...what does that mean?

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Kaminari wasn't sure what to think. Todoroki putting him on the couch-with blankets and everything-had thrown him off. He'd started trying to mess with Todoroki by joking around, which usually worked, but he'd only succeeded in freaking him out. Jokes usually helped, but they went right over Todoroki's head. How could he not understand he'd only been trying to get a laugh? He'd heard Todoroki's laugh once, and it was adorable. He blushed when he laughed too. Kaminari decided to stop thinking about that. He went back to his room and grabbed the homework pages from last night he still needed to finish, took them downstairs, and plopped at the table.

Then asked Yao-Momo for help. She not only provided help, but expensive tea that Kaminari was almost scared to drink. His parents might both be pro heroes, but they donated most of the excess income. (His allowance was still pretty nice though, not that he ever spent it.) About three hours later, he had it done. Yao-Momo only had to read it to him four times. The weird thing was, he did a lot better when he wasn't looking at it. Huh. Maybe he was just that tired? He'd been pretty stressed with everything, so he hadn't really been sleeping, and Iida's particular way of waking him up that morning wasn't exactly the nicest. He went back up to his dorm, fell straight into bed, and had no idea how long he slept.

As for Todoroki, any possibility of his day going well had gone out the window. For one, Bakugo had come downstairs to yell at everyone and everything he could find, like always. Iida seemed especially... Iida today. Not a bad thing, but there were a lot of arguments. Maybe it had something to do with Kaminari's unplanned nap on the couch. Todoroki still felt really bad about getting him yelled at. He was currently looking for him, actually, so he could ask about the whole falling-asleep-on-the-table thing. It struck him as odd, seeing as how, when he asked Kirishima, he learned Kaminari didn't sleepwalk, but the crazy blond was nowhere to be found. No one else knew where he was either, which was kind of weird. For some crazy reason, someone always knew where Kaminari was, which was insane to Todoroki. But this time? No one had any clue.

That scared him for some reason. He'd asked everyone. He would have texted, but he didn't have his phone number. Maybe he could try his room? No, it seemed creepy. Todoroki would have to wait.

A couple hours later, Todoroki was still waiting, drinking tea with Yao-Momo. He couldn't say he was focused on her or the tea, because he was wondering if Kaminari was avoiding him. Thankfully, Yao-Momo wasn't focused on him, either, since, Jirou had wandered over. Now that they were dating, they seemed more comfortable together. No one in class 1A could argue with their... how to put it? Adorableness? Yeah, that was it.

He decided not to wait anymore.

He finished his tea, put the cup in the sink, and headed for Kaminari's room. It was up on the third floor, and by the time Todoroki got up there, he was debating his decision again. He didn't want to come off as a creep like Aoyama had to Midoriya, but he really wanted to apologize. 

Todokami/Kamitodo fluff for a bad dayWhere stories live. Discover now