it's not safe for either of you here." Reluctantly, JD nodded. Now he would have to raise his baby, and his sister. Janis handed him a piece of paper. Ellie's birth certificate.
    "JD?" Veronica called from the now empty hospital room. Janis waved her son away and took Ellie into the nurses breakroom. "What is it Ronnie?" He followed the sound of her voice, to find her sitting on the windowsill. "Whats wrong?" she shuttered, he could read right through her. "I have to tell my parents today." she pause just enough for JD to wrap his arm around her shoulders. "They all ready know about the pill recall."
    "Hey?" JD sighed, "Its gonna be okay!" The two giggled, "Oh, by the way..." JD held his breath,  "My mom wants us to take Ellie with us." Veronica smiled, "You're not mad?" JD asked, "Why would I be mad?" Veronica hopped off the windowsill. "She's a doll! And I think it'll be great for our kid to have their Aunt to play with!" Veronica shook her head a bit, some of the words still felt weird to say.
   "JD!" A small voice called, the two teens smiled at each other, " Jeez kid are your ears ringing?" JD called as Ellie ran into the room. Confused she raised a hand to her ears, "No? Why would they be ringing?" JD bursted into laughter followed by Veronica. They laughed so hard they couldn't breath. JD smiled to himself through the laughs, this is how life is supposed to be.
   "I really hate to break this up." Said a voice, "But we have to go, kids." Its was Veronicas mother. Shit. "Mom." JD hated the sound of Veronicas voice cracking, "I have to tell you something.." Mrs.Sawyer sighed, "I already know. About the baby, the college, taking Ellie, I know." Veronica sighed in relief, "And you're not mad?" Her mother shook her head, not at you, it wasn't your fault. Now, come on lets go."
       A few months later, Westerburg was getting ready for the class of 1999s graduation.  Much to Veronica's surprise, her and Duke weren't the only ones who spent most of the school year pregnant. The only downside was every girl was having Ram or Kurts baby, and every guy claimed to be the one to get Duke pregnant. A few people tried to claim that they had gotten Veronica pregnant, but that was shut down faster than it started.
    The rumors about Duke had gotten so bad, she left school a month early, only to have her Son, James a few days later. JD hated that Veronica dragged him to see Heather Duke, of all people, but damn that kid was cute. It made everything feel so real, and so scary. Ellie on the other hand, was more excited than ever for the baby to come, and even more excited to "See the castles" in London.

   "JD?" Veronica called from their room, desperately trying to put on her cap and gown. He stepped into the room and helped her without her even asking. She placed a hand on her now oversized stomach.

"Baby's been kicking again?"  

    "Can you belive we're graduating?" JD wrapped his arms around her from behind, placing his hands over hers. "It always seemed so far away when I though about when I was younger." Veronica turned around and smashed her lips against his, which lasted for a long time, until they decided to just sit there in each others arms. JD's eyes danced over to Veronicas prom dress that still hung on her closet. That night was perfect. He never planed on going to prom in his entire life, but she, as usual, made everything so much fun. To be fair they were only there for about an hour or two, until they ditched to hang out at seven eleven, but while they were there they had more fun than either of them could have imagined.
    Before they knew it, the two teens where sitting on the bleachers, somewhere they hadn't sat in months. Then, with diplomas in hand it was official, they were free. Then came the goodbyes, Veronica and Heather Mac. hugged for a while. Mac was going to Remington for teaching, but promised to visit as soon as she could. "Goodbye Heather," Veronica sniffed, getting into the car filled with her parents, JD and Ellie.

     "Everythings in the back." JD stated, "And my moms meeting us at the airport." Veronica responded with a nod. "JD are we ever going to see Mommy again?" JD and      Veronica glanced at each other, "Of course!" They both answered in perfect unison. "We're here!" Mr.Sawyer announced in a sing-song tone.  
    Waiting outside was Janis, holding out her arms. She kissed JD's forehead, "Goodbye,baby." He nodded, not able to find the right words. It felt like he'd just found her again. "Goodbye, My sweet Ellie dear."

"Goodbye, Mama."

After Veronica had finished her goodbyes with her parents, Janis turned to her and pulled her into a hug, "Thank you for everything." With that, the three disappeared into the crowds of the Airport, slowly enjoying the sensation of relief. 

IM BAAAAACKKKK I hope you guys enjoyed this short chapter! More will definitely be coming this week! Ps I still can't think of chapter titles for the life of me!!

The Edge of Forgiveness        Heather's (musical) JD x Veronica - If JD livedWhere stories live. Discover now