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     Tommy floated wearily through the snow, anxiously eyeing the storm clouds drifting dangerously close. This was not good, Tommy had been stuck in the tundra biome for...he didn't know the exact time, but he had been here for far too much time. But since he had gotten here, he had been lucky enough to avoid any snowstorms in the biome, but with the dark clouds drifting nearer every second, Tommy feared that luck would soon run short. He let out a shaky breath and floated along faster. Shelter, he needed shelter, if a storm started, hiding under a tree would not be enough to protect him.

     "Come on, please..." Tommy mumbled, silently pleading for a place to hide from the inevitable blizzard he now knew was coming. He continued his search, frantically searching as the clouds were practically overhead at this point. To say the least, his search was futile, all he could find in each direction were a few tree's littered around the snowy desert. Shit. This is bad. Tommy froze, eyes widening as he felt a burning sensation on his arm. A snowflake.

Double shit. This is worse.

     Tommy looked up at the sky, grimacing as he saw the first few snowflakes start to fall from the sky. It wasn't much now, but Tommy knew it was only a matter of time before the storm worsened. There was still no place to hide in sight, Tommy figured he'd have to take what he had, and sat nervously down on a rock under one of the trees. Tommy pulled his knees up to his chest, hoping the storm wouldn't be too horrible.


     The universe seemingly decided to say 'Fuck you Tommy' , as the storm most definitely was too horrible. Tommy couldn't even see a foot ahead of him in the swirling white, the flakes danced through the air in a flurry, sticking to Tommy's skin and sending spikes of pain shooting through him each time they landed. He could hear bits of his translucent skin dripping off onto the ground, making his skin crawl each time his ears heard the quiet Drip...drip...drip...over the storms merciless winds. He whimpered quietly, tears building up in his eyes as the storm raged on, ignorant of the suffering it was causing the blonde. Please stop, please, stop, stop, stop. Everything hurt, Tommy couldn't focus on anything but the blinding pain that was shooting through him like an arrow as the snow surrounded him. The blonde struggled to stay conscious, desperately fighting the lure of sleep as he waited out the storm. More flakes landed on him, melting in time with his own skin. He shakily took in a deep breath, instantly regretting it as the burning pain shot into his lungs. He let out a sob, the pain from his tears blending into the snowflakes already flurrying around his face. He squeezed his eyes shut, coughing and fleetingly pleading for this to be over.

     Tommy trembled, suddenly wondering if sleep would be so bad...sure, unconscious he would be even more vulnerable, with no way to fight back against anything...but, if he could get away from this pain for just a moment...he let out another shaky sob, leaning against the tree as he gave into the dark pull of sleep.


     Tommy blearily opened his eyes, instantly noting the dull throb of pain that seemed to radiate through his entire body. Although, he noticed, greatly to his relief, that the snow had stopped falling. But in a very Pogn't fashion, the end of the storm had not helped to reside the pain it brought him. His ears were ringing and it was difficult to think, his mind still hazy from sleep. "Shit..." He whispered hoarsely. 

This. fucking. sucked

     Tommy gathered himself, preparing to stand up and find a way out of this stupid biome when he heard someone talking, their voice ringing loudly through the snowy tundra. Tommy froze, someone was here. Somebody is here. His eyes widened and he pressed closely against the tree. He couldn't remember shit, but his mind seemed to readily supply that people are bad. People meant danger. People meant you get hurt. So he hid as best he could with the little cover he had, trembling as he desperately tried not to be seen. He flinched as he heard the voice again. "Come on friend! We're almost to Techno's house! It wont be much longer now!" A voice said cheerily, Tommy noted anxiously that whoever spoke sounded like they were close. He heard the steps come nearer, the person was now humming an upbeat tune. Don't see me, Don't see me, Don't see me, Don't se- "Hey! What is that?..." Shit. "I...Oh my gosh, friend- I think that's a person!" Tommy froze, squeezing his eyes shut, and curling in on himself as light footsteps came nearer. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no ,no , no, no-



     "How-" Tommy looked up, his eyes widening as his eyes registered the person crouching next to them. They were wearing a yellow sweater and had curly brown hair, with a blue sheep trailing behind them. Ghostbur... Tommy startled as he realized he recognized them, the memory had simply slid into place, as if had always been there. His eyes widened, he could practically hear "Lads on tour!" "Look I've named them friend!" "Please, have some blue." Tommy narrowed his eyes, it felt like there were other people in those memories, but he couldn't remember them, his brain only allowing information of Ghostbur to return in the flood of memories he just regained. He sighed, well at least he had some memories back...

     "Tommy! Hi Tommy! What are you doing out here?" Ghostbur said happily, crouching down next to him. "I..." Tommy trailed off, what was he doing out here? All he really wanted was to get out of this snowy hell-hole honestly. "You look different...Tommy are...are you a ghost?" Ghostbur said, tilting his head to the side. Tommy sighed. "Uhm yep, I am..." He said quietly. There was a pause, Tommy wondered anxiously if he said the wrong thing. Then, "We're matching now!" Ghostbur said excitedly, holding up his translucent palm to hold Tommy's own. "I...yeah. We're matching Ghostbur." Tommy said, giving the other ghost a small smile. "But uhm...How did you...die?" Ghostbur said after a moment, his brows furrowed in confusion. "Oh. Well, I jumped." Tommy said simply, shrugging the question off.

     Ghostbur's smile fell. "You jumped?..." He whispered, almost too quietly to hear. Tommy nodded. Ghostbur looked shocked, his expression darkening in concern. "I...come with me Tommy." Ghostbur said, tugging the blonde to his feet. "Please- Have some blue-"He said quickly, putting some of the clear substance into Tommy's arms.

     The older Ghost's heart dropped when he saw that it turned into a deep shade of blue in seconds. "We're- we're gonna visit Techno? Okay Tommy?" Ghostbur said, trying his best not to let the panicked worry he felt seep into his voice. Tommy looked up at him, "Who's Techno?"


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