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Next thing Kat knew, they were flying through the multiverse. 
"Why are you bringing me?" Kat asked. 
"Emotions aren't a thing you can just give to someone. Why'd you gotta be so stupid."  Nightmare said rolling his eyes. 
"They're probably still inside of you, someone probably used their magic to seal them."  Nightmare said. 
Kat wondered how one could seal a chemical inside of the brain, but they never took that class, so they weren't gonna question it. 
Nightmare grabbed Kat and touched a portal thing.  Nightmare and Kat got pulled inside. 
Kat landed inside of the world with an oof. 
"I'm surprised you don't have that down yet, because Cats..." Nightmare began. 
"Don't. You. Dare." Kat looked at him and said. 
"Always land on their feet." Ink finished.  A very upset Kat stood up.  They didn't want to be with Nightmare, but something didn't want them to be with Ink.  Maybe it was because Nightmare got in their head.  Maybe they can return to the guardian's side!
"Don't even think it." Nightmare said as if reading their thoughts.  Kat rolled their eyes. 
Ink stood about 20 feet away, winging him was Blue and Dream who seemed to magically appear there. 
"Kat! Are you ok! I-I can't feel you anymore! What did he do?!" Dream asked. 
Kat didn't respond. 
"Oh please, not like you don't know." Nightmare said. 
Kat wanted to say something so bad.  But they couldn't.  Something was holding them back. 
There! Above them was a blue tentacle! It felt like the same type of magic from before, when Kat first saw the beach.
Kat did a backflip to kick the magic tentacle, and knock it off course, maybe they'll be able to speak to the 'good guys'.  Kat was now right in between Nightmare and Ink's side. 
"He thinks you guys 'locked my emotions' away or something.  I'm not buying it.  But I know he didn't do it either.  I'm sick of being with these psychos." Kat said, awfully quick, because they knew Nightmare then would grab them and pull Kat back. 
"You really are stupid!" Nightmare said to Kat.  The three Sanses away from them looked confused. 
"We need to get the kid from Nightmare! They can't help us like last time now." Ink said. 
"Just hang on Kat. we're coming!" Blue said. 
Nightmare snapped and his psychos were all lined up. 
"You really are something kid." Killer said. 
The battle has begun.  Both sides charged toward each other. 
Kat was sick of it.  Maybe if they got their emotions back, maybe they could stop all of this.  They hated fighting.  They hated it.  Because of... they hated it.  They couldn't stand it.  They're sick of it.  So so sick of it.  Kat often had to dodge stray bullets.  If Nightmare hadn't trained them, they would've been dead by now.  Nightmare kept Ink away from them, but then Ink slipped through while Dream distracted Nightmare, and next thing Kat knew, they were being passed around the battle field like American football. 
Then Kat remembered! They lost something once, they couldn't remember...they moped for a very long time.  It was important, but then, someone made them a new one!
"If you ever lose something irreplaceable, create something that's worth even more."
That's it! Create! They have to create new emotions for themselves.  A glow.  The Reset button.  Kat wasn't sure what they were going to do with it.  Why'd they even... doesn't matter.  Kat forgot about the reset button, they didn't even bother pressing it to make it disappear.  They just thought about new emotions, no.  Better ones.  Happy, no. Ecstatic.  If only.  For a second, Kat had hope but then they realized, they still couldn't create.  They didn't have magic, they didn't have the means.  Kat was still filled with the creativeness of the lost hope, when they pressed the reset button to make it disappear.  It started to glow! But not like it was going to reset, it wasn't resetting, it was changing. 
They did have materials! The leftovers of the Reset button!
The Reset on the button was fading. There was a blank button, that was it.  It couldn't do anything.  Yet. 
"This is new... What do I do now?"  Kat said, ignoring the battle around them entirely.  This Nightmare was front of them. 
"Kid! Nows not the time to be playing with party tricks!" Nightmare yelled struggling. 
Kat ignored him.  Create.  They need to create new emotions right? So that's what they'll do.  Create. 
"Create." Kat told the button not knowing if it would work.  But, before the words came out of their mouth, the broken glitchy button was changing. 
Kat pressed the Create button.  They imagined the emotion.  Thought about how their old emotions felt.  Their inspiration, and made it better. 
The Create button glowed, a flurry of colors swirled around them.  It was so bright.  So beautiful...
Kat then passed out.  Luckily for Kat, Nightmare didn't notice until they passed out. 
"Kid? Kid!" Nightmare said.  He couldn't go toward them, he was busy keeping Ink away from Kat. 
