Chapter 7

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Karla POV

"Just don't hit me..don't," I wept into my hands. He would never understand how much he frightened me in that moment. I saw my childhood all over again.


Walking in the door from school, being the quiet kid I was, I went straight back to my room. I was the only one home because the bus had dropped me off early. I heard the sound of a door slamming and yelling of my name.

My step dad, Eddie, barged into my room, leaving the door wide open.

I saw something I often saw in his eyes, anger. And in turn in my eyes was exactly what he wanted, fear.

I knew where this was going.

He grabbed my left leg and dragged me roughly out to the kitchen. I tried my best to grab onto anything I could, bed posts, lamps, walls, doors, anything.

He beat me senseless. I remember laying on the cold, brown, tile floor. I was completely numb. I could not feel anything after the first couple blows. Then,he left me there. My unconscious body. I silently cried as he beat me so he wouldn't hear me.

If I were to make any noise he would make the beatings worse.

~End of flashback~

I remember going to bed every night afraid I would never see light again. That Eddie would become so drunk that night and beat me to death in my sleep. I cried myself to sleep every night as long as I lived with my step dad.

Eddie and his son would call me evil names, so hurtful to the point where I can still hear their words in my head. "Worthless, stupid, disgusting, ugly, retarded.

I will never forget those words. I heard them everyday, and Eddie's son persuaded people in my school to bully me by calling me those horrid and hurtful names.

Then, I ran away to America. I got on the first plane I could and left, thinking it would be for good.

When I was a sophomore in high school, I got a call from an Ireland phone number.

My mother and step dad were murdered by a bank robber. They were gone. Forever. I went back to Ireland to take care of my step brother, even though he had always been so cruel to me. Then, as soon as I was out of school, I went and tried out for the women's soccer team. Even though I made the team on the first try, my team mates shoved me aside and made me an outcast for years, until they finally learned to respect me.

So no wonder I was afraid of trusting him. No wonder I was frightened that someone like him would want to be close to me.

I'm way too good at pushing people away.

"Karla," the blonde spoke softly, leaning in close. "I will never hurt you."

I looked deeply into his blue orbs. Love. That's all I saw. He was not lying to me, he was being genuinely nice to me. Something I have never really had before in my life. I had always been outcast, pushed aside. But I wanted to the best for him. So I did something that surprised myself completely.

I smashed my lips into his.

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