Chapter Nine: Why It's Such a Big Deal

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Percy Jackson

It took a lot to convince Rachel's parents that we weren't fucking crazy or in a cult with we came clean about the gods over lunch and then explained that they can't just... Tell people.

What convinced them?

When we got back to my house, I used my powers just to like, fill up a glass of water for her mom. It was simple.

But it was physical proof that I'm not normal.

"You—" Nate (Rachel's dad) said as he saw me hand his wife the glass of water. "Did you just...?"

"I'm sorry," Emalie said, accepting the glass to drink. "Who did you say your dad was again? I've gathered that he's not mortal, but I don't know if I ever heard who he was. He didn't introduce himself, either."

"My dad?" I asked in response and both of them nod their heads. "My dad is Poseidon. Which is part of why everything happened back in August. Not the whole reason, but being the oldest of Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades' kids meant that there was this prophecy about when I turned 16 and Olympus possibly falling and yeah."

That sounds overwhelming, though, and I knew that.

"It didn't fall," I continued, which seemed to relieve them. "you would know if Olympus fell like... Not because Olympus fell, but because governments would fail and a lot of people would die and yeah. We won, it's okay. Rachel was a big help, too. Sorry, I know it's a lot to take in, I didn't believe it at first, either, when they told me. A lot of kids don't, I'm shocked that Rachel did."

"I mean we were there at the Hoover Dam," Rachel reminded me of how we originally met, though. "So hearing about gods after that and also after orientation? Didn't seem too nuts."

Her parents are working through this, though, I think just looking back on what they knew about me and how those things change now that they know about my dad.

"So the thing that did happen at orientation," Nate questioned. "What... What actually happened? Why didn't the school know about it?"

Sighing, I leaned back against the kitchen counter, crossing my arms.

"So," I started. "The reason a lot of people don't know is because of either of two things. One, and most generally: their vision. Most mortals, including Paul and I'm assuming you guys, don't have 'clear vision.' No big reason, you were just born that way and aren't really affiliated with the gods anyways so it's not that important. Even some mortal parents of demigods don't have clear vision. Most people affiliated with the gods, though, all demigods and people like Rachel are clear sighted, so then the other thing: The Mist, usually doesn't fool us. Every once in a while it can, but it's basically a smoke screen or just camoflauge for things like monsters or the gods or just 'mythical' creatures to blend in with reality. The Mist can be placed and lifted, but it just makes things comprehensible for you guys. Your brain interprets whatever it sees in ways for it to make sense, whether or not it's the truth. The only reason Paul started to believe us talking about my dad was because we had a hellhound in the apartment back in August and he could see it. And he's met my dad and other demigods and it just... Clicked later, because he isn't clear sighted so to him it just sounds like we're crazy pagans or something, I don't know."

"Okay," Emalie responded, thinking to herself as Nate just seemed to be trying to take it in like he was a sponge or something. "well that at least explains a lot of Rachel's paintings and stuff, especially when she was younger. What does... Your dad said she's Apollo's Oracle? What does that....mean... For her? You're not a oracle, right?"

I shook my head.

"Nope, just a demigod!" I confirmed her theory. "So, Rachel is a host, a vessel, or whatever term you want to use, for Delphi, who was one of Apollo's oracles way back when. It's a peaceful thing, don't worry. Delphi chooses it's hosts. But she'll continue to age like normal, but she can't date or like, be with anyone. It's a vow or chastity and yeah. She'll go to the same camp I go to in the summers, and sometimes she might get called in to give a prophecy. She's also very unlikely to die because she's an Oracle so the gods will protect her."

"Oh, that's good!" And her mom liked the news that she shouldn't have to worry about Rachel dying on her because of this. "You must all be protected, right? Being the child of a god?"

I didn't laugh.

I almost did. Thought about it.

But I stopped myself and I didn't laugh.

"No, actually, we're a lot more likely to die as demigods," I corrected her, which was concerning. "Yeah, my will is written, actually, because according to that Prophecy I mentioned earlier? Made it sound like I was supposed to die on my birthday, and I'm still alive so like... It's weird. But yeah, monsters want us dead and the gods are shitty parents, excuse my language, but it's the truth. Generally they tell us that college is like, very ambitious because one: most of us are dyslexic and have ADHD because our brains are hardwired to read ancient Greek or Latin rather than English and ADHD is our survival instincts, but in schools they don't work well, and also... We'll probably die before then so..."

I shrugged.

"That's life. You die."

And holy shit did that kill the fucking mood.

"But you havent—" Nate began, at a loss of words. "I mean you're alive, but it's not like any of your friends have like... Died, right? Like they say that but it's not that bad, right? That's just the worst case scenario?"

What was I going to do? Lie to him?

No. I gave him a sorry look and answered his question.

"No, I've actually lost quite a few friends," and watching Rachel's parents expressions drop after that just... Sucked. "Yeah, um... The first person that I personally knew that died was right around the time we ran into each other at the Hoover Dam. Right before, actually. A daughter of Hades who had just joined camp and Artemis Hunt and she died on that quest. She was my age, roughly. The next summer we lost a few different demigods in a battle and Pan actually passed on that summer and this last August was... Bad, putting it lightly. Like, we won, but people still died. We had a couple who was supposed to be starting college right about now and both of them died, I was around for both of them. But even like Kronos' host was a demigod who used to be my counselor and he died on Olympus, which is why I'm alive. People died and it's not easy to process it but... One day I'll die, too, and until then I'll probably feel like I'm cheating a little because I wasn't prepared to be alive right now, as depressing as it is. I didn't think I'd get my license or graduate high school or anything. That's why my mom got married as fast as she did to Paul because while she didn't know for sure, she kind of knows and... Yeah."

I shrugged.

"It sucks, but it's the truth. We die. I will die, and that's okay. You guys will probably attend my funeral, and I'm okay with that. I know my mom has somebody that will be there for her when it happens and my friends are all in the same boat because we're demigods. We know what's waiting for us in the after life, so it's not scary."

"I— I'm so sorry that you have to endure that, Percy," Emalie apologized, though, even though it's not her fault.

She's not the one I want an apology from.

"Please don't apologize," I insisited. "It's not your fault and you're not the person I'd ask for an apology from. If the gods ever see their wrongs, if they ever admit to them, maybe I'll get an apology, but that's not on you."

Still apologizing, Nate told me that they had to go so Rachel could pack her things up in time to move on Monday to start school.

Which... I almost forgot that she was going to Clarion still.

She gave me a hug, though, and insisted that she'd send so many letters and she'd try to IM when she can and that she'd be back as often as she could be.

So that was that. Rachel's gone.

Sitting down, I just hoped that school wouldn't become lonely without her.

I don't know what I'll do if it is.

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