Back in the Groove

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You finally woke up after a long night's rest. You had gone straight to bed after you had gotten hope because you didn't have anything better to do. You yawned and sat up in bed and then remembered everything that had happened yesterday.

You were going to help Johnny with his little crush no matter how much it hurt you to do so. It was really the least you could do to help him after everything. He stood up for you from his friend group and you couldn't imagine how hard that was for him to do.

You sighed and got out of bed heading to your closet to pick out some clothes for today. You picked out some ripped jeans and a sweater pairing it with some ordinary boots. Nothing too fancy. You were just going to school after all.

You were pretty nervous to go back after everything. I mean, lets be honest, after being in the hospital for about a week or so it was going to be hard getting back in the groove of everything. You weren't dating Randy anymore so that was a decently big change too.

You huffed as you grabbed your bag and headed out of your house. You were grateful that the walk from your house to the school wasn't a long one because you were still sore from being in the hospital. You supposed it would wear off over time.

You finally got to the school and saw Randy standing in your guy's usual spot. Do you go up to him? You guys were still technically friends. You shrugged it off and went over to him. It didn't matter that he was your ex, you were still friends.

You walked up and leaned on the wall beside him. He raised an eyebrow at you. "What?" He shrugged. "Why are you hanging around me?" You rolled your eyes. "We're still friends, aren't we?"

He sighed and leaned against the wall. "I guess so." You huffed and pushed yourself off the wall. "Don't go acting weird. Remember, you're the reason we aren't still together." Before he could even say anything you walked off into the school.

You got to your locker and put your bag in and took your books out. When you shut your locker Cherry was there. You jumped but once you saw it was only her you calmed down. "Jesus Cherry, don't scare me like that."

She laughed and rolled her eyes. "Wanna walk to class together?" You smiled. "Sure, I don't see why not." You and Cherry had basically all of your classes together due to you being in the same grade.

You guys started walking when all of a sudden she looked over at you. "So I heard you and Randy aren't a thing anymore." You sighed and shook your head. "Yeah, we got into it when I was in the hospital and he broke it off due to that."

She nodded slightly before speaking again. "Are you okay after being in the hospital. That must've sucked." You smiled. At Least she cared. It was Cherry so you were surprised that she was worried a bit.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Mostly healed. Just have to take it easy and I'm a bit sore." Cherry nodded. By then you two had made it to the classroom and started to part ways since your seats were on opposite sides of the room.

"Well I hope you feel better soon y/n. Take care." You smiled and headed to your seat ready for a long, boring day. You hoped it would go by a little quicker so you could just get home and relax. You really weren't in the mood for anything.


School was finally over and you were in the library resting your head on the table, with your arms under you. You had skipped your last few periods due to the pain in your body being absolutely unbearable.

Or at least that is what you were convincing yourself the reason was for skipping classes. You felt a tap on your shoulder and sat up slightly to see Johnny. You smiled as he sat down beside you. "Oh hey there Johnnycakes."

He gave a small smile back. "How long have you been in here y/n? I swear when I passed by during 5th period you were in here too." You sighed. "Yeah, I've been here since the beginning of 5th. Just didn't feel like going to any more classes today. Told Cherry to cover for me."

He nodded before rubbing your back slightly. "Are you still sore from being in the hospital and stuff?" You huffed. "Sadly yes, it's dumb. I wish I would just feel completely better already. Every movement is hell."

Johnny sighed and continued to rub your back. "I really wish there was more I could do more for you." You hummed in response and closed your eyes. He laid his head down beside yours and smiled.

"You really should get going. School is out." You sighed and opened your eyes. "Yeah, I guess so. What are you doing after we leave?" Johnny thought for a second before shrugging. "Whatever happens. Don't think I'm going home just yet though."

You nodded slightly and sat up and after you did so did he. You smiled at Johnny. "Well, if you don't have anything going on, you wanna come to mine?" His eyes widened. "Like, right now?" You chuckled and nodded.

"If you want to, that is." Johnny sat back slightly. "Won't your parents not like that." You shrugged. "They're never home anyway. I basically have the house to myself all the time. They travel the world for their work."

"Do they ever come home?" You slightly tipped your chair back, putting your hands behind your head. "At Least once a year, if I'm lucky it'll be a little more than that." Johnny gave you a sad look.

You smiled at him. "I've adapted to it! It doesn't affect me like, at all anymore." He gave a small smile before thinking for a second. "I guess I wouldn't mind coming over." You gave him a big smile and stood up.

"Great! I hope you don't mind walking a little. It's not too far from here." He smiled back and stood up too. "Well, let's get going then."


This one is a tad bit long so I hope you enjoy it! I will be posting a piece of this story every other day.  It will be opposite of the day I post the mini stories just so I don't have things packing on top of each other. I'm sure this arrangement will change but until then this is what it is! Friendly reminder that if you have any suggestions to anything let me know! 

If you have any fandoms you want stories of let me know! It'll be limited to an extent due to it would have to be one I know of so I'm able to accurately write parts! I'm thinking of doing some Sally Face mini stories. Happy reading!

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