Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Karla POV

As soon as we were back home in Ireland, Niall got a phone call. He was livid looking at his phone, his eyes growing dark again, as I had seen two times in the last week or so.

"What do you want?"

There was static through the phone, the person behind it obviously responding. The person on the other end sounded calm compared to Niall.

"Right now? Why am I just being told about it?" He was furious.

"Fine, let me leave again right after I came home. Sounds great. Goodbye Harry."

Harry? Why was he so angry at Harry? Harry is one of his best friends.

He slammed his phone down on the coffee table, making me wince. I remembered what had happened the last two times he had been angry. And that scared me.

I fiddled with the ring that now rested around my left ring finger, trying to calm myself down. I may seem tough on the outside, but when people are angry, I get terrified. I see Eddie all over again. And let me tell you, I cannot handle that again.

I went into the bedroom and pulled out my cellphone. I called the first person I always do when I am upset, Jenna. She picked up on the first ring and screamed.

"Karla! I've missed you so much! How did the trip go?"

"It went wonderful," I blushed, still fidgeting with the ring on my finger before adding, "I'm engaged, Jen."

There was a pause on her side of the line.

"I'll be over in a second. You at Niall's?" Her voice was suddenly hard.

"Yeah...but why-"

She hung up the phone.

She was there in a matter of minutes, banging on the door. As soon as I opened it, she was in my face. Subtle.

"Karla, you can't do this!"

"And why not?" I asked her, starting to get upset.

"He's going on tour tomorrow, Kar. He's leaving the country for a long time. Who knows if he's not going to find someone super gorgeous and cheat on you?"

"Are you saying I'm not? Why don't you trust Niall?"

"Look, believe me, I want to. But I just think you should be alone for a little while."

"No, Jenna. I appreciate your opinion, I really do, but I don't agree. If he does that, it's his problem. But, I love him. If you can't accept that, then don't let the door hit you on the way out."

"Fine, Karla. But you'll regret this."

An arm went beside me, slamming the door shut.

"I don't want you talking to her," he whispered angrily.

"She's my best friend, Nialler."

"She's not a very good friend."

"Whatever. Anyways, why were you angry at Harry?"

"He says I'm going on tour tomorrow. I have to leave tonight. I just don't want you here alone."

"I'll be alright. I can defend myself, you know."

"Trust me, I know, babe. I just don't like it," he whispered.

"I'll be fine. Just make me proud, alright? I'll help you pack."


We walked through the airport, hand in hand as the paps took pictures of us. I had so many questions about us being engaged, I couldn't help but laugh.

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