A Terrible Day For the Tommyinnit Community

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        Tommy wasn't sure how long it had taken him to get here, but he had ended up in the middle of a snow biome. Which... wasn't exactly ideal to say the least. But that was putting it nicely, in all truths... it absolutely fucking sucked. No matter which direction he went, it was just endless fields of snow. It wasn't snowing currently, but the white powder beneath his shoes and the natural temperature of the biome where enough to chill him to the bone. He sighed, looking around as frustration built up in his chest. That frustration only worsened as he tripped, his foot slipping into a hole that the snow had covered. 

      Tommy gasped sharply, his leg searing in pain when the snow came into contact with his skin. "Agh!-" He scrambled back, pulling his leg out of the snow, tears welled up in his eyes as the snow burned his hands. He stood up sharply, frantically trying to get out of the snow. Then, as if a switch had been flipped, whatever forced that had been keeping him planted on the ground lifted, leaving him floating a foot above the ground. What the?... Tommy furrowed his brows, how had he done that? He wasn't able to float before... Whatever, that didn't matter now, he needed to focus on righting himself, as he was floating horizontally above the ground. To anyone passing by, it would seem he was laying on some sort of invisible bed.

      He narrowed his eyes, focusing as he tried to float upright, it came to him surprisingly easy, his body simply simply floating upright as he thought of it. Oh. "That was easy..." He mumbled quietly. He tried floating forward, and like before, it came naturally to him, his body simply floating whichever way he wanted it to. Tommy grinned for the first time since he had woken up. He could fucking f l y. "This is literally so pog-" Tommy zoomed across the snow, grinning. "Take that snow! Can't touch me now bitch!" He said, flipping off the ground. Wait- what had the snow done to him earlier? It felt as if were burning him... Tommy paused, experimentally poking a finger into the snow, letting out a yelp and pulling it out as his finger seared with pain. His brows furrowed, his skin looked like it was melting, bits of his desaturated skin dripping off like water.

What the actual fuck?

    Does water melt him!? Tommy sighed, putting his hands up to his face. Today was no longer pog. In fact- this is a terrible day for the Tommyinnit community. He grumbled, the excitement of flying dying down as he realized he still had no idea about where the heck he is. "How am I gonna get outta here?..." He sighed, setting off once again into the tundra.


     Dream walked through the Nether, looking around with his mask to cover his bored expression. He had left Tommy alone for a few weeks, to teach him a lesson after destroying Logstedshire. Dream smirked, laughing softly as he thought of how exited the boy would be to see him, all because Dream had left him alone for a few days. It was too easy to figure that stupid kid out. Tommy couldn't stand being alone, it broke the boy to be without people who cared for him, and that was all Dream needed to have Tommy wrapped around his finger.

     Dream stepped out of the portal, immediately being met with the sharp scent of ash and gunpowder. "Hey Tommy! I'm back, I brought some apples too!" He said cheerily, feigning excitement as he walked past the blackened remains of Tommy's home. He paused when he didn't hear an exited response from Tommy. "Hey! Tommy, where are you?" He said, continuing in his steps. Still no response. "Tommy! Come on big man, I'm exited to see you!" Silence. Dream paused, his brows furrowing in frustration. "Tommy..." he said carefully, now searching for where the boy could be hiding. "It's rude to ignore your friends..."

Tommy remained silent.

     "Tommy! Wherever you are hiding, come out now." The only response he got was the soft sound of waves lapping against the beach. Dream growled, anger building up in his chest as he continued his search for the blonde. That's when he noticed the dirt pillar towering over Logstedshire's remains. When did that get built? It looked like shit, which wasn't a surprise honestly, Tommy has always sucked at building. But why had Tommy built it?

      Dream walked over to it, investigating the dirt pillar. It was tall, Dream couldn't see the top. Dream glanced at the ground, freezing as his eyes registered the things laying beneath his feet. Tommy's things were littered around the floor. Why would Tommy leave his things on the ground? Surely he would want to hold onto the few items he had left? Dream's eyed widened as he noticed a particular item scattered among Tommy's few possessions. It was the compass. The compass. Tommy's compass that he had clung to like a lifeline everywhere he went ever since he'd been exiled. Tommy never even let that compass out of his sight. So why the hell was it laying abandoned in the dirt? Dream carefully picked the compass up, noting the cracked glass and spots of blood that decorated the small item.

     Why would Tommy leave this behind. The blonde had made it clear that he wouldn't leave that compass till the day he died so-... Till the day he died... Dream's breath caught as he realized what might've happened. He looked up at the pillar, his eyes widening as he realized what it could be used for. No. No way. Tommy wouldn't do that. Dream pulled up the chat box, looking through all recent death messages. He knew Tommy wouldn't do that. Tommy would never. Dream was simply... checking the death messages to disprove that ridiculous possibility of course. He scrolled back to the day he destroyed Logstedshire. There wouldn't be anything there, as Tommy would simply never do anything like that. The blonde just wasn't like tha- Dream's breath hitched as his eyes landed on the death messages for that day.

<Tommyinnit fell from a high place>



"Holy shit..." Dream whispered.


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