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You were dating the one and only Randy Anderson. You both were socs and the relationship wasn't all too bad. Randy was a nice boy who just hung around the wrong crowd. You loved him but were mad about him not saying anything about Bob and his group jumping random greasers. You would see them jump greasers but didn't really do anything until one day when they were jumping a kid who looked about your age (sixteen)

You ran over to where it was and started screaming at them and they moved back a bit while you went beside the boy and tried helping him.

You looked at Randy and Bob and screamed, "What the hell is wrong with you guys! He wasn't even bothering you!"

Bob rolled his eyes. "He's a greaser, they're always up to no good so why not get them before they get you."

You got up from beside him and slapped him. "He was probably just wandering around! You had no reason to do this!" 

Randy grabbed your arm and talked through his gritted teeth. "What are you doing!? Stop before you make any more mistakes."

Your face grew red in anger as Bob ushered his group into his car. 

After they drove off you sighed and kneeled back down by the boy who was trying to pull himself together but you could tell he wasn't doing very good so you just hugged him for awhile.

Once he finally pulled himself together you let him go and shuffled a little bit away to have some space between you two. 

He sniffled a bit then looked up at you. "Thank you" 

You looked at him and smiled, "No problem, they're a bunch of douches. I may be a soc but I can never see why they like jumping you greasers so much."

He nodded. "I'm Johnny by the way."

You smiled. "Cade right? We have some classes together. I'm Y/n"

You looked around and then back at him. "Do you have anywhere you can go right now? Like somewhere I can walk you to?"

He glanced down the road. "Yeah, it's just a street or two down that way."

You smiled and helped him up. You both had some small talk as you walked toward the Curtis house. You both walked in to see the whole gang sitting in the living room. Once they saw that Johnny looked all beat and was with a soc they kind of freaked out.. A lot. Within seconds they grabbed Johnny and you were pinned to the ground. 

What you recognized to be Steve Randle had pinned you. The gang quickly demanded to know what you had done to poor Johnny before Johnny quickly cut in.

"They didn't do anything! In fact, they're the one who helped me."

The gang looked confused and then Sodapop stated, "What do you mean they helped you, they're a soc."

He looked away and said, "Bobs gang is the one who was jumping me, they saw and quickly interfered."

Steve got off of you and mumble a slight apology.

You got up and rubbed the back of your head which had hit the ground pretty hard when you were pinned.

Then Ponyboy noticed something. "Wait aren't you Randy's girl? Why would you help a greaser when he's a part of the group who was jumping Johnny?"

You sighed and rubbed your head. "Just because I'm his girlfriend doesn't mean I support what he does."

A lot of them seemed to understand that. And then Darry, who is clearly the oldest of the bunch stepped in front of you. 

"Thank you, um-?"


"Y/n, thank you again, who knows how much more damage they would have done if you had not stepped in when you did."

"It's no problem really. No matter what some of you guys think, not all socs have it out for you greasers."

You looked around at the gang and smiled. "Well, I'll leave now so I'm not a disturbance much longer." You then looked at Johnny. 

"Take care Johnnycakes. Get those wounds treated soon, okay?"

He looked down and you could see a bit of pink flush his cheeks, but he nodded. 

You then give the gang one last smile before you walk out the door.

You knew when you saw Randy and them the next day you weren't going to hear the end of it about helping a greaser. But you didn't care.

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