Secrets coming out

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You gently closed the door once Johnny got fully into the room. Johnny stood in the middle of your room, kind of awkwardly looking around at your stuff. You chuckled before tilting your head at him.

"You can sit on my bed if you'd like." He slowly headed to your bed and you saw him look down at himself and then look at your bed again. You smiled and walked over to the bed sitting on it, patting the space beside you.

"Don't worry if you get my blankets and sheets dirty. I can always clean them." He smiled and sat down on your bed. He gently placed the plate of chocolate covered strawberries in front of the both of you while you leaned over to your bedside table and reached for your remote.

It was just slightly out of your reach and you really didn't feel like completely getting up so you tried leaning a bit further and fell forward. You closed your eyes tightly and braced yourself for impact but when it didn't come you slowly opened your eyes.

You looked slightly behind you and saw that Johnny was letting out a relieved breath of air as he slowly pulled you more onto the bed. "You have to be more careful next time y/n. I just barely caught you."

You nervously laughed and looked away carefully getting off the bed and grabbing the remote. You could feel yourself growing red but you hoped that Johnny wouldn't notice as you sat back down on the bed.

You handed the remote over to Johnny and smiled at him. "You can go through the channels and choose what we watch. I don't care what you choose. I'm fine with anything." He smiled, taking the remote causing your hands to slightly brush each other.

You grew even more red and before you could allow Johnny to notice you stood up and walked towards your closet while Johnny turned on the Tv and started to switch through the channels eventually sticking to some random channel he seemed to find interesting.

You sifted through your closet and pulled out a hoodie. You quickly put it on and made your way back to your bed and sat back down while grabbing a chocolate covered strawberry. You leaned back on your pillows and began to watch what Johnny had put on.

You noticed that every now and then Johnny would glance at you as he ate some of the chocolate covered strawberries too but you pretended not to see it . After a little while of leaning back on your pillow you grew bored of the position and sat up to move.

You looked around your bed trying to figure out what the most comfortable position would be before looking at Johnny's lap. It seemed like it would be the most comfortable so you shifted yourself and laid your head on his lap.

His body grew stiff as he looked down at you and nervously laughed. "Are you okay?" You asked, glancing up at him. Johnny smiled slightly and nodded. "Yeah, just caught by surprise that's all. Are you comfortable?"

You smiled. "Yeah. Sorry if it was sudden. I just got bored of laying against my pillows and your lap seemed like the next best thing." Johnny chuckled. "Well if you say so." You smiled and resumed your attention on the Tv.

After a moment you felt a hand gently stroke your hair and you look up to see Johnny looking down at you and smiling. "You need something Johnnycakes?" He shook his head. "Just admiring you."

You chuckled. "Why are you admiring me?" Johnny shrugged. "You just look nice. I've always thought that I suppose." You smiled and sat up so that you were now facing Johnny. "You really think that?"

He was still smiling at you. "Yeah. I do." You tilted your head to the side examining Johnny's face. Trying to figure out if he was lying or not. Johnny didn't seem like the type to lie especially with something like this.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked, tilting his head the same way you were. "I'm trying to see if you're lying or not." He laughed. "Why would I be lying?" You shrugged and tilted your head back to normal and so did he.

"Johnny, why are you so nice to me? None of your other friends are as nice as you. And I get it. I'm a soc. They have every right not to like me but I don't know why you do." He thought for a second.

"Well, you did kind of save me from your friends that one day." Your heart broke a little bit. Right. He must feel obliged to you since you saved him. You cleared your throat and sat on the edge of your bed.

You gave him a small smile. "Right, that makes sense." You clamped your hands in front of you on your lap and stared at them. Of course that was why he was being so friendly towards you. You sighed and after a moment you felt a hand on your shoulder.

"That's not the only reason why I'm kind to you y/n." You turned back so that you were now facing him and raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" He sighed. "I didn't say anything at first because you were dating Randy and I didn't say anything after that because I wanted to give you time but.."

"But what Johnny?" You thought you knew where it was going but you wanted to hear him say it. You wanted him to confirm what you thought was going on because you didn't want to have false hope for something that could be nothing.

"Ah gosh y/n. I like you. I wanted to give you time after your break up because I thought that hearing that I had something going on for you, you wouldn't be able to handle it and would not want to be friends anymore."

You smiled slightly as Johnny looked away. You carefully placed your hands on his cheeks and forced him to look at you. "Why do you think I didn't get back together with Randy?" Johnny tilted his head slightly.

"Because he's a jerk?" He said, giving you a confused look. "Yes but not only that but because I caught feelings for you after our first interaction. I thought I was just confused at first but then it grew over time."

Johnny's eyes widened as you laughed slightly. "You like me?" You smiled as you saw his face grow bright red. "Of course I do. I mean. Who wouldn't. You're so sweet and everything else." He smiled and melted into your hands.

After a minute or so he glanced back up at you. "So what now?" You shrugged. "I don't know if I'm being honest. I didn't think anything would come of my little crush. I didn't even think I was even going to tell you, let alone anyone."

Johnny pulled away from your hands. "Well, it'd probably be best not to go any further than friends. You wouldn't want to harm your image by dating a greaser would ya?" You sighed as you watched Johnny get off your bed.

"I should probably get going now. Sorry if I over went my stay." He mumbled as he walked out of your room and started down the stairs. You couldn't not do anything about the situation. It was either your soc life or your love life.

You huffed. Your soc life was already ruined. There's no way it could get worse than what it was. You'd rather be with someone who actually cares about you and loves you than with people who would drop you the second they could.

You made your decision and ran after Johnny. By the time you got to the bottom of your stairs he was just about to open your front door. "Johnny, wait!" You screamed as you ran up to him.

Johnny stopped and turned around at the sound of your voice. You stopped in front of him, putting your hands on his face. "My soc life is already crap. I'd rather choose you than them." You said as you closed the space in between the two of you. 

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