The Todoroki Birthday Special

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--not really canon in this story, just wrote it cause I love Todoroki and he deserves a good birthday. ik this is kinda weird cause I didn't do anything for Christmas. That was just cause I didn't know *what* to write. anyway, for the groupchat portion, it's Iida, Kaminari, and Midoriya--

Todoroki hadn't really told anyone that his birthday was coming up, other than Midoriya and Kaminari, who had both separately drilled it out of him. Honestly, he didn't see why it was a big deal. He'd never had a 'birthday' really when he was at home, but class 1-A made a big deal out of them. Parties, cake, hanging out, games, the whole deal. He didn't understand, but did his best to join the fun. There were a lot of presents too, but Todoroki was really bad at knowing what to get people, so he didn't do much there. Anyway, when he woke up to tons of notifications in the Class 1-A groupchat, of course they were about his birthday.

pika-pika: happy biiiirthday shotooo!!!! <3

smaash: Happy Birthday Todoroki!


pika-pika: cause its shotos birthday <3

Ingenium Official: @everyone It appears to be our classmate Todoroki Shoto's birthday. Please take time to wish him a happy one. However, please refrain from doing so at an unreasonable time in the morning.

pika-pika: srry iidaaaaaa

smaash: whoops, sorry

Todoroki turned off his phone and set it back down. He would just have to get through the day, right?

It was a complete nightmare.

Every five seconds, someone was trying to talk to him, ask stuff, act all friendly. It was driving him crazy. He had become quite comfortable with his normal routine of being politely ignored. When the day was finally over, he went right upstairs and faceplanted into bed.

He was there for a while before someone knocked on his door. He moaned and ignored it. They came in anyway.

It was Kaminari.

He didn't say word one. Nintendo switch in hand, he sat on Todoroki's pillow, and booted up Animal Crossing.

They played in near silence until late at night, then snuck into the kitchen for tea and cookies. After they were done, the boys went to Kaminari's room and fell asleep together.

And that was it. 

Todokami/Kamitodo fluff for a bad dayWhere stories live. Discover now