Tommy Danger Kraken Innit is Not a Child

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      Ghostbur stood in the doorway, holding the armful of potatoes he had collected as the three of them simply stared at each other. The awkward silence stretched on, thick enough to cut through with a knife, but no one spoke, not knowing what to say.

     Tommy had always hated silence.

     But the ghost, the shell of what had been Tommy, couldn't remember enough to know that.

     So it was Techno who was forced to speak up. "We're good Ghostbur, no need to worry." and that simple sentence seemed to somewhat ease the Ghost's apparent worry, at least enough for him to nod and start baking the potatoes. As Ghostbur turned away, the worry knotting in Tommy's chest eased and he breathed a sigh of relief. Ever since the older ghost had returned he had been fearing having to explain what had happened just moments ago. Thankfully Techno had seemed to pick up on that. "You can go up to my room if you want to be alone Tommy, it's fine if you don't feel at ease with us, I understand."

    Of course Techno understood. It only fair that he did.

    How couldn't he understand that Tommy may feel uneasy around them?

    After all, Dream hadn't been the only one to hurt Tommy. Techno had executed Tubbo, Tommy's best friend. He had attacked him, turned on him in the battle.

    He had betrayed Tommy.

    He didn't deserve any of the trust Tommy had shown him since he arrived.

    And part of Tommy knew this. A part of him knew that Techno was dangerous. That there was something about the man that Tommy couldn't trust. But there was another part of Tommy, one that told him Techno was safe. That he'd be protected. A part that told him Techno was like family.

    Tommy knew logically that he shouldn't trust him, after all, he couldn't remember a single thing about him.

    But the other part of Tommy was loud.

   And that louder part of Tommy always seemed to win.

   "Uhm, I'm going to stay down here with you guys, if that's alright...?" He mumbled. Techno's eyes widened in what could only be seen as surprise, but he reeled his expression back in quickly. "Yeah, of course you can stay down here, but if you need space tell me, alright?"

    Tommy nodded in a silent promise.

    Such a shame that Tommy was a liar.

    Even in death, he'd always be to stubborn to ask for help. He'd quickly dig his own grave before admitting how vulnerable he felt. Although, it may be hard to dig a grave for someone who is already dead, Tommy was always up for a challenge. So Tommy simply nodded, feeling the ghost of dirt on his hands as he began to dig. But for now, the fact that he wanted to stay with Techno for now wasn't a lie.

    So maybe the digging could afford to wait a bit.

   After Tommy's and Techno's quiet exchange Ghostbur piped up, his earlier worry seemingly forgotten. "The Potatoes are done cooking! Time to eat up!" He said cheerfully, as he carried plates of steaming potatoes over to the duo. Tommy perked up at the mention of food. "Oh thanks Ghostbu-" The blonde froze when he saw the state of the potatoes. Listen, Tommy was no cook, but even he could tell that this food was no longer edible. It was burnt beyond belief, and had way too much salt. "Ghostbur, no offense or anything, but I'm pretty sure if I eat these...things...I will quite literally die." Tommy said bluntly. "You're a ghost already though?" Techno said, his eyebrow raised almost comically. "Tech, these things are so badly burnt, I have no doubt they will override the laws of death itself and kill me all over again."

    "Well we can't have you dying again! That would be horrible! I'm sorry Tommy, I'm not very good in the kitchen, maybe Techno should cook next time-"

    "Hey, hey, calm down Ghostbur, you're good. I don't think it's a good idea for me to eat these though, sorry..." Ghostbur just smiled, picking up the plate. "It's fine Tommy, I honestly don't wanna eat this either." He said lightheartedly. "I'm hungry thoughhhhh- Techno, we must make something else to eat." Techno blinked. "What would we even make-?" "I don't know, but I need something. If I don't get proper sustenance I'll shrivel up like a raisin! Prime- I can practically feel myself withering away already!" Tommy said, placing a hand dramatically over his heart. "Pff- alright then, lets go get some more potatoes." Tech said, a smile pulling at his lips. "WOOO!" Tommy said, jumping up from the couch. Techno snorted. "You are a literal child." He said, huffing out a laugh.

    Tommy squawked, immediately turning to face him.

    "I AM NOT-"


    They stood in Techno's farm, Tommy making it his quest to carry more potatoes than Techno, he must prove his dominance after all. So he rushed around the garden, digging up vegetables, making sharp remarks about how he was in fact, not a child.

    All in all, it was peaceful, Tommy felt more than the weak feeling of safety he had started to feel around Tech. He felt happy, all care for the strange masked man appearing in his memories forgotten for a few blissful moments as he simply bantered playfully. Maybe... he didn't need his memories to be Tommy. Wouldn't it be so much easier to simply stop worrying, to be happy like this?

    That's when he heard an unfamiliar voice speak up.

    "Tommy, mate is that you? 

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