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You sat up shocked to see Randy now standing in your room. You could tell he was drunk. He was pretty passive when he was drunk. He looked up at you after he closed your window and smiled all giddy.

He walked over and laid down on your chest. "Y/nnnn. Oh god I missed you."

You slightly pushed him away and sat up more. "Randy, we broke up remember? Why are you here?"

He frowned and sat up starting to cry a bit. "Y/n. I'm sorry. I love you so much."

You sighed and stood up. "Well you're the one who broke up with me so that's your fault not mine. Go back to those many broads who will actually listen to you."

He wiped his face a bit and laid on your bed. "Y'know. I still love you"

You sighed. "Are you gonna get up and leave or are you gonna crash here tonight."

"Can I stay with you in your bed."

"Will you shut up?"

He smiled and nodded. "Fine but don't touch me."

You turn off your lamp and lay down eventually falling to sleep.


You wake up and yawn looking at Randy panicking a bit.

"What's your issue?"

"Why am I here and in your bed?"

"You were drunk and climbed through my window. You said you would shut up if I let you sleep in my bed."

He sighed in relief. "Did I say anything dumb while I was drunk. Knowing how I get when I am drunk it's a high possibility."

You stood up and went to your closet to start picking out clothes for the day. "Mmm, besides saying you still loved me no."

You looked back and saw him shocked and he quickly looked away. 

"Just letting you know the chance of us getting back together is none. You made your mistake. I got over it."

He looked at you with a mixture of shocked and sadness.

"We can still be friends and stuff but I don't think we're good together."

He sadly looked down and then gave you a sad smile. "That's okay. Better than not being able to talk to you at all and stuff."

You nodded and turned towards him opening your arms. Which he quickly walked into and embraced himself into your hug. He eventually let go and went to go limb out your window again. 

"Goodbye Y/n. See you at school tomorrow."

You smiled at him as he climbed out your window.

Yes you were sad about your guys break up but you were happy to still be friends with him.

You got ready for the day and headed put the door. You weren't very sure on what you were going to do today, but you were sure that you would figure it out sooner or later. 

You ended up walking to the lot where you laid down and just relaxed. When all of a sudden you hear someone come up beside you and sit down. You look over and see Johnny. 

"Good morning Johnnycakes!"

He smiled at you and made himself comfortable. You leaned on him and closed your eyes.

You could feel him stiffen up but soon relax again. You smiled.

"You good Johnnycakes?"

"Yep, all good. The morning sky is sure pretty today." 

You open your eyes and look up. "All blue"

He nodded. "I nice sunny day."

You flopped yourself onto the ground and roll over.

He laughed and looked at you. "You good?"

You peaked at him. "Mhmmm"

He laughed a little bit. "So, you're really not dating Randy anymore?"

You sighed and looked up at the sky. "Yeah, he'll find someone new eventually. I sure as hell ain't going back to him."

You could see a little wave of excitement run through him but he quickly tried to hide it. You giggled to yourself.

You turned your attention towards him. "You in a relationship Johnnycakes?"

He blushed a little bit. "No."

You quickly sat up. "Well you're blushing. Do you have a crush?"

He looked away and mumbled something. 

You snuck up behind him and put your hands on his shoulders leaning over him a bit. "What was that Johnny? I didn't quite catch it."

He stiffened up a bit. "I said maybe."

You giggled and leaned back a bit. "You should tell me who."

He quickly shook his head. "Well at least let me give you some advice for it seeing as I've been in a relationship or two in the past."

He sighed and nodded. "Well if you like them, you should make sure that they know that. Maybe ask them out on a date or something. I know you're shy Johnny, but I believe that you can do it."

He smiled and looked at you. "T-thank you Y/n"

You smiled and brought him into a hug. "It's no big deal! I'm happy to help you!"

You could feel him smile as he wrapped his arms around you. After a few minutes you guys broke apart.

You stood up and looked down at him. "Well Johnnycakes, I'm gonna head home. See you at school tomorrow!"

He smiled at you and waved goodbye. You started walking to your house and clenched your fists as soon as you were out of view. 

You knew it was gonna happen but you couldn't help feeling kind of angry and sad that Johnny liked someone seeing as you liked him. Oh well. You'll help him anyway. 

What were friends for, right..?

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