Chapter 25: Scare

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Naomi hadn't dared to go back to the convenience store the last few days. Not because she didn't want to see Kieran, but because she wouldn't know what to say or do if she did see him.

Only one downfall to that: it meant that Naomi spent all her extra time at home. That bothered Naomi. Deep down, perhaps suppressed by her desire to be perfect and unapproachable, Naomi nurtured a desire to go out and spend time with friends like a normal person.

When did she become this hermit, intent on sitting in a position above everyone else? What happened to personability and friendliness? Naomi had made friends, once. A long, long time ago. Why couldn't she do the same nowadays?

Her frustrations were what drew her out of the house, down the nearby roads, and toward the convenience store that she had sworn to avoid.

She should have known how bad of an idea that was.

Naomi hadn't even made it around the corner toward the store when she spotted him. Kieran. One hand holding a phone to his ear and the other scrubbing through his hair in frustration. Not the usual, put-together look of the photographer she acquainted herself with.

Naomi tip-toed closer, every nerve of her body on high alert. Who had the ability to so upset calm and collected Kieran?

"I told you. I'll have it to you by Friday. Stop harassing me about it."

Harassing? Someone had the guts to go up against persistent and snarky Kieran Colburn? Naomi took another step closer so that she might hear better.

"I'll pay. I always pay you on time, don't I?"

Naomi tipped her head, thinking. Kieran needed money? He never seemed like the type. Didn't he make a lot of money photographing high fashion?

"I told you, I—"

A hand settled on Naomi's shoulder.

Naomi screamed. Made a move to run.

A second hand clasped over her mouth, not hard enough to hurt, but firm enough to quiet her.

Kieran spun to face the dark corner where Naomi had been hiding. He knit his brow. "Give me til Friday. I'll get it by then."

Naomi tugged against the man holding her, unsure why Kieran didn't do anything.

A single motion ended the call and shoved the phone into Kieran's back pocket.

Naomi tugged against the hand holding her shoulder, trying to finagle her arms into a position that she could scratch whoever had her in his grasp. Had to be a man. The grip held too firmly. He clearly he had long arms, as he avoided the one foot that Naomi sent backward in hopes of kicking his kneecap.

Kieran used those long legs of his to eat up the distance between his spot and Naomi's. "Let her go, Donovan, you're scaring her."

As quickly as she had been grasped, Naomi found herself freed. The inertia from her flimsy struggle forced her to stumble forward.

Kieran caught her against his chest, one hand on each of her shoulders.

That's when the shakes began. Naomi couldn't remember ever being in a situation where she felt out of control. This time, any number of things could have happened. What if Kieran hadn't been around? What if the man hadn't let her go? In a brief moment of relief, Naomi let her guard down. Her head dropped forward against Kieran's chest.

A chest that heaved a great sigh. "Are you okay?"

Naomi shook her head. Then nodded it. Truth be told, she would probably have nightmares for a few days, but she had handled those before.

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