Chapter 24

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               Eunbi was about to go out to go to school when she remembered that she didn't have Hyewon's coat with her. She immediately rushed back to her bedroom and grabbed the coat sitting on her bed.

              She ran back out when she's sure she didn't leave anything else. Glancing at her wristwatch, she saw that she can still arrive on time with little excess time in her hands. She went on her way to the campus, carrying the coat with her.


               Eunbi arrived at the campus and was now walking to her room when she came across Chaeyeon, calling her name therefore catching the younger's attention.

              "Did you practice?", Eunbi asked the latter, seeing that she came from the direction of the dance club's practice room. "Yup! It's always better to warm my body up", Chaeyeon said, smiling brightly at the older, small beads of sweat running down her forhead and down her face.

                 "Warming up your body for what? As far as I can remember there's no events in the school for the next 2 months.", Eunbi said, as her brows furrowed.

                 "For nothing... I mean I dance and warm up for fun...", Chaeyeon explained with a slight shrug, unsure if she's even making sense. Eunbi chuckled in amusement at the response.

                    Remembering that she need to go to her room now, Eunbi abruptly said goodbye to Chaeyeon, waving her hand at the younger as she hurried her way to her room.

                  When she reached the room's door, she stopped for a moment, trying to stabilise her own breathing. She then opened the door, entering the classroom and bowing to some of her classmates.

                 She sees that Sanghoon was glaring at her and she glared back before going to the back rows, settling down in her seat. She looked at her side and noticed that Hyewon isn't there yet.

                "She's still not here...", Eunbi thought as she glanced at her wristwatch before fidgeting with the coat she's carrying with her.

                After a few minutes, Hyewon came in and quietly went straight to her usual seat which is by Eunbi's side. Eunbi lightly tapped her desk, catching the attention of the younger. Eunbi the reached her hand out, handing her the coat.

                   "Thank you for letting me borrow it..", Eunbi said with a small smile, causing Hyewon to smile back and nod timidly. The professor then came in a few minutes after and started her discussion.


                  Lunchtime came and as usual Hyewon and Eunbi went out together as they made their way to the cafeteria. They walked side by side, with Hyewon occasionally glancing down at their hands brushing at each other, silently wanting to hold the latter's.

                    The two then arrived with the cafeteria starting to get more filled with people. The two looked around, finding a vacant table for them. Hyewon sees a vacant table close to the back of the cafeteria, tapping Eunbi's shoulder causing the older to shift her attention to her, Hyewon pointed at the table's direction.

                   Eunbi saw it too and lead the way to it, squeezing through the hungry students. Seeing that they're far from reachingn the vacant table and it's hard squeezing through students, Eunbi hastily held Hyewon's hand and make her way around the swarm of people.

                  It took a little while for them to reach the table. When they reached the table, the two immediately sat down with Eunbi still holding Hyewon's hand. After a few minutes, the others came and glanced at the two's hands, Yena and Yujin were grinning when they saw it while the others have smirks forming on their lips.

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