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*You didn't have a dream. Unlike all the other times you've slept.
"You like your new baby sitter?" Nightmare said.
*You still wanted to go back to sleep.
"Ya gotta stick to the work schedule ya know. Big day, your gonna meet some of my friends."
*You really don't care.
*Damn it, damn it all. You have nothing else to do, and you can do nothing. You're sick of it. Sick, sick, sick of it.
*And yet, if you had the choice, you'd still rather be here. This place is magical almost, anything can happen.
"Hey why'd you stop?" Nightmare asked.
"Stop what?" Ki asked.
"Your negative emotions." Nightmare asked.
"Huh?" Ki asked.
"I can sense that stuff, it's what gives me my magic dumb@$$" Nightmare said.
"Why are you telling me this?" Ki asked.
"I was stupid enough to think you already knew." Nightmare said.
"K. Cool." Ki said.
*You really didn't care.
*You're starving.
"Breakfast?" Nightmare asked.
Just being here for barely a week, Ki knows that breakfast is some weird bubbly green slob, drizzled with some more unknown ingredient, with a drink of actual mold, Ki wouldn't dare to touch, given to them by none other than Horror, the chef of the castle.
Ki isn't even good at cooking, and they can make something at least edible.
*You raised your eyebrows at Nightmare.
"What? Breakfast. The most important meal of the day? Sheesh kid, you really are an idiot." Nightmare said as he took you by your shoulder.
*You still weren't used to this, you hate it when someone touches you, you might have even hissed if Nightmare couldn't kill you on the spot.
*You gooped into the dining hall.
*Nightmare wasn't there for some reason.
"Hey kid." Dust said (he still sounded like he didn't like Ki.)
"Morning." Killer said.
"..."Cross got tired of talking.
"Hey." Horror walked into the room carrying some sort of bowl.
*You were 50/50, from scared, to excited to see what horror made today. Probably some green goop he called oatmeal, an unwell looking apple with an unknown substance on top, and a soda-like liquid Horror called milk.
*Horror put a tray in your hands. some green goop he called oatmeal, an unwell looking apple with an unknown substance on top, and a soda-like liquid Horror called milk sat in front of you.
The thing was, that Horror seemed to genuinely like making breakfast, so, Ki pretended to like it and throw it out later. 
*Nightmare approaches. 
Ki was just finishing scraping off the plate. 
"Why do you do that?"
Nightmare asked. 
"Because the food's inedible." Ki responded. 
"No you idiot, why did you tell Horror that you liked it?"  Nightmare asked.
"Because he seemed to genuinely like cooking, I don't know why, but it reminds me of papyrus, just a bit though." Ki said shrugging.
"Everyone knows his food's inedible. No one really hides it."  NM said. 
"K, ya got coffee?" Ki asked. 
"Ya, we do."  NM said it weird, but you didn't mind. 
*you got Horror'
*You decide not to drink it.  You become sick by looking at it. 
"Ready to go?" NM asked. 
"Where?" Ki asked. 
"You really are an idiot." NM said. 
*that line sounded familiar. 
"Have you ever travelled the multiverse?" NM asked.
"No-" before Ki could finish their sentence she dropped down through a hole. 
*You were bombarded with colors, colors you haven't seen in a long time. 
Ki was traveling through the multiverse.  It was beautiful. All the colors and life within this place. 
*You felt happy.
*Something you haven't felt in a long time...
"Here's our stop!" NM yelled through all that was going on.
Nightmare grabbed Ki and they went through one of the through one of the tiny orbs. 
*This place was very similar to Error's anti-void, but there were people, and food!
*Best of all you saw coffee!
"Over here first buddy." Nightmare basically dragged Ki away from the Coffee over to a bunch of ugly skeletons. 
*You never liked parties. 
"You got an apprentice?" One of the ugly skeletons said. 
"What's your name again?" NM whispered into Ki's ear without even trying to hide it.
*You paused.  You never liked your name in the real world. 
*A blemish.
*A mistake
*You can change that. 
"Hello?!" NM obnoxiously waved his hand In front of Ki's face. 
"Katre.  Or kat." 
*Despite how cheesy it was, you liked it. 
*It was yours. 
"Ok you can go away now." NM said.
*You excitedly ran away to the snack bar. 
*You haven't had any real food in such a long time. 
This entire time, Kat has been surviving off a surprisingly not stale B-scotch pie.
*You stuffed your face with all kinds of treats, and coffee.
*Across the table you saw someone else. 
*You decide not to talk to them. 
Kat finds a corner to sit in until they can leave this stupid place.
*Some people are trying to kill each other.  They fail because no one can die here. 
*You sip your coffee happily.
Judging by all the people in the room, they are all sanses.
*Evil sanses. 
*You can feel it.  These people have killed 100s, maybe even thousands. 
*And most have destroyed other worlds. 
*And yet all these people are just chatting.  Like business partners. 
With their fake voices, with fake smiles, with fake attitudes. 
*Not that you aren't acting either.  But still.
*You've always hated any kind of party. 
*You want to leave. 
Then, out of no where, the negative energies started surrounding Kat.  Literally. Murders were excitedly gathering around Kat.  Most were actually giving them the death stare, or excited because they were gonna try and kill them despite anyone not being able to die here. 
But some of them were asking questions?!
"How's NM's castle?" An ugly one asked. 
"Awful." Kat said.
"Is he teaching you a lot?" The same ugly dude asked
"If anything just looking at him makes me dumber."  Kat responded
"So then that would explain this!"
The ugly skeleton said, taking out an unknown weapon and almost hitting Kat who narrowly dodged. 
"I hate parties." Kat said rolling their eyes. 
"That should've been MY spot!" The ugly @$$ said. 
"Oh trust me I hate it there."  Kat said with a grin.
*Watch it. The skeleton seemed to get an idea.
"Then why don't you leave?!" The skeleton asked. 
"I legit can't.  Believe me, I tried about a dozen hundred times."  Kat said sneering at all the times they got caught, and all the times they almost got killed.  Surprisingly though, the worse injury they got was the scratch on their cheek. 
*You felt the scar in your cheek. 
"THEN WHY DON'T I HELP?!"  The ugly skeleton then teleported Kat through the multiverse.  The same beautiful colors. 
*It seems as though you might have to find a good orb to get out.
*You decided to float for a while.  "Maybe the longer I float, the farther I can get from NM." Kat said. 
They finally had a chance to leave that place behind. They happily took it.
*You floated for a while.

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