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 Fear, sharp, painful, and consuming. It was all Tommy could even begin to feel as he felt himself materialize, still in Dream's grasp, and terrifyingly far away from Techno and the others. Tommy couldn't even see the cabin anymore. Away from the protection of his family, Tommy felt suffocatingly alone. But he wasn't alone. He was in a situation far worse.

He was back with Dream.

Dream didn't even hesitate before throwing another enderpearl, the both of them teleporting away ever farther from Tommy's only hope of safety. Dream kept his grip on Tommy's arm harsh and unbreaking, his hand like a vice around his forearm. Tommy could already feel bruises forming, he was so overwhelmed by terror he could hardly think straight. Dream continued to drag him forward for what seemed like forever, their surroundings a blur, until finally slowing, and he released Tommy, letting the ghost fall to the ground.

"Welcome home Tommy, I know you may not remember much but I thought you'd at least be smart enough to know you'd never be able to escape for long." Tommy didn't move, he couldn't, he stared, frozen up at him. Dream didn't seem to like that, his stance growing irritated. "Do you really not have anything to say for once? Usually you have some kind of stupid fucking complaint when things happen to you." Tommy stayed silent. Dream grabbed a fistfull of Tommy's hair, dragging him forward. "SAY SOMETHING! YOU THINK YOU'RE CLEVER? YOU THINK IGNORING ME WILL HELP YOU!?"

Tommy felt the familiar burn of tears stream down his face. "I'm- I'm sorry- Please just- AGH!" Tommy screamed, sobbing as Dream threw him to the floor. "I don't even know who you are! PLEASE! Just- leave me the fuck alone! I haven't even done anythin-" Tommy was cut off by Dream kicking him in the side, his boot digging sharply into his ribs. "NO! STOP! Stop- stop-stop! I don't even know who you are!" Dream paused at that, crouching down as he looked at Tommy. "...Do you really not remember who I am?" Dream muttered. Tommy let out a sob. "No! I have no fucking clue who you are! I don't know why I'm here, or- or how you know me! Just leave me alone!" Dream grabbed his face, nails breaking skin as he silently stared at him. "Huh." Dream stood up slowly.

"You actually don't remember who I am." He said. "I don't!" Tommy sobbed. "I swear I don't!" Dream tilted his head, considering. "Well we can't have that. Guess I'll just have to revive you." Tommy froze. "What?" Dream stepped closer. "I'm. reviving. you. I'm bringing the real Tommy back to life." Tommy took in a sharp breath at that. "I'm- I'm just as real as the other Tommy... I-" Dream kicked him again. "No. You're not. You're a fake, a copy who can't even handle the memories of the original. I'm bringing the real Tommy back from limbo." Tommy sobbed again, watching as Dream pulled a book from his inventory and calmly wrote something down in it. "And you're going to take his place."

As soon as Dream said that, Tommy knew something was horribly wrong, he felt wrong. Dream simply stood there, waiting. Then Tommy realized what was happening. He was growing more and more transparent, he was in so much pain, he didn't have much time. He was dying.

and he couldn't do anything.

"No-no-no-no-no-" Tommy scrambled away, tears of horror burning his face as he watched himself fade. "NO! STOP! WHAT DID YOU DO! PLEASE! TECHNO, GHOSTBUR- PHIL! THEY WONT EVEN KNOW WHAT HAPPENED! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! PLEASE!" Tommy wailed. He screamed, he sobbed, he clutched at his hair. But he couldn't do anything to stop it, and dying hurt so bad, every second he faded the stabbing pain in his head increased tenfold. He collapsed no longer able to hold himself up. He let out a weak sob.

And Dream watched the last remnants of him fade away, smiling when a new player began to materialize in the ghost's place.

"Welcome back Tommyinnit." 

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