Chapter 34

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"That's the daughter of my boss... Your friend here is the one I mentioned to you last time"

"Oh you mean the one you bumped into?", Eunbi whispered to her cousin. Jieun nodded repeatedly, shifting her gaze to Eunbi. "Ohh... So that's why when you told me about it I was reminded of her...", Eunbi said as she glaced at Hyewon before looking back at Jieun. "But she's the complete opposite of scary though, right?", Eunbi said, gesturing at Hyewon.

While the cousins are talking to each other Hyewon was awkwardly standing until she felt a tug on her sleeve. She turned to look at Areum who's gesturing her to come down. Hyewon obliged, lowering herself so her height matches the child.

"You know Mommy?", Areum curiously asked as she tilted her head. Hyewon nodded as an answer. "You're Mommy's friend too?", Areum followed up with another question. Hyewon stiffly nodded, not sure if 'friends' describe her relationship with Jieun well.

"Then can Areum be your friend too?", the little girl mumble, smiling widely at Hyewon. Hyewon nodded, retuning the smile. "Kwangbae and Areum are friends too!", Areum exclaimed and embraced the older, catching the older off guard.

Eunbi saw the two's interaction and can't help but chuckle to herself. "Areum seems to be excited to meet a new friend", she stated with a smile as she walked over to the two.

"Areum-ah, come here", Jieun called out to her child. Areum released her arms around Hyewon and went to her mother, holding her Jieun's hand. "You guys can go now... I'm sorry if I surprised you earlier, Ms. Kang", Jieun said as she bowed as an apology.

Hyewon bowed back with a smile and glanced at Eunbi, seeing that she's already looking back at her. Eunbi led the way to the door and before they can get out, the two heard footsteps coming towards them.

Areum ran over to them with a grin. "Bye bye Eunbi-unnie! Bye bye Kwangbae-unnie! Come back again!", Areum cheerfully said as she waved her hands. Eunbi chuckled at the little girl while giving back a small wave. Hyewon ruffled Areum's hair and waved her hand at her.

They walked out of the house and got to Hyewon's car parked at the side. Hyewon opened the door for Eunbi like she always do and got in. After checking if Eunbi already buckled her seatbelt, she drives off.

Sakura was cleaning up the dishes when she hears the doorbell ring. Having an idea on who it was, she stopped what she was doing and went out to open the gate. Chaeyeon greeted her with a bright smile on her face.

"Good mornin' Saku-chan!", Chaeyeon brightly said at the older. "Good morning", Sakura replied with a slight chuckle. "Come inside... I'll just finish washing the dishes and we'll get going", Sakura said as she gestured Chaeyeon to come in.


"Hmm... I'll probably should get going... See you tomorrow, Chaeyeon-ah", Sakura said as she stood up from the bench and dusted off her pants. She was about to walk away when Chaeyeon suddenly stood up herself and also dusted off her pants.

"Let me accompany you home", Chaeyeon muttered. Sakura acted like she's thinking about it for a second before shrugging at the latter. Sakura walked with Chaeyeon following along with her.

They walked along the pavement with the streetlights painting their pathway with yellowish hues. "Do you usually go out around this time, Saku-chan?", Chaeyeon suddenly asked, glancing over at the Japanese girl.

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