Chapter 36

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"What!" Caspian exclaimed as a look of frustrated anger took over his features.

"The Black Bandits of Archenland. They took her." Vale replied remorsefully.

"That can't be. Search the castle!" Caspian ordered, "She's probably still here somewhere."

Grendale gazed firmly at Caspian, "I'm afraid not my Lord. The Black Bandits have left a note in her quarters."

Caspian took the parchment from Grendale's hands, his frown deepened as he read the note. "Damn," He hissed crumpling the parchment in his hand.

"What does it say Caspian?" Peter asked, his chest rumbling against my side as he did so.

"They promised to stop terrorizing our people if we don't follow them and take back the Princess." Caspian turned to Vale. "Send for the guards. We're doing a thorough search of the castle for any signs of evidence of where they must have gone to."

"Caspian if we go after her, we're risking the lives our people here in Cair Paravel," Peter said firmly.

"I can't just leave my cousin with those malicious men! My uncle entrusted me to look after her. She is my responsibility and I can't let anything happen to her while she is under my care." Caspian ran a frustrated hand through his shaggy locks and turned his face towards the ceiling, "I'll have my men reinforce the town limits," he muttered angrily.

"And what if we can't find her Caspian? We don't know where to begin."

Caspian flashed his burning brown eyes to Peter. "We'd be damned if we let that happen. I'm getting my cousin back. Now Peter, please take Charlotte to Witch Willow. She needs to be checked as soon as possible."

"No Caspian," I began, "I must go after-"

"Charlotte, you are not well and you are staying inside Cair Paravel."

His dark brown eyes were stone cold and pierced through to me. I have never seen Caspian this aggressive or this angry before, but with everything that have happened in a matter of a few hours, I understand why he would be this way.

My lips pressed into a thin line a I contemplated Caspian's orders,"Fine, but the moment Witch Willow is done with me I am leaving to complete my duty as a knight."

"Charlotte," Caspian sighed.

I looked up at Peter's chiseled features placing a hand on his chest, "You can take me now Peter. The sooner I get this over with the better."


My eyes wandered anxiously around the potion strewn room. Along the brick walls stood shelves full of glass bottles and vials and dusty old books. A sight reminiscent of the time when I had first encountered Witch Willow in her humble abode. A large table sat on one end of the room and in the middle were two tidy beds. One of which, I happened to be sitting on as the fair witch prodded at my body to check for any signs of illness.

"You must be wondering about Edmund," Witch Willow said softly as she checked my pulse on my arm.

I raised an eyebrow. "Not at all actually."

"Yes, but he is never far from your thoughts now is he?" She smiled, her purple and blue eyes gazed back at me.

"How is he?" I asked cutting to the point.

"He is aware of what is happening, but it is obvious that he is conflicted. Aside from matters of the heart, there are no injuries. However, his episodes tend to take a lot of energy from him so he is required to rest up and restore his health."

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