Plenty of activities

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You smiled as you listed off every item that was needed and pointed Johnny in the direction of where that said item would be. After just a few short minutes Johnny had gotten every ingredient and set them on the counter.

You closed the book and set it out of the way and leaned down to the cupboard just below the counter. You opened the cupboard and took out a decent sized bowl, putting it in the place the book had been just moments ago.

Johnny gave you a confused look. "I know how to make rice krispies by heart. Was my favorite thing to make when I was younger. One of the few things my parents actually let me make when I was younger because I couldn't do anything to burn the house down."

Johnny chuckled. "Well then, let's hope we don't somehow manage to mess this up." You looked over at him and smiled. "Could you get me a smaller bowl than this out of the cupboard near the fridge? We need something to microwave the marshmallows in."

Johnny nodded before heading over to the cupboard you had said to go to and opening the door, grabbing the nearest bowl. He quickly closed the cupboard door and walked back over to you, gently placing the bowl down near you.

You moved to the side slightly and motioned for him to come and stand next to you. Johnny smiled and moved from where he was standing to the space beside you. You handed the bag of marshmallows to him.

"Pour in some and go put them in the microwave. Try to keep an eye on them while they are in there to make sure nothing happens." Johnny carefully dumped some of the marshmallows in the bowl before picking it up and heading to the microwave.

You saw as he paused for a moment. You quietly listened to him mumble. "Just a quick taste test." You laughed and grabbed a nearby hand towel and threw it at him. Johnny laughed as he quickly ate a few more before putting them in the microwave.

He smiled as he leaned down to pick up the hand towel, gently tossing it back over to you before he turned around again to peer into the microwave to make sure the marshmallows weren't acting up.

You sighed as you set the hand towel on the counter and took a box of rice krispies cereal, slowly pouring it into the big bowl. After a few more seconds, Johnny brought over the now melted marshmallows.

You handed him a wooden spoon so that he could scrape the melted marshmallow into the big bowl. You smiled watching Johnny concentrate on the task at hand before finishing up the pouring and turning towards you.

Johnny smiled as he grabbed your waist and moved you so that you were in front of him. Johnny gently moved your hand so that it was on the spoon, putting his hand on top of yours and starting to stir the mixture.

He placed his other hand around your waist and laid his head on yours as you two watched the mixture slowly combine into one. Johnny removed his hand off of yours before moving to the side so that he wasn't directly behind you.

"Now what chef?" You laughed before moving the bowl out of the way. You turned around and walked to another cupboard putting out a tray you usually use when making brownies, taking it over to the space you were working in.

"Alright now that we've got the general mix done we can transfer it to this pan and then we have to put it in the fridge to chill." Johnny nodded while you put your hands on your hips. "Is something wrong?" You huffed. "I feel like there's something else we could add to it."

You thought for a few seconds before it finally hit you and you ran to your pantry, quickly opening the door and running in. You scanned the shelfs before you finally found it, taking it off the shelf and running back out and showing Johnny.

His eyes widened. "M&M's?" You nodded. "I feel like it'd be a good thing to add." Johnny laughed. "Of course it'd be a good addition. I mean come on. When would chocolate be a bad addition to something?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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