Get me out of this hell hole

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You finally woke up and opened your eyes to see a bright clean looking room. You covered your eyes a bit with your hand as you examined the room. On the side table you could see all sorts of gifts laid out. You tried to sit up a bit but was brought with sharp pains going through your body so you laid back down in defeat. You tried to remember what happened but were interrupted by someone knocking on your door.

You sighed. "Come in"

The door slightly opened and you looked up to see Johnny there. You propped yourself on your elbows and smiled a bit. He shut your door and just stood there.

"You can sit y'know."

He smiled a bit and went to sit at the chair beside you bed.

You looked at him for a few seconds before a question popped into your mind. "Do you know if Randy has come to visit me?"

He looked up at the ceiling. "I think maybe once a day. You've been in here for about a week."

You were shocked at this and laid down. You slowly put your hands on your head and sighed. "That long. I'm gonna have so much work to do."

"Hey don't start worrying about that. From what I heard your not even fully recovered."

You thought that over and supposed that was right. I mean, you couldn't even really sit up fully without your body being flooded with pain. You adjusted your position to look at him and smiled a bit.

"So why are you here Johnnycakes?"

He looked down at his hands and started fidgeting a bit. "Well news got around that you were supposed to be waking up today so I wanted to make sure you were okay."

You smiled to yourself at this but your thoughts were soon interrupted when the door suddenly opened to reveal Randy. You saw Randy's look shift from calm to a bit of anger and confusion.

"What are you doing here greaser?"

Johnny looked up and you could tell he was a bit scared. "I-I'm seeing Y/n and making sure they're okay."

"I think that would be my job since I'm the one dating them not you Cade."

Johnny looked away not really knowing what to do while you just looked away from both of them clearly annoyed. "I think I'm gonna leave Y/n, I hope you feel better." And with that Johnny quickly walked out the door. 

Randy scoffed and set down a bundle of flowers beside all the other gifts.

"Y'know, you didn't have to be mean to him. He was just checking in on me."

Randy glanced at you and then sat in the chair that Johnny had once occupied. "He's a greaser. He shouldn't be around you especially if your basically bed bound right now."

That made you even more mad than you had been before. "And? I thought you were the one who agreed that not all greasers are bad. And its Johnny Cade for fucks sake! He's probably the kindest and quietest of them all!!"

Randy pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "I don't care. You're my girlfriend and if I don't want you hanging around certain people that's the end of it."

You forced yourself to sit up and was struck with so much pain but you did not care. You could see that Randy was shocked at your sudden movement and before he could say anything you snapped. "And I don't like you hanging around those assholes you call your friends but do you do anything about it? NO! My opinion never matters but when it comes to yours it's important! Y'know what, If you're going to be like this I don't think I want to be your damned girlfriend."

His eyes widened and he looked pissed. "Fine then, we're through. I don't need you. I'll find some other broad who is actually listens."

And with that he stormed out of the room. You were in too much to even attempt to hold in your tears and you just let them all start falling. You had said what you did out of pure anger. You didn't necessarily mean any of the stuff you said but you could tell that he hadn't realized that. Of course he hadn't. You ended up crying yourself to sleep.

You ended up waking up to a doctor walking into your room. You could tell the night had passed and it was now morning.

"Oh good your awake. Well, I just came in to tell you that you are good to go home. Do you have anyone we can get to take you home?"

At that very moment Johnny walked in. "O-oh sorry. Was I interrupting something?"

You looked at the doctor and then back at Johnny. "Hey Johnnycakes, do you think you could convince one of your little buddies to get me? Maybe we can hang out at the Curtis house or something."

"Um, I could call Darry or something. Is there a phone I could use?"

The doctor smiled. "In front of the hospital to your right."

Johnny nodded and ran out. The doctor looked back at you. "You can start gathering up your stuff to go."

You smiled and nodded.

*Time skip - 30 minutes pass*

You had finally finished putting together your stuff and getting changed. You were still sore but besides that you did feel better. Johnny had come back just as you were finishing up with Darry and Pony by his side. You smiled thanking the gods that Darry was kind enough to do this.

"Thank you so much, I can pay you for any trouble this trip to come get me has brought you."

Darry shook his head. "No need, your Pony and Johnny's friends so why not. You're staying at my house for a little bit, am I correct?"

"Well not like sleeping over but maybe just to hang out for a bit. I don't want to be too much of a burden."

He nodded in understanding and then you guys quietly left the hospital. While you guys were driving Darry says your name.

You looked up quickly from where your view had been and he warned you. "The gang is over so maybe don't make any quick moves. We wouldn't want you to get pinned down. again."

You nod at this. You truly didn't want to get pinned down again. Especially in your condition. 

You guys finally arrived and you looked out to the house. "Hey Darry, is it alright if I leave these in your car until I leave to go back to my house?" He looked back to see you referring to the gifts you had received while in the hospital.

"I don't see why not."

You all headed into the Curtis house. Once they realized you were also with the boys, some seemed annoyed.

You noticed that Steve had gotten into a stance that could only be him getting ready to tackle and pin you again. But before anyone could do anything Johnny stepped in front of you.

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