Cameras are cool.

856 28 81

Hiya, welcome back.
Sorry for taking so long

After a long night, and early morning. the group met at the town square and all got together, ready for the next challenge ahead.

Town square, 10:04 am.

As Sunny got out of his car, to the group in front of him. He was off.

Kel ran up to Sunny and hugged him.

"Hey man!"

"Good morning Kel."

Sunnys voice shook, anticipating being caught in the following minutes.

"C'mon twerps, we got scum to find."

Aubrey called out.

"The sooner the better."

Kim griped quieter than Aubrey, but still hearable. The two then stepped forward onto the pavement as the group began to move towards hobeezs. After all, there was a camera running on the far corner side of the store.

Entering in the store, and making their way to the shopkeep, he greeted Kel.

"Kel! My man, how's it been? My condolences to your brother."

"Hey man, it's been rough. but me and my pals here are tracking down the killer!"

Kel gleemed with joy, as the shopkeep seemed to have a look of pity and doubt, holding a smile.

"Even after what the police said?"

Shopkeep asked to Kel. As they all stood there awkwardly, lookinging and playing with tiny knick knacks in the shop.

"I think they maybe made a mistake."

Kel mumbled a bit, knowing he probably sounded a little crazy.

"Annnnnny who, would you mind if we checked the cameras?"


He stumbled with his words as the brown haired boy looked eagerly for a response.


The shop keep looked puzzled for a moment before it clicked in his brain.

"OHHHHHHHH, the camera outside?"


Kel smiled.

"What other camera would we be talking about?"

Aubrey scoffed, as Kel turned around and scowled at her rudeness like a parent that was on the phone, then back to shopkeep with his trademark face.

"So any dice we could sneak a peak?"

"Sorry pal, i would definitely let you look man, buuuuuuuuuuuttt."

Shop keep seemed to dance around the reason before stating.

"We don't actually own them."

He said blankly.


"Yeah, made a deal with the super market next to us, they control the cameras, we get a small amount of compensation."


Kel sadly looked to the ground. Shopkeep was gonna end it there, but looked to the side for a moment, seeing Sunny, with a unsettling look, a mixture of sadness and glee.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2022 ⏰

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