Chapter 4

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Hey guys! I'll probably update everyday because I've already pre-written my story elsewhere.  I hope this is long. I'm not quite sure yet. If this happens to drag by slowly I promise it will get more interesting soon!. Please comment and fan! =)  

Chapter 4

"Uhm, what are you all talking about?" I asked curious.

They all turned around and looked at me as if for the first time.

"Oh right," My accidental kidnapper said. From what the younger girl had called him, his name must be Edmund. "I noticed we haven't had a formal introduction yet since we were too busy to have a decent talk."

"Too busy doing what?" asked the blonde man with a raised eyebrow.

I rolled my eyes. Typical man thoughts.

"Saving her from perverted men." said Edmund with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"So those men who were chasing you?" the older woman asked. "Are you alright?"

"Yes those were the men, and I'm alright thanks to your...boyfriend?"

The older woman's pretty face scrunched into a look of distaste. "God no, that's disgusting."

"My apologies for being so rude. Especially my charming younger brother here," chimed the older man while punching Edmund on the shoulder.

"What?" Edmund said with a confused look on his face.

The older man reached out his hand to shake but to my surprise he only held my hand in a gentle grip. "I'm Peter Pevensie, the oldest of the Pevensie family. You already met my younger brother Edmund, and this is Susan the second oldest." He then turned to the bubbly younger woman. "and this is Lucy our precious baby sister."

I smiled nervously trying to keep the heat from rushing to my cheeks. Peter's warm blue gaze stared into my eyes in a way that I wasn't quite used to. "I'm Charlotte. I moved in recently from the countryside. So where are we again?"

They all turned to look at each other with something akin to panic or worry in their eyes. "You're in Narnia." Edmund answered cautiously. 

Peter hit his arm. "She doesn't know what Narnia is Ed."

"Narnia is another world different from earth. It is set in an older time where mythical creatures and humans roam together." said Susan as gently as possible ignoring Peter and Edmund. "You may think were crazy but the proof is all around you."

I looked around expecting to see a unicorn prance around some where. Lucy smiled. "The trees Charlotte. I think you can sense them. They are more alive than back on earth."

"I noticed..." I said quietly. Surprisingly it was easy for me take in. As easy as breathing. I grew up wanting to believe in mythical creatures and such and now I'm in a world where creatures exist. I knew they weren't crazy and yet it was hard to imagine that this was all happening to me. "I can understand, but how-"

"Shh." Peter put a finger to his lips and I was quickly silenced. We heard the sound of hoofs stepping lightly against the ground and the voices of men.

He motioned for us to hide behind the trees. We all listened quietly, excitement making my heart beat fast. Would I see centaurs? Faeries? Unicorns maybe?

"That was a fine game of hunting, don't you think?" said one voice.

"Right you are, let's call it a day shall we? Before them elks come back to get us." The other voice said in a fake scared tone.

"Alright, alright. Let's go. Mam's going to have a fit-- Wait did you hear that?"

I sucked in a breath and moved closer behind the trees

"It's just the sound of nature. Nothing to be afraid of. Let's call it a day shall we?" said another voice that had a Spanish accent to it.

Lucy perked up and looked at Susan. "I know that voice." she said and took a step away from the trees and into the open.

"Lucy wait!" whispered Susan urgently.

At the next moment, Peter, Edmund, Susan, and I ran after Lucy. We didn't have to run far and ended up stopping a few steps behind her as she stood facing three men on top of horses.

"Caspian!" Lucy smiled.

The man at the front of the group immediately got off his horse and walked slowly towards her. "Lucy?" He asked in bewilderment.

He appeared to be of royalty by the way he dressed. He had shaggy brown hair and brown eyes with a sleek body figure.  "What are you all doing here? I thought you said you couldn't return?" He looked around and his gaze stopped by someone beside me. I looked at who it was and turned to see Susan. She seemed to be doing the same staring intently at him. One could almost feel the tension in the air. He quickly looked away and stopped to look at me curiously. "And who is this?"

"Her name is Charlotte. She came here with us on accident," Peter paused, "Actually we all came here by accident." 

"Why don't you explain it to me on the way." Caspian turned to two bears who were standing behind him. I could only stare in surprise because the bears were wearing armor. Hunting armor which I found quite ironic. "Gruff, Rowley. Do you mind letting the high kings and and queens of Narnia catch a lift?"

"I would be honored." said one of the bears as he bowed. When he noticed the other bear wasn't bowing he hit him in the stomach.

The other bear growled softly and bowed as well. "Y-yes I would be honored sire."

Caspian nodded. "Off we go then."


We arrived at the outskirts of a small town bustline with people dressed in an older period attire. Is Narnia a place in the past? This would be one of the questions I'd have to save for the Pevensies. Just as I was staring, every person in the town was also staring at us. Upon this realization I blushed, there were so many eyes I didn't know what to do. They seemed to be looking at us with surprise, admiration, and curiosity. 

"I wonder how long has it been since we've last been here." said Susan. Her eyes had a far away look to them

Caspian turned back. "A good five years I could say." he said with a small smile.

Susan looked up surprised that he heard her. "What?"

"Five years." repeated Caspian.

"Five years? It's been a while." said Lucy.

"A lot can happen in just five years." said Caspian with a hint of regret in his voice.


Heey guys, so I put up a picture of Ben Barnes as Caspian in case you wanted some eye candy wink, wink. haha, My sister thinks he's cute at least. So I'll be putting up pics of the cast every now and then, but I have yet to find the right person for Charlotte. xP

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