Training sucks

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This time, Kat woke up in the sunflowers from the other day.
Ugh, so annoying. Kat thought. However, Nightmare wasn't wrong about the sleep thing. They did have a better rest than usual.
From on the ground, the sun flowers looked at least 20 feet tall. There! The sun flowers were moving to their right. Kat rolled at just the right time. The attack seemed to just miss them.
Kat made a breath of relief as they stood up.
Probably Nightmare. Kat kept in mind.
Kat moved in the direction of the beach, they didn't know which direction, but the sun was over the water, so all they had to do was walk toward the sun. If they could survive.
Now! Kat ducked and rolled, another attack featuring bones that cut the air like arrows.
"Very nice. I'm impressed." Nightmare's voice said. Kat heard it, but couldn't pin point where. It sounded close, but far away at the same time. It's not worth thinking about, besides, they're not trying to go towards Nightmare, quite the opposite actually.
Kat continued going towards the sun, but the attacks kept on getting trickier to dodge, and they weren't getting spread thin. Kat was getting less and less time to rest in between the attacks .
Why were they going to the beach again? It would give them an open space, when they can't see what's in front of them, they're at a disadvantage. They had to keep moving toward the sun. Unlike last time, they can't run away.
Kat saw light shine through the sun flowers. They were almost there!
One last attack. This one was so quick, that they didn't have time to see which direction the Flowers would move. Kat jumped to the side, barely missing bullets sent from Nightmare.
Behind! No. The front. Kat jumped over two bullets that collided into each other. Then when Kat thought she was good, a bullet from below hit them directly in the ankle.
"Never let your guard down..." Kat and Nightmare said simultaneously, In two very different tones.  Kat finally got through the sun flowers, the only injury being their ankle.
"Bravo. I'm impressed. Didn't think you would actually go along with it, but surprisingly you did." Nightmare said doing a slow clap. Nightmare was a little ways away from Kat on the beach.
"You were gonna catch me either way." Kat said shrugging.
"True, true." Nightmare said.
"Why are you training me?" Kat asked suspiciously.
"I'm surprised you noticed I was even training you. You saw what happened the last time. He didn't bother attacking you, but if even the weakest out of everyone there attacked you, you would've been dusted." Nightmare said.
"How am I picking up so quickly? I did a freaking jump flip earlier." Kat said.
"This place has special properties." Nightmare shrugged
"If you do something once, you can't do it again without doing it yourself.  So, if you want to do a trick or something, and physically can, then this place will help you do it, but any other time is all you." Nightmare said.
"So a one time freebie." Kat summarized.
"Yes." Nightmare confirmed.
"But seriously though. Why even bother. I'm not even supposed to be in this world. I don't have any magic, and I'm human." Kat said gesturing to their injured ankle.
"Huh. I forgot about that. Sorry not sorry. I knew you wouldn't dodge that one, just wanted to see how good your pain tolerance is. But I'm realizing now that it's kinda pointless considering that you can't feel anything mentally.  I'll have a look at it-" Nightmare got cut off by Kat.
"Sorry, not gonna happen. It'll heal by itself." Kat said coldly.
"You really need to get those emotions back. Wild Kat." Nightmare said annoyingly.
"Please, don't call me that. Let's go." Kat said.
"You don't tell me when we leave. First day: I make the calls." Nightmare said.
"Now, let me heal you." Nightmare said.
"No!" Kat protested. Nightmare slowly approached Kat, every foot he went forward, Kat took two more back.
Kat flinched every step.
"I really don't wanna do this." Nightmare said.
"Why? Thought you loved being the bad guy." Kat said.
"Ok. You legit asked for it." Nightmare said. 
Nightmare grabbed Kat (carefully not by the ankle) and inspected the injury.
"Wow, that was worse than I intended. It almost went through the bone!" Nightmare said amused.
"Put me down!" Kat scrambled.
"Not gonna happen. Let's see here." Nightmare used another one of his tentacles and it glowed. Nightmare was going to use magic.
"I can't do this with you moving all the time.  You know, I'd be a shame if I'd accidentally pierced your ankle." At this comment from Nightmare, Kat immediately stopped moving.
The glowing magic tentacle curled around Kat's ankle, then glowed even brighter. Nightmare was extremely concentrated. Kat thought it was best not to talk.
Kat also noticed that their ankle was actually feeling better...? Kat started to watch intently. The magic glowed brighter and brighter, it wasn't the usual blue color, it was white.
Their ankle eventually felt like there was nothing wrong with it. That's when the magic slowly loosened and let go of Kat's ankle. The only thing that was left of the wound was a scratch.
"That's better now isn't it?" Nightmare said.
"You might as well stop asking me things if your not gonna give me a choice." Kat said.
"Now, lets go Wild Kat." Nightmare said, ignoring Kat's comment.
"Please. Don't. Call. Me. That." Kat said annoyed.
"K." Nightmare said, which Kat knows he will do it again.
The night time routine followed similarly to before. Kat doesn't sleep, Nightmare offers to use his magic, Kat refuses to let him touch them, chase scene, Nightmare catches them, and Kat falls asleep with Nightmare's magic.
The two had started going to the beach daily. But not to sit around, over time, Kat learned that Nightmare was teaching them different scenarios, and how to dodge them. He did make a few comments that Kat got annoyed about, but it still helped by a long shot.
"Ready to get your emotions back?" Nightmare asked. 
"No." Kat said. 
"Ok great! We're going tomorrow." Nightmare said sarcastically. 
Kat couldn't get them back.  Not yet.  If they got them back their plan wouldn't work.  They had to.  They've been holding back on it because they weren't sure if it would work.  If it did then that would be great.  But if it didn't, well, they would be dead. But they still would've got what they wanted. 
When Kat got back, they instantly ran to their room.  The vent.  There's a vent underneath their 'bed'.
Kat vented.  (Pretty sus ik)
They went through the vent toward the roof. 
The roof wasn't accessible unless you used the vent.  Without Nightmare tracking them through their emotions, he wouldn't be able to find them. 
Kat wanted to see if their powers in their old underground worked somewhere else.  This would be the only way to get away from Nightmare.  If Nightmare found them, well they better be in for it.  Kat concentrated on reset.  A yellow button.  But, only remnants appeared.  A glitch.  It shouldn't be here.  Kat tried to press it to see what would happen, but nothing did.  Their hand went right through it. Kat stood on the edge of the roof. 
"That sucks." Kat said shrugging.  Kat summoned the button again.  At least they could do something.  That's more than before.  The button glitches. 
"You're focusing on the wrong thing." And then something pushed them.  It wasn't Nightmare.  It was something else. 
"$h!t $h!t $h!t $h!t $h!t!" Kat said falling. 
"You really gotta be more careful up there." Nightmare said.  Nightmare caught Kat, they were mere inches from the ground. 
"Seriously though kid.  What were you doing?!" Nightmare asked seriously. 
"I wanted to try something.  If it didn't work, I would've looked stupid." Kat said. 
"So you went up on the roof?!" Nightmare said. 
"We're going.  Now. You need them."
"It worked, disappointingly." Kat said ignoring Nightmare. 
"Really?" Nightmare said like a scientist's assistant. 
"It doesn't do much." Kat said shrugging.  A warm feeling touched their finger tips.
Kat concentrated and it got warmer.
"Reset." They said, as the glitchy button fully formed.
"Cool trick. Let's go." Nightmare said.
"Where? We just got back." Kat said.
"Were you listening to anything I said right now?" Nightmare asked Kat.
"No." Kat once again said brutally honest.
"Of course you weren't." Nightmare said.

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