Chapter 25

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A few days pass, Chaeyeon was going home late from school when she suddenly felt hungry. Seeing that there's a convenience store right around the corner, she decided to grab some food on the way. She enters the store, making a ringing noise from the door opening, making an entrance of a new customer known.

She looked around the aisles for a while, looking through the foods available. When she was loooking through the ramen aisle, the door rang again, another customer came in.

Not really feeling like eating ramen, she looked at the next aisle which is the kimbap and other rice meals are placed. She was about to grab a piece of the tuna-mayo flavored triangle kimbap when someone also does the same, causing chaeyeon to accidentally hold the person's hand.

"O-oh... Sor-Wait, Sakura-ssi?", Chaeyeon said as she looked at the person who also attempted to grab some triangle kimbap, slightly shocked to see a familiar face.

"Huh? Do I know you?", Sakura confusedly asked as she looked at the latter. Sakura didn't recognise Chaeyeon as the other times she saw the latter, the girl is always masked up and always had a cap on.

"Its Chaeyeon", Chaeyeon shortly siad with an amused chuckle. She saw how Sakura's eyes subtly widen a bit as she realised who she was and she had to say that the reaction was cute.

"Oh yeah, Chaeyeon-ssi... Sorry I didn't recognise you right away.. Its my first time actually seeing your face without the mask and the cap covering most of it", Sakura said. Chaeyeon only nodded, realising that she what said was indeed true.

"I see... So getting something to eat?", Chaeyeon asked as she looked at the kimbap displayed in front of them. "Yeah... Too lazy to cook dinner actually...", Sakura said with a grin as she grabbed the triangle kimbap the both of them are going through earlier.

"Honestly, same", Chaeyeon replied with a chuckle. She also grabbed a piece of the kimbap and looked around again, this time through the beverages. Sakura followed after grabbing a cup ramen, also scanning the drinks.

Chaeyeon grabbed a banana milk while Sakura grabbed some cola. The two went to the counter and paid for their food. Chaeyeon sat on one of the chairs on the store while Sakura went on the water dispenser to have some hot water for her cup ramen.

Chaeyeon took a bite of her kimbap and sipped through her banana milk. Sakura then came, with her cup noodles filled with hot water. "Can I sit here?", Sakura asked Chaeyeon as she motioned the chair beside her.

"Douzo (Go ahead)", Chaeyeon shortly replied, gesturing her to sit down. "D-Doumo (Thanks)", Sakura muttered before sitting down, flustured at Chaeyeon suddenly speaking her native language.

"Didn't know you can speak Japanese...", Sakura said as she took a bite of her kimbap. "Hmm... I kinda just picked it up...", Chaeyeon said with a shrug, munching on her kimbap.

"Eh? Picked it up? You used to live there?", Sakura curiously asked the latter. "No... We frequently go there for family vacations so its almost a second home for me...", Chaeyeon explained before sipping on her banana milk.

"Ah... I see...", Sakura said, a hint of sadness on her tone, which didn't get unnoticed by Chaeyeon who raised her brow at this tone on Sakura's voice. "Something's wrong?", Chaeyeon worriedly asked, seeing the shift in the latter's mood.

"No... Nothing...", Sakura said, faking a smile. Chaeyeon looked at her suspiciously, not believing the girl. "I'm just envious that you get to go there while I can't...", Sakura said, still keeping her smile.

"Oh, sorry... But why though?", Chaeyeon said as she looked up from her food to shift her gaze to Sakura who's looking at the view outside from the glass walls of the store. "It's kind of complicated...", Sakura trailed off as she shifted her gaze to Chaeyeon.

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