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An arrow bullets toward Kat's head, they can't move out of the way quick enough! What do they do?
*You hear something like a button.
Kat go hit with a force so powerful that they got flung back. It wasn't the arrow. It was something else.
They couldn't move.
They couldn't think.
Their ears were ringing.
*You tried to sit up.
*You failed.
"Shit." It sounded like Nightmare.
"Hey kid. You did good." Kat couldn't tell who's it was, but one of Nightmare's would never say that.
*But you didn't fail, because
*You were saved.
Kat dozed in and out of conciseness.
"Shouldn't we take them back to the omega timeline?" A voice said.
"Ya! We can get them fixed them up and everything!" A voice said.
"You really think we went through all that trouble for one measly human, do you?" This one sounded like Ink, the first one sounded like the yellow guy, and the second one sounded like the blue guy.
*You didn't care to think where you are.
Kat found themselves in a beautiful place.
"Woah." They said.
Drawings hung off of strings, and they went up so high, Kat couldn't see where they went.  The place was bright, and warm, and amazing, words couldn't describe the feeling of seeing such beauty. 
"You like it? This place is called the doodle sphere." Kat turned around and saw Ink leaning on his broom.
As if reading their thoughts, Ink said: "You think this is a broom, don't you?"
*You shamefully nodded.
"It's a paint brush!" Ink said with his usual enthusiasm.
*You made a face, that didn't really make much of a difference.
"What's the 'Doodle sphere'?" Kat asked.
"It's amazing isn't it?" Ink said.
"Yes but was it?" Kat asked
*You don't think your gonna get anywhere with this guy.
"W h a t I s T h e D o o d l e S p h e r e?"
"Woah Nightmare really kept you in the dark?" Ink snorted at his pun.
"The doodle sphere is how I get to all the AUs to protect them!"
"Protect them? There's people out there!" Kat asked, hope glimmered in their chest.
"Ya! Of course! There's probably so many people out there, that I don't even know exist!  Of course it's the other way around as well too though."
*You felt hope shine in your eyes.  But then you thought about where you would be if Ink found you instead. 
"I wish I could've met you before Nightmare..." Kat said, reminiscing on all the wonderful things, no, better people they missed.
"As do I." Ink said.
"We're back!" The blue skeleton said while coming back through a portal. Behind him was yellow guy.
"Nightmare and his guys regrouped and left the blank space." The yellow guy said.
"Oh looks like the human is awake!" Before you could even say hi, the blue one was already introducing everyone.
"That one there is Ink! He has a really cool broom stick he calls a paint brush! That one there is Dream! He's actually Nightmare's brother, but also his arch nemesis! And I'm swap sans! Or blue." Blue said.
*You forgot your full name for a second, but then quickly recovered it. 
"Katre, but call me Kat." Kat said. 
"Hello Kat! Would you like to try one of my magnificent tacos?" Blue said. 
*At the thought of food, you excitedly agreed. 
Blue goes to make tacos.
Some how without any cooking supplies, or anything really. 
*Blue goes out of sight.
"So, if you're any different from Nightmare, you'll tell me why he kidnapped me.  He also mentioned something about apprentice."  Kat said continuing their's and ink's previous conversation. 
"Wait. Nightmare wants you to be his apprentice?"  Dream said. 
"I've known him for quite some time. And considering he's almost immortal, and he's very anti social, nonetheless a human at that.  Unless he's planning something."  Dream said. 
"Oh wow, good observation Sherlock." Kat said sarcastically. 
"What if you're like his food source?" Ink proposed
"I do sense high levels of negativity..." Dream said scratching his chin. 
"You're probably like his back up plan or something." Ink said thoughtfully. 
"Then shouldn't he be juicing out every last bit of negativity out of this opportunity? Instead of calling me his 'apprentice' at weird evil guy parties and stuff." Kat asked. 
"Maybe he's giving you everything just to take it all away.  I've known him for centuries." Dream exclaimed. 
"However, someone can get just as much positivity out of someone than negativity." Ink said. 
"So that pretty much explains why he never let me, ya know, have real food." Kat exclaimed. 
*but then you thought of something particularly odd. 
"Why didn't he just leave me alone in my world? Why couldn't it have been someone else? Why not a sans.  There are probably tons of sanses who give off more 'negativity' than me..." Kat asked sternly. 
"Maybe he wanted to-" Ink started to explain, Kat cut him off. 
"You know something.  He knows something. Something about me.  Something I don't even know about myself. What is it?" Kat asked sternly once again. 
Ink took a deep breath in and said:
"To tell you the truth, I don't know, but Nightmare might.  The only 2 reasons you're here, and not in the omega timeline is because nightmare seems to have a way of sensing you right now, and if he could sense you, in the omega timeline, then the whole timeline and all the people in it will be dusted, 2 is because there probably is something he knows, that no one else does. And he's put up with loads of you and your trouble, so, if he's done all of that, then you really are worth it.  You have something, an ability he wants to manipulate." Ink said, serious this time actually. 
"Ya! And if you get manipulated and find out, it would give him even more power.  I've felt that happen before, and one person can give off the negative emotions worth 100s of people on an everyday basis.  If only you knew about the amount someone would make when a loved one passes." Dream shook his head to get the awful thought out of his mind. 
"Oh ya, and one more thing, why does everyone keep calling me 'kid'?" Kat asked. 
"I get why sans did it in the original Undertale, but why does everyone else do it?" Kat asked, probably the question they were most curious about. 
"It's rude to ask someone about their age you know kid, but if I were to tell you, I would say that almost everyone here is immortal, or almost immortal, as long as they don't get killed by something.  Because skeletons can't die twice." Ink said. 
"K." Kat said. 
"Tacos are done!" Blue said carrying a tray of fish tacos, that seemed to be topped with...spaghetti...?
Dream made the best smile he possibly could while holding a shaking thumb. 
Ink held a thumbs up that seemed genuine. 
*You feel like your going to have a good time.

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