"Killer! Cover the kid!" Nightmare yelled.  The 4th wheel covered Kat. 
It was dark.  Dark, darker, yet darker.  When a light came into view.  Kat stood up. 
"Hello?" Kat felt frightened.  Kat felt frightened! Excitement hit Kat. 
"It worked!" Kat squealed. 
"Where am I?" Kat wondered. 
"Hello." Said a voice. 
"W-who are you?" Kat asked. 
"I'm a friend.  Don't worry!" The stranger said. 
"Can I see you?" Asked Kat. 
"Sure!" The figure then emerged from the darkness.  It was Kat! But, different. 
"Why do you look like me?" Kat asked. 
"It's a long story, but to sum it up, I am your soul.  Your soul, was so creative, that it made a personality, the reason why I look like you, well, I'm you, and I took my inspiration from you." The person said. 
"What do you mean by inspiration?" Kat asked. 
"Well, in order for someone to create something, they need an 'Inspiration' but once you get used to the power, you can start creating your own!" The person said. 
"W-Wait, I can create?" Kat asked. 
"Well, not at the moment.  The only reason why it worked before is because you didn't create anything physical.  Anyone can create something within themselves, even in your own world." The mysterious person said. 
"What'd I do?" Kat asked.  That's when to the person realized, that Kat couldn't remember when they used 'Create' unless...
"So, what's your name?" Kat asked. 
"Well, I don't have one."   The figure said. 
"Why don't I make one for you?" Kat said. 
"Sounds great!" The person said.  It took not to much debate, but Kat came up with Carey.  Or Cakes for short. 
"What about Carey? Cakes for short?" Kat said. 
"Perfect I love It!" Cakes said.  Cakes flinched. 
"Uh oh.  We don't have much time! We need to hurry!" Cakes said in a rush. 
"Look.  I want to make a deal.  I can get you out of here.  I can let you have an entire world, one that Nightmare or Ink would never find."  Cakes said. 
"What's in it for you?" Kat asked suspiciously.  Usually they would've said yes immediately, but Nightmare's place did a number on them. 
"Well, you just gotta let me highjack your body, for like, 5 minutes at most."  Cakes said. 
"How do I know you would give it back?" Kat asked. 
"You can trust me.  Because I'm literally you." Cakes said. 
"True...Ok. Let's do it." Kat said, they held out their hand to shake hands with Carey. 
As soon as their finger tips touched, a flow of magic, swirled around them. 
"You're gonna be safe."  Cakes promised Kat. 
Kat woke up on the battle field, they were still on Nightmare's side. 
"Kid you're awake." Killer said. 
"You ok? You passed out for a second.  We thought you got hit but you seem-"  Kat cut off Nightmare. 
"Don't pretend you care." Carey hissed. 
"Boss! I-I don't think this is the kid..." Killer yelled. 
"What are you-" Nightmare looked back.  He saw Carey holding the Create button. 
"Don't do it! You're not read-" Nightmare got thrown back by his own tentacles, well they weren't his, they were 'inspired' a better version. 
"Good work...Kat?" Dream said worried. 
"Guys! This isn't Kat!" Dream informed his team, and, unintentionally Nightmare's
"Ya! You think!" Cross said sarcastically, Carey was surrounded, but not quite.  They just needed to get far enough away to 'gliss' or teleport. 
Carey presses the button again.  They jumped way over Nightmare's head and landed flawlessly, and then ran. 
"The one thing they're usually not so good at." Nightmare pointed out before starting to surge toward Carey.  Kat was quicker, not a human speed. 
Carey pressed the Create button to gliss, but Nightmare slapped their hand away before they did.  Carey just used the other hand. 
A portal.  Carey was almost there! They were going to make it! But then out of no where, a splash of ink blocked their way.  Ink.
"No you don't!" Ink said heroically. 
"Get away from the kid!" Nightmare then threw Ink somewhere. 
Carey could use this to their advantage. 
Ink immediately came back and started to chase Carey again. 
Carey started to run out of breath. 
"Got you now!" Nightmare said grabbing Carey. 
"Who are you and what happened to Kat?" Nightmare held Carey threateningly up to his face. 
"H-huh?" Kat came back. 
"Nightmare! Let go of Kat!" Blue accusingly pointed at Nightmare.  Blue whacked the tentacle making it drop the human. 
"The-they didn't...make it." Carey came back, while the skeletons were bickering and snuck into a portal somewhere.

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