Broken little souls

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AUTHOR WARNING! Rough content ahead. POV will switch. Enjoy!

Kaminari didn't know how he felt.

He was happy for Jirou. She was going out with the girl everyone knew she liked. He was freaking out about grades and tests; no point denying it, he was failing big-time. He was thinking about Bakugo, wondering if he would ever ask Kirishima out (not likely). Also, he didn't know algebra and wanted to cry.

It didn't help that every time he looked at the page, it was blurry. He could follow in class okay, but on the page, everything printed so small. Mr. Aizawa was trying to fail him. He was doing better in the hero classes at least, but not by much. He'd never be as good as Bakugo, Todoroki, Midoriya, or anyone else in the class. The things his friends said didn't help.

"Are you even trying?"

"You can do better than this!"

"Really, dunce face?"

But yeah, that was the best he could do.

Todoroki was amazed, but confused.

He never had any friends until now, and it was kind of complicated. Especially when he forgot things about his friends he should know.

He'd, for one, forgotten that it was Midoriya's birthday. And was kicking himself for it. Todoroki had to lie, and say his present was delayed. Truth be told, he wasn't sure what to even get. Wishing he were a better friend, he opened Amazon.

And stared.

And stared.

Having friends is really hard.

He decided to try Google. What do I get my friend for his birthday? None of the suggestions helped. Then he remembered something: the hero notebook Midoriya carried around. It was pretty torn up, because, as he'd been told, Bakugo had blown it up and thrown it into a koi pond. Why not buy him a new one? Actually, why not get a binder? He'd be able to add, remove, and re-organize pages. It was perfect.

Seeing as how they were only available in a four pack, he'd had to buy all four. That would work better anyway; it would allow for more organization. Todoroki sighed in relief. 

Todokami/Kamitodo fluff for a bad dayWhere stories live. Discover now