His Voice

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   "Veronica?" I worried, shaking her to wake up. When she had came into the room, she looked a little out of it, at first I thought she was just a little tired, then out of nowhere, she fell on top of me. "We need a nurse in here!" Dr.Smith called "Bring some water!"  I propped Veronica on the bed and tried shaking her again.  She was pale and cold. A nurse came in with a small pink pitcher of water and some cups.
     "What happened?" The nurse asked, "I don't know! I replied, noticing my hands were shaking. "She kinda just fainted!" I started to breathe heavier and heavier, I had never been so worried about someone in my entire life! "Sweetheart?" The nurse said trying to get Veronica to wake up. She no longer looked peaceful, she looked tired and overwhelmed. She opened her eyes and sat up a bit. "What?" She groaned, her eyes half closed. "Veronica?" My voice cracked. "I'm fine." She smiled, and as much as loved that smile, she was definitely not fine. She sounded intoxicated and delusional.
   "When was the last time you ate something?" The nurse asked her, " five am yesterday" she murmured, dazed. The nurse handed her a cup of water and a few crackers Veronica took them and began to nibble on them. She was still sitting on my knees and still had a dazed look on her face. I don't even think she knew I was there. Her almost white skin began to get it's color back and she seemed to perk up a bit "Veronica?" I asked rubbing my hand on her arm  in an up and down motion. She opened her closed eyes "What happened?"   
    "She must have gotten dehydrated" the nurse replied, I completely forgot she was there. "Give her a few minutes and she'll be fine. Just call if you need anything. " I nodded, my heart slowed and my hands stopped shaking. I turned my attention back to Veronica, she let out a few groans as the nurse left, seeming to be coming back to her senses. I took note of the ugly hospital gown I was put in, instead of my normal black pants, brown shirt and trench coat. That word... "normal." Will I ever be normal? Well... no.. I can't erase the past, but I can make my future. At least that's what Dr.Smith told me.
    "JD?"  I heard the girl say, I broke my downward stare and looked into her eyes, and noticing the blood filled bandage that covered her gash from when I threw her to the ground in the boiler room. A rush of guilt fled over me and I could feel my body losing control. No no no no NO! I could feel my heart racing and could barely catch a breath. The sound of monitor, monitoring my heart rate was beeping non stop. I did this to her! A million different thoughts of guilt and thoughts I don't want to speak of fled through my head. Then the voice of my very own father entered my head. She deserved it! It played. My own father fucked me up so bad it was his voice that made me think and do horrible things, and I knew damn well they were wrong, but I was too weak to fight back.
    The beeping noises became echoes and the sight of Veronica's eyes seemed to be getting farther and farther away. My limbs became numb even though I was still moving them. Shit! It was happening again. My father's voice controlled me, like he always did in my head and in reality. One of the male nurses that came into the room pulled Veronica off me. A sudden rush of anger engulfed my body more. I heard myself screaming out curses and trying to punch the man that touched Veronica. He didn't hurt her I knew that. But I wasn't controlling myself, it was like my eyes were just a window I was looking out of. I felt just as hopeless as I did when I watched my mother blow up in that building all those years ago. I felt a soft and comforting hand grab mine, It was Veronica. I caught a glimpse of her tear stained face and everything stopped. The demon released its possessive hold on me and I regained control. I noticed the male Nurse had a black eye and blood dripping from his nose. I didn't even feel it. Normally, my melicious episodes were calm, like when I killed Heather and Kurt and Ram, but ever since the ambulance incident, they've been more uncontrollable than ever.
   Finally, my vision came back fully, and I no longer felt like I was hopelessly looking out a window. The sound of Veronica sobbing in the chair next to my bed shattered me into a million pieces. "JD,Why?" Was all she could get out  through her sobs. "It felt like I was being possessed or something." I admitted, "The voice of my dad comes into my head and makes me think and do horrible things. And ever since the ambulance incident, I can see what I'm doing I just have no control."
     Veronica leaned closer to me and Dr.Smith wrote something on the clipboard she had in hand. "You remember that?" My girlfriend asked, "what happened on the ambulance?" I assumed, my voice was cracking and groggy. " I remember everything. I just couldn't control myself until you grabbed my hand."

Hey guys!! Hope you enjoy this chapter, I know it's short but I like it a lot!! I've been super busy as I only had time to write for like 10 mins a day! Next chapter should take less time to write!! Enjoy 😉

The Edge of Forgiveness        Heather's (musical) JD x Veronica - If JD livedWhere stories live. Discover now