Tables are NOT for sleeping!

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Kaminari was dying inside.

He wanted to be as good as his friends. At that moment, he was sitting in his dorm room closet, trying not to cry. He didn't want to fail! He had four pages of homework, no motivation, and a lot of those self-hating internal thoughts he liked to pretend were being told to him by an annoying 10-year-old on Xbox.

@_chargebolt21, no one likes you!

Yeah, that's great, isn't it past your bedtime?

And send a mental passive-aggressive smiley face.

Right now, that 10-year-old was saying 'You're a worthless loser and none of your friends actually like you!' He didn't even have the motivation to argue with a voice in his head.

He closed the textbook he was trying to study, and went downstairs. Once he grabbed a quick drink, he sat at the dorm table, and went on his phone for a minute.

He didn't remember falling asleep on the table.

Todoroki thought Kaminari went to bed several hours ago. Apparently not, that or he sleepwalked, because he was asleep on the table. It didn't look exactly comfortable. Not sure what to do, he tried to pick Kaminari up. Note: tried. He was actually pretty heavy. He did, however, manage to drag him to one of the couches, lay him down, and give him a blanket. Shoto laid down on a couch too; Kaminari was heavy, and it was really late, so he was pretty tired.

At some point, he fell asleep too.

When he woke up the next morning, Kaminari was still passed out. Truth be told, he looked pretty cute when he was asleep. His hair was all in his face, the little lightning bolt spread out everywhere, blanket pulled up to where he was almost entirely covered. Adorable. Anyway, breakfast time.

Halfway through his bowl of cereal, Todoroki heard Iida yelling.

"Kaminari! What did we talk about last dorm meeting! No more sleeping on the couches!"

Then he heard a thump. Which was most likely Kaminari hitting the floor. He'd forgotten about the rule. Whoops. Ducking his head into the living area, Shoto locked eyes with Iida. "He'd passed out on the table, actually, and he's much heavier than he looks, so that was as far as I could carry him, and I didn't want to wake him up, so it's my fault actually." Iida still looked upset, but left them alone, and went off to the bathroom.

Kaminari was sitting awkwardly on the floor now, still wrapped in the blanket Shoto had put over him last night, glaring at him. "What do you mean I'm 'much heavier than I look'?"

"You looked like I could pick you up, and I can't."

"What are you saying about me?" Kaminari was looking angry now, but Shoto couldn't tell if he was, or if he was messing with him. He got up, threw the blanket off, crossed his arms, and marched towards Shoto. He was at least smiling now. "Come on, what are you saying about me?" He demanded playfully, sparks dancing at the tips of his blond hair. Kirishima wandered into the room with a yawn. He hadn't done his hair yet, so it fell in his red eyes. Kaminari whipped around to face him. "Kirishima! Did you hear what he said about me? He said I'm heavier than I look! What does that mean?"

Todoroki was probably turning bright red. "Forget it," he sighed, and went back to his now-soggy cereal. Which he poured out, because no one likes soggy cereal. 

Todokami/Kamitodo fluff for a bad dayWhere stories live. Discover now