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Hiyaaaaaaa, thank you all for the support, i really appreciate it.


-the next morning-

Sunny's mother opened her eyes, eager for a new day, when she remembered that she also needed to wake Sunny up.

But to her surprise, Sunny was already up and ready before his mother, which was a shock to her.

She tiredly looked at her son, something was off, he'd been quite. Quite quiet ever since He'd come back. Sometimes on ocassion, she'd see one of his eyeshadows seemingly twitch.

"You're going out right now?"


Sunny didn't respond, pretending not to hear


This time he actually did turn.


"Why are you up so early?"

She asked.

"....they said they needed me. Remember?"

"Yes i Do.. don't typically get up this early."

She explained, as Sunny just looked at her, without blinking.

"I couldn't sleep."

He lied partly, in actuality he made himself stay up all night, so he could be Early. For Kel.

although skeptical, his mother believed him.


Sunny then grabbed the car keys, stating he'd be back.

He then walked out of the room, and went down to the lobby, the talking of people could be heard everywhere, smells of coffee, sryup and eggs also filled the room, as it was breakfast.

Sunny looked at the dinning area for a moment.

At one of the tables.

Hero stared at him.

Sunny stopped in his tracks, fearful, as his left eye twitched a bit.

Actually, Sunny was quite frightened.

Everything seemed so quiet.

Like everything had dissipated into thin air as Sunny and Hero stared at eachother.

Sunnys left eye twitched again.

After a bit, Sunny rubbed his eyes and looked again, to a very weirded out person obviously trying to ignore sunny staring at him.

Sunny then headed straight out into the Parking lot, ignoring the situation that just happened, chalking it down to being tired.

The crowded parking lot made it hard to find the car in the sea of other vehicles, but alas Sunny found the car.

He then unlocked his mother's car and got in the driver's seat.

He then started the car, and went on his way to Faraway Town.

Everything seemed fine as Sunny narrow roads that were empty and desolate.

But, it seemed to change when he made it to the town itself.

The dark presence that had been around for a week could be felt as you drove past the park.

Sunny drove the car half hazardly looking around, everything was his fault, again.

S-I-M-P (SUNTAN Recontiued)Where stories live. Discover now