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All you could think about that night lying in bed was sweet Johnny Cade. You sometimes had noticed him in classes or walking through the halls but you had never tried talking to him because of your soc title and you didn't want other socs to target him. 

In the morning when you went to school, you met Randy in your guys normal spot outside of the school. He was looking at some of the other socs across the school yard when you were walking up to him. 

When you finally got to him you could tell he wasn't happy about what happened last night. He sighed and looked at you.

"y'know, I didn't hear the end of it last night with Bob after your little stunt."

You looked down at you shoes and started fidgeting with your jacket. "I know.."

He grabbed your hands. "I love you, but you can't just stick up for greasers. Show them your nice and they'll take advantage of it y/n"

You pulled your hands away from his and put them in your pockets. You then mumbled, "They aren't all like that, maybe Dallas Winston or some other rude greaser, but not all of them are bad."

He sighed and pulled you into a hug. He then whispered, "I know dear, I know.."

You hugged him back and as you looked over near the school doors you saw Ponyboy and Johnny walking inside. 

You pulled away and gave him a peck on the lips. "I'm gonna go inside now, I have to go to the bathroom before class."

He brushed a piece of hair behind your ear and smiled. "okay dear, don't get into too much trouble."

You smiled and then went inside. 

As you were walking through the halls you noticed that it was just about time for class, so you went on with your classes until you finally had a free period. Usually you spend them with Randy but he had to finish up some work so you decided to go to the library instead.

As you were silently looking through books you almost tripped over someone on the floor. You look down to see Ponyboy reading. But once he realized someone almost tripped over him, he glanced up. Once he realized it was you he silently scooched over and patted the floor beside him.

You silently sat down beside him and looked at what he was reading. You then leaned back against the bookshelf and closed your eyes. 

You then whispered as to not completely disturb the quietness, "why in the world are you sitting on the floor. You do realize their are desks right?"

He then put a paper in the place he was in and set his book down. "Yeah but the floor is way more comfortable than those damned chairs."

You slightly chuckled at this comment. "I can't disagree with you."

You then opened your eyes back open and looked at him. He was looking off into the distance probably in his own thoughts.

You examined your hand while saying, "free period?"


He glanced at you slightly. "Why are socs so rude sometimes?"

The question didn't really surprise you because you had sometimes thought about it too.

You thought for a second and then replied quietly, "Not all. But most. Maybe they're too full of themselves. We'll never fully know though."

"Aren't you around socs almost all the time?"

"That doesn't mean I understand them. Honestly if it wasn't for my money and family status, I think I would be a greaser."

He looked at you a bit shocked but then looked over to the clock.

"This period is almost over isn't it?"

"Yep, we've got like a minute."

You sighed and stood up holding your hand out for Ponyboy so he could get up a bit more easily. He gladly accepted it and stood up.

"How's Johnnycakes doin'?"


You smile slightly. "Good, anyhow, I've got to get going. It was good talking to you Pony."

"Same to you."

And with that it was the end of the day. You gathered the stuff you needed from your locker setting it gently into your bag when suddenly a hand grabs your shoulder causing you to jump and quickly turn around. But you soon calm down seeing that it was only your boyfriend Randy.

"Hi dear, how was your free period?"

You smiled slightly, "It was nice, I spent it in the library trying to find a new book to read but nothing caught my eye."

He kissed your forehead. "Maybe next time."

You nodded and looked behind him slightly to see that the rest of the group was there. Once Randy realized this he turned around.

Bob didn't looked that pissed to see you as you thought he would. That most likely meant Randy had said something to him.

Bob smiled a bit at you and then returned his gaze at Randy. "Don't mean to interrupt little love time Randy, but we have to get going." 

Randy nodded and turned back to you. "Okay hun, I'm going to go with them to a party, I'll come by your house at about eleven, alright?"

You smiled and nodded. He then gave you a quick kiss and left with the rest of the group. You knew he was going to come back drunk. He always came back drunk after any party with the soc group. It wasn't like he was mean when he was drunk you just couldn't stand the smell of alcohol.

You finished grabbing you stuff and started walking home. Your house wasn't all too far from the school so you weren't so worried about it. But while crossing a street you forgot to look both ways and all of a sudden you were stricken with a sharp pain all throughout your body and then you vision went black. The last thing you heard was people starting to murmur around you.

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