Chapter 17

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Minju and Chaewon reached the driving/racing games, watching a little boy playing in the middle one between the three racing game machine.

Seeing that the kid was currently 2nd place with 1 last lap remaining, Chaewon walked closer to him, cheering him on. Minju looked at the two with a smile unknowingly forming on her lips. The kid smiled at the support from a stranger and started to speed up.

The kid's car managed to finish at 1st place after drifting and bumping the car in front a little destroying its balance causing it to turn uncontrollably and eventually slowing down a little, enough for the kid to go past it and take the 1st place.

Seeing the '1st place' display on the screen, Chaewon cheered, her hands clapping happily for the little boy. The boy turned around to face the stranger and smiled widely at her.

"Woah! Nice drive there kid!", Chaewon said, lowering herself to match the kid's height and smiling brightly at the kid. "Noona is pretty... What is your name noona?", the kid asked cutely, his dimple showing itself through his wide smile.

"You have a way with words, huh?", Chaewon said with a chuckle. "Noona's name is Chaewon... Kim Chaewon", Chaewon continued with a grin. "How about you, little kid? What's the name of the great driver that I just met?", Chaewon asked as she looked adoringly at the kid.

"My name is Kim Taekwon, Chaewon-noona", Taekwon said with a bright smile. "Oh so you're a Kim too, huh? Nice to meet you Taekwon-ah", Chaewon said as she ruffled the boy's hair.

Chaewon then turned to look at Minju who is already looking at her, meeting her eyes. "Minju-ah, come here...", Cheawon muttered as she gestured Minju to come closer, which the younger complied.

"This noona over here is Kim Minju... She's noona's friend", Chaewon introduced the younger to Taekwon. Minju lowering herself too to match Taekwon's height and reached out her hand for a handshake.

Taekwon held Minju's hand with both of his hands and shook it, a grin making its way to his face looking at Minju. "Even noona's friend is pretty", the boy muttered without thinking, mesmerized.

Minju chuckled at the comment of the little boy and stood up again. "Wanna play?", Chaewon asked Minju. Minju just nodded and sat on one of the machines, inserting money.

"I'll watch you first before I play myself", Chaewon stated as she sat on the machine, turning her body a bit to face Minju. Chaewon noticed Taekwon looking at the screen of Minju's machine as she selects a stage.

"Do you want to spectate Minju-noona's game with me?", Chaewon asked the kid, making Taekwon look at her and nodded enthusiastically.

Chaewon gestured the boy to come over which the boy happily obliged. Chaewon lifts the boy up and made him sit on her lap, making Taekwon's view of the game much better.

As Minju played, the two chuckled at the way Minju played the racing game. "Minju-ah, I didn't know you're playing a different game... It seems to me that you're playing bumper cars", Chaewon teased with a laugh, just as she said that Minju's car bumped on the side of the race track again.

Minju blushed out of embarrassment and grabbed the steering wheel of the machine tighter. "Relax Minju-ah... Focus on where you're going...", Chaewon said as she reached out to pat Minju's shoulder, causing the younger to flinch a bit from her touch but later on relaxes.

"Go Minju-noona! You can do it, noona!", Taekwon cheered as he sees that Minju was slowly getting better and finally catching up to some of the cars, making her 2nd place currently.

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