Chapter 26

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             Wonyoung stirred in her sleep with the feeling of an arm around her waist. Still dazed, she gently open her eyes and was welcomed by the sight of Yujin peacefully sleeping, releasing some soft snores.

             Wonyoung shifted her gaze on Yujin's arm around her and blushed a bit at the thought of them cuddling to sleep. She slowly and carefully lifted the latter's arm and remove it from her waist before adjusting herself to have a much proper look at the latter's sleeping figure.

              Wonyoung's trailed her gaze from Yujin's closed eyes, noticing the latter's long lashes, cute nose, cheeks that she wanted to pinch so bad, before stopping at the latter's lips. Wonyoung's gaze remained at the girl's lips, thinking what would it be like to feel it against her's.

              "I wish I could just tell you how I feel without me being a coward about it...."

              Shaking her head at the thought, she booped Yujin's nose and got out the bed. She knew that Yujin is kind of a heavy sleeper so she went on her morning routine without waking the other up. She went downstairs, meeting Rosie who's preparing breakfast.

                "Auntie Rosie, Good morning", Wonyoung greeted her as she went towards the fridge to get some water. Rosie greeted her back with a smile before going back to cooking. "Oh right... Yujin-unnie came over last night and slept here so I was wondering if you could cook some food her too....", Wonyoung informed the older before drinking some water she poured into a glass.

              "I already know that she's here...", Rosie stated which made Wonyoung look at her with a confused face. "I noticed a pair of shoes by the door which don't belong to us so I just assumed that the puppy came over here", Rosie said, even pointing to the door of the house where Yujin's shoes is indeed placed.

              "I was surprised when I saw her last night...", Wonyoung trailed off as she looked at Rosie working her way around the kitchen. "Not surprised with her reason for coming though", she continued with a chuckle.

                 "She said that she got bored at her house and wanted to bother me for a little bit", Wonyoung answered when Rosie asked her what it was. "Totally something Ms. Yujin would do", Rosie remarked, her melodic laugh coming out of her mouth. "Sure does...", Wonyoung said as she nodded and laughed along with Rosie.

                 "So.... Would you tell her?", Rosie asked with her back facing Wonyoung, as she need to work on some of the bacon she's cooking. It took a few seconds for Wonyoung to get what Rosie meant.

               "Uhm... About that...", Wonyoung hesitates as she think about her answer. "I don't think I can... Its something that would make or break our relationship and it always scares me that the latter would happen...", Wonyoung said seriously, causing Rosie to plate the food and turned to her immediately after hearing her answer.

                   "Are you sure? From what I see between you two, that puppy sure looks interested in you too", Rosie said with a small smile. "I hope so... But for now, I would just like to enjoy what we have and maybe someday when I'm ready to risk it I will tell her how I feel....", Wonyoung stated as she looked at her bedroom door upstairs, a smile creeping in her lips.

                 Wonyoung decided to offer some help to Rosie in setting up the table, which the latter gladly accepted. Rosie then excused herself for a while as she has to answer a call. After a few minutes, Wonyoung suddenly felt a pair arms circling around her waist and a head resting on her shoulder, basically back hugging her, causing Wonyoung to freeze.

                 "Wonnie...", a raspy and fairly deep voice of Yujin passed through Wonyoung's ears. Wonyoung looked over her shoulder, her face as red as a tomato, and saw that Yujin barely even have her eyes open. "Good morning, Yujinnie", Wonyoung softly said to her, her face still red.

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