Chapter 4

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"Lunchtime!", Eunbi mentally celebrated as they walked their way to the cafeteria.

         While they're walking, Eunbi remembered that she left her stuff at the classroom. "Hey Minju, I will just grab some stuff I left at the classroom... You can go ahead, I'll just follow..", Eunbi said to Minju. "Oh, okay unnie... See you at the cafeteria!", Minju responded. "Yeah, See you!", Eunbi said as she waved to Minju while walking away opposite to the direction of the cafeteria.


        "Where are they?", Wonyoung mumbled as she looked aroung the cafeteria looking for their new found friends.

         Looking through various students at the cafeteria, she finally caught a glimpse of the two Japanese. "Oh, Nako-unnie, Tomi-unnie!", Wonyoung exclaimed while waving at the two, not minding the glances that people gave her. Wonyoung immediately skipped her way to the two, with Yujin who is silently following her.

         "Hey guys, let's get some food first...", Nako said as Wonyoung and Yujin approached them. "How about Yujin and I will go get the food while you two wait for Minju and Eunbi-unnie", Hitomi suggested which earned a nod from the three.

        With that, Hitomi and Yujin went together to get their food while Wonyoung and Nako waited for the others.


         After Yena heard the bell ring, she immediately went out of the room. She was very hungry that she hears her stomach grumbling. She remembered that she didn't get to have a proper breakfast and only got a pack of crackers to munch on while commuting.

        Yena waltzed through the hallways, bowing every once in a while to students she passes by. While she steps closer and closer to the cafeteria, the scene from earlier that day came running through her mind again.

         "Oh gosh...that freaking... My god self why you gotta embarrass yourself like that to your crush!", Yena scolded herself mentally again. She tries to get her mind off of it by focusing on getting to the cafeteria.

        Her thoughts were cut short when she felt an arm around her shoulder. "Hey Yena! What's bothering you? You didn't even notice me calling for you.", her clubmate and friend, Lee Chaeyeon, said with a bright smile on her face.

        "Ugh... Don't even get me started... This morning-", Yena stated. And so Yena began to ramble on the happenings from this morning, from being late due to oversleeping to embarrassing herself in front of her crush. Once Yena finished her long rambling, Chaeyeon let out a heartful laugh that she been holding in since Yena started quacking her concerns.

        "HAHAHAHAHAHA", Chaeyon laughed while tilting her back. Yena laughed along, Chaeyeon's laugh is just hilarious for her to just keep a stoic face. "But to be honest, it's not even that bad... Maybe you just manifested it and you would really see her later... That would be called 'Destiny'!", Chaeyeon said, grinning and doing some exaggerated gestures as if teasing her friend.

        Despite Chaeyeon's funny way of conforting her friend, Yena admits that she did feel a little better about it and maybe she did wish she would she Yuri again. "Hmm.. Maybe you're right...",Yena said with a smile slowly forming on her face. "Yeah... I'm always right...", Chaeyeon smugly said. "Let's hurry to theh cafeteria... I bet you're hungry... I heard your stomach earlier", Chaeyeon teased and ran away. "Yah! Come back here!", Yena quacked at her and chased her.


        Meanwhile back to Eunbi's side, Eunbi was walking along the hallway, steadily nearing the classroom. She was greeting some of the students she passes by, some returns it by bowing back and some just showed a polite smile at her.

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