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Johnny stepped in front of you before anyone could do anything. You could tell a majority of the gang was shocked at this because Johnny was one of the shyest of them all and was the kind of person to just stand to the side. 

"Will you guys give them a break? They haven't even done anything to make you guys dislike them. Plus they are in no condition to be taking on the stress of you guys trying to tackle them every five minutes, they just got out of the hospital."

One of them spoke up and you realized it was Soda. "But aren't they dating that soc Randy? We can't exactly trust them when they're with the guy who is part of a group that keeps jumping us greasers!"

You saw that some of the group was nodding at this but before anyone could chime in with something else you started talking. "Not anymore. Me and him got into it at the hospital and broke up."

Johnny looked back at you in shock. But then Steve spoke up. "But still, you were with him for what? Over a year, so how can we trust you?"

You looked away. "When will you guys understand that just because I'm a 'soc' doesn't mean I agree with everything they do. I dated Randy because he was genuinely a good guy, he just hung around the wrong crowd, that's all."

They all went quiet at this remark. You sighed and started out the door. "No point in being here if none of you guys like me. Understandable in a way. But it would be nice not to get judged by the group I was born into."

You walked out and started grabbing your stuff out of Darry's car. While doing so Johnny runs out and grabs you. "I'm sorry. They just are worried that's all"

"Worried. HA! They haven't even given me a chance. I could maybe understand the first time but they have no reason not to have a slight bit of trust that I wouldn't try anything." 

He sighed and grabbed the bags out of your hands and set them on the floor. He then pulled you into a hug. Tight enough to comfort, loose enough to not hurt you. And man you melted into that hug. 

He slightly pulled back and smiled a bit. "I'm sorry, I just thought you could use a hug to de-stress. You shouldn't have all that stress building up in ya especially since you just got out of the hospital." 

You smiled and dragged him into another hug. "It's alright Johnnycakes, I needed it."

He smiled and hugged you back. While you two were hugging you heard someone open the Curtis house door. You guys stopped hugging for a moment to see Ponyboy coming out.

"Sorry didn't mean to interrupt whatever was going on, I just wanted to make sure you were alright after that Y/n"

You sighed. "Yeah I'm fine."

He nodded. "I'm sorry about how they're treating you. I promise they'll get used to you."

You gave him a small smile and then looked at Johnny. "I hope."

You picked up your bags again and smiled at Pony and Johnny. "Thank you both for checking on me, but I should really get going home."

They smiled back at you. "You sure you're good to walk home?"

"Yeah I should be fine. I live only a few miles away and I need to get some air anyway, it'll do me some good."

They nodded and started walking back in the house but as they were walking Johnny looked back at you and smiled. Now all you had to do was make the adventure back to your house. 

*Hour later*

You finally made it back with little to no trouble. You did almost trip a few times but quickly recovered. When you finally got inside you realized there was a note on the counter from your parents.

"Dear Y/n, we had to go on a business trip and will probably be back in about a month. We left you a decent amount of money in the safe to use at you own will while we're away. If you need anything ask the housekeeper. Stay safe. -Love Mom and Dad"

You assumed they wrote this before your accident because they didn't mention anything about it in the note. You sighed and tossed the note in the trash before going up to your room and setting down your stuff. 

You got a shower and did brushed your teeth before you decided you were going to take a nap. 

*five hours later it is now eleven at night when you suddenly hear your window open up*

You jolt up and turn on your desk lamp to see Randy climbing through your window. He was clearly drunk. 

"Randy-? What the hell are you doing here!"

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