Chapter 31

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Yujin and Wonyoung were a few glasses and snacks in, the movie playing in the TV screen keeping them company. Yujin ushered Rosie to join them but the older politely refused, saying that she's not good with alcohols.

The two were absent-mindedly sipping on the soju bomb Wonyoung made - a certain skill she wouldn't want Eunbi to know as the latter would nag her about drinking if she heard about it - and eating some snacks they bought earlier.

That went on for a while before Wonyoung shifted her attention to the latter. She had been bothered by the older's behaviour these past weeks.

She wanted to ask the latter what's wrong but knowing Yujin, the older would just reassure her with a smile, saying that she's okay even though it's pretty obvious that she's not.

"Unnie...", Wonyoung softly called the older, receiving a hum from Yujin. "I know that there's something bothering you... You know that you can always tell me, right?", Wonyoung continued softly, afraid that she's stepping over Yujin's comfort zone.

She saw how the older sighed deeply before drinking the whole glass, her eyes gloomy, the usual glint in her eyes disappeared. She stared blankly at the TV screen.

"Uhm... What should I do, Wonyoung-ah?", Yujin uttered solemnly, her voice getting softer. Wonyoung just stared at the older, waiting for her to continue.

"I can't think straight anymore... I don't know what to do... I feel frustrated, confused, angry...", Yujin said as she gripped the empty glass harder. "What should I do, Wonnie?", Yujin questioned the latter with her voice wavering before looking at Wonyoung, meeting the younger's worried eyes.

"What-what is it, unnie? Hm? I'm here. Tell me", Wonyoung uttered, engulfing Yujin in an embrace. Yujin snuggled close as she hugged the younger back, sighing deeply.

"Wonyoung-ah... Dad... Dad... Dad is cheating... He's cheating on Mom, Wonyoung-ah...", Yujin shakily uttered against Wonyoung's shoulder. That utterance made Wonyoung freeze, she felt Yujin hugging her tighter she also feels a part of her shirt getting wet from Yujin's tears.

Wonyoung can hear Yujin sobbing against her ear, holding onto her as if her life depended on it. Wonyoung have never thought that Yujin's Dad would be someone that would cheat. She had know the older's Dad since she was a little kid and can tell that he was a lovely guy who genuinely loves his family.

She even sometimes wish for him to be his father instead. That's how much she looked up on Yujin's Dad. It was unimaginable for him to cheat on his lovely wife.

"Wai- wait unnie", Wonyoung said as she gently tapped the girls back, ushering her to break the hug. When she looked into Yujin's eyes, she canhear her heart crack a bit. Yujin's eyes were red from crying and there were streams of tears in her red cheeks.

"Your Dad? How? Did you see them?", Wonyoung rapidly asked the older. She was kinda getting tipsy already earlier but after hearing Yujin she suddenly felt like she sobered up.

"Dad... She was with another woman... I saw it weeks ago... They were having a date on a cafe... Dad's holding the woman's hand... The woman even kissed Dad", Yujin explained, letting her tears fall down.

"Are you sure it's uncle?", Wonyoung asked the older, silently hoping that Yujin just saw her Dad in someone else. "Wonyoung-ah... I'm sure of it", Yujin said firmly, she's drunk but she is still managed to sound firm about what she saw.

"I- I", Wonyoung stuttered out, not able to construct a word as she's still sinking the whole information in her head. "What should I do, Wonyoung-ah?", Yujin repeated what she asked earlier but this time her voice was shaking and more vulnerable.

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