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      Tommy couldn't move.

      Tommy couldn't think.

      Tommy couldn't breathe.

     He was back, he was alive, he had been ripped from limbo, materializing back in his real exile, and Dream was right there. He felt terror grip his lungs, turning his blood to ice. He couldn't make any sense of the incoherent thoughts and emotions thrashing through his mind like a storm. 

     He hardly noticed Dream saying something, the world a blur around him. There was so much going on, everything was too much. The noise of the waves and wind too loud, the rocks and grass he laid on far too sharp, the light glaring upon him too bright, the smell of sea salt and ash too strong, his thoughts too unforgiving. 

     He didn't have anytime to prepare for the hand that gripped his hair, hauling him off the ground. He was face to face with Dream, far too close to the blank smile of his mask. Tommy felt unshed tears prick his eyes. This wasn't supposed to be happening, Tommy had died, he had spent so much time alone in his limbo, he had broken himself being alone so long, just to get away from Dream, yet here the man was, right in front of Tommy, despite everything Tommy had done to escape from that cruel smile.

     Tommy could tell Dream was saying something, but he couldn't hear what it was over the sheer ringing that plagued his ears. Dream seemed to grow angry at the lack of response.

     Tommy didn't fight as he was thrown to the ground.

     He didn't fight as he felt a kick to his ribs.

     He didn't fight as a boot sharply came into contact with his face.

     He didn't fight as he tasted the metallic tang of blood.

     Tommy couldn't move, he was terrified, frozen, there was memories flying through his mind, it was him in the memories, but he had no recollection of them, they weren't his memories. Nevertheless, they still flashed in his eyes, unrelenting as Dream threw another kick. He sobbed, unable to function as his reality shifted back and forth from these memories and the present.

     Ghostbur was anxiously leading him through the Tundra.

     Dream was furious.

     Techno laid a hand on his shoulder, face laced in concern.

     All Tommy could smell was blood, sea salt, and ash.

     Techno hugged him, protecting Tommy from the fears that caused the tears stinging his face.

     Tommy felt a sickening crack in his ribs.

     Phil had his wings flared, hiding Tommy from whoever stood outside the door.

     Tommy coughed, blood spattering his the ground.

      Ghostbur spoke, bringing comfort no other could bring

      Tommy felt rocks dig into his back, piercing his skin.

     Techno lunged for Tommy, desperately reaching for his hand

          Tommy sobbed, trying to tear words from his throat, anything to get Dream to calm down. A plead, a curse, an apology, but the words all caught in his throat, only allowing a strangled sound of desperation. The ringing in his ears had now faded enough for him to hear Dream's shouts. "You Idiot! Did you really think you could escape! That you could just die and have your ghost run off to live happily with Techno!?" 

     Another kick

     Another pained sob

      Tommy wondered idly about how Dream mentioned his ghost, is that where those memories came from?  He didn't have much time to ponder it before Dream grabbed him by the hair only to throw him back to the dirt. "After everything I did for you! You go and pull this shit!"

What did Dream ever do for him?

"After I was the only one there for you in exile?!"

Dream was never there for him.

"I was the only person who cared for you! I was your only friend!"

     Tommy felt of sharp spike of anger at his words, a coherent thought finally trumping over the others. Dream was not his friend, if he was sure of anything, it was that. The fear finally subsided, making way for the new emotion presenting itself in Tommy's chest. The new emotion that burned, making Tommy grit his teeth, his eyes narrowing in a glare. 

     Tommy was furious.

     He couldn't think of anything else, only the fire that flared, the fire that wanted Dream gone, the fire that burned more fiercely than the pain in his ribs, or the blood on his tongue. Dream stood above him, screaming at Tommy, screaming lies. Tommy saw a sharp piece of glass glint in the sun, he saw the weak parts of Dream's armor, Tommy saw the blood staining the ground. 

     Tommy took another kick

     Tommy grabbed the glass

     He rolled over, taking in a sharp painful breath. Dream paused for a second, catching his breath after screaming for so long, Tommy shot his arm out, feeling his impromptu weapon pierce through the weakest part of the armor, feeling the flesh tear, hearing Dream's Achilles tendon snap

     Dream collapsed to the ground, shocked

     Tommy lunged



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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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