Insanity always comes back.

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Ellie watched her brother and Veronica embrace little Clyde, who flinched at first, before relaxing as Ellie nodded her head. JD glanced up at her and motioned for her to join another sibling hug. "Where were you? We searched everywhere?" Ellie tensed, not wanting to remember her time in that horrible place.
"This warehouse off the highway, we have to go back, there are more kids that are stuck there!" Lulu said from behind. Ellie took a breathe, "It's bad, really bad." JD shot his eyes toward her arm. "JD, do we have an Uncle John?"

"Did you just say, Uncle John?" JD's body tensed and Veronica, still holding Clyde close, cursed under her breath.

"Sir, we're taking a few officers to the suspected location, would you like to come?" An officer placed a hand and JD's already tense shoulder. "Just in case we need you to confirm any suspects for us." He nodded, turning away before Veronica gave him that look. She knew exactly what he was going to do, or at least try to.
  "Can you take Lulu and Lizzy?" Jenna asked Veronica fumbling for her keys with shaking hands, '' Take them all back and get them to sleep. I called Dawn, she's got Jasmine sleepin' already in the apartment."
     "Jenna I don't think it's a good idea-"
    "Jason, wait right there!" JD's ears perked, hearing the desperation highlighted through Jenna's southern accent. He ignored her, following the officers into a police car that sped off without her.

  The car window became spotted with raindrops as dark thoughts that JD thought he'd gotten rid of, slowly crept back in while he mentally decided on what was next. He hadn't even realized he had made it out of the car and into a large empty room with nothing except boxes and a staircase. That's when it all made sense, he'd been here before.

   Veronica slammed Jenna's car door closed causing Clyde and Lizzy to flinch. With tears in their eyes both women looked at each other with mutual pity, What had these kids been through?
A young officer pulled Veronica aside, Clyde followed her in fear that if he let go the worst would happen. "Is this your house?" He showed her a picture of, in fact, her house. Except instead of seeing its white siding and Jasmine's flower pots in the windows, she saw charred wood and white smoke that she could feel burn her face through the picture. Their house was burned to the ground.

"Yes. That- that's my house." She stopped herself before crying again, scooping Clyde in her arms and starting towards the pie shop. "My life is a shit show."
   Veronica took her son upstairs and laid him next to Jasmine onto her and JD's pull out mattress they'd used over the past week.
"Mamma is Uncle John gonna come back and take me away?" 
  "No, baby, you're safe here. And in the morning you can meet your sister okay?" Clyde innocently nodded and quickly drifted off into the safe space of his dream world. Careful not to wake either of her children, Veronica stepped into the bathroom to splash water in her face, the sounds of Lulu and Lizzy's voices made her smile, just a little. Until she remembered she was now homeless, her boyfriend is on the verge of murder again and her son barely knew who she was and tensed every time she touched him. Tears flowed from her eyes for what was probably the eightieth time in the past week.

"A little emotional, are we Veronica?" A sickly familiar voice Replaced her reflection in the mirror, a voice she should've gotten rid of years ago. Heather Fucking Chandler. "Are you hungry? How about some beef jerky? Or is it pickles you used to crave the first time?"

  "What? What first ti-" Veronica's eyes caught on the pregnancy test she took earlier. She didn't get a chance to look at the results before they got the call the girls had been found with two unknown children. JD and Veronica were trying to have another kid. But that was when they had a house and when JD wasn't ready to kill somebody. She missed her period this week and had a whole plan to take a pregnancy test in their hotel and tell JD in front of the castle if it came out positive. Well, it was positive, those two lines stared back at Veronica making her feel seventeen again, lost and scared for the future of her unborn child.


    The two officers left JD alone in the doorway, going off to search the area he assumed. He unveiled the pistol from his jeans pocket. Those cops were stupid enough to leave a gun sitting on the seat next to him. They're cops! How could they be so stupid? He almost laughed a little, the stupidity humored him. Carefully, JD tiptoed up the stairs, following voices from the nearby room. He picked his head in to see what looked like his uncle John from memory and familiar woman with straightened brown hair and a laugh that seems to ring a bell in his head.
   There was another man in the room too, he was unidentifiable, and the gag tied around his mouth made it obvious he was a hostage. But for what? JD wondered if he should just take the gun and shoot Uncle John in the head, Or maybe in the stomach and watch him die slowly. Another part of him cursed himself for willingly falling back into insanity. But this was OK, this was self-defense. He took his son, his sister and hurt them. This was fending for his family.
   He aimed his gun straight at uncle John's head but was met A gun aimed at his own. Uncle John had heard him before he made it to the doorway but took this opportunity to see what JD would do. The resemblance between uncle John and Big Bud Dean made JD want to kill him even more.
  "Look at you! You grew up Jason." His sarcastic laugh hit like bricks and JD gripped the gun harder.
  "Don't move!" JD yelled, his voice cracking ever so slightly. " I'll call the cops from downstairs. They'll come up here and send your ass straight to jail! " both men still had their guns aimed towards each other, ready to kill the other if need be.
   "Now Jason, how will that work out for you?" Uncle John stood up from his chair, while the Unknown woman next to him stayed with the hostage.
  " Should I tell them how you killed three teenagers, innocent teenagers mind you, back in high school? Or do I tell them you killed your father in prison and blamed it on another inmate? Should I tell them that you and your girlfriend killed those three people together? You both go to jail, you're sweet little children will get taken away from you, you'll likely never see them again. And they'll grow up their whole lives knowing their father and mother are nothing murderers. Is that what you want?"
  "You'll be dead before you have the chance to say anything! "JD took another step and pressed the gun into uncle John's forehead. "I'll kill you before you take me away from them!"

  " Jason! I'm disappointed in you. "The woman said, her back still turned to the two men." After all that time I spent with you, I thought you were over this whole killing thing. "The mysterious woman turns around, and JD  almost dropped the gun when he saw her face.
"Dr.Smith?" The burning feeling of betrayal was enough to drive him to do he'd been internally contemplating over the past few minutes. He knew this was wrong, Veronica will hate him for it, and if he got caught his daughter would have to grow up knowing her Daddy was a murderer and that she doesn't have a dad to look up to Or to walk her down the aisle when she got married. His son, that he just reunited with, wouldn't have anybody to teach him how to be a man, something to JD he was looking forward to since his dad never did it for him. But if he didn't do this, they would live in fear their whole life. And they didn't deserve that whether it was with or without him.
  Two shots rang out. And two bodies laid on the floor pools of blood pouring from their heads.

I did it! I finally wrote! I'm a bit rusty so this might be bad but what do you guys think?

The Edge of Forgiveness        Heather's (musical) JD x Veronica - If JD livedWhere stories live. Discover now