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     Today Minho would be meeting his co-star. Victor Lucas.

   It was just a casual get together that the director set up.

     Maybe, Minho was slightly nervous. His English was good he still had some struggles with it, but he was still nervous that he would make some kind of mistake.

    He grew up speaking Spanish and Korean. Spanish with his family and he learned Korean from Chaeyoung.

    "Minho?" Someone questioned.

   Minho looked up from his cup to see a male with jet black hair that was about shoulder length.

    "Yes?" He questioned.

    The male smiled.

  "I am Victor Lucas, your co-star." The man introduced himself.

  Minho's eyes widened a little and he stood up.

    "It is nice to meet you Mr Lucas." Minho smiled a little and held his hand out.

  Victor chuckled and shook Minhos hand.

   "Just call me Victor, there are no need for formalities." He spoke.

    The two sat down.

   "I have seen some of your works, your acting is amazing, especially in the one tv show you were in... 'Unexpected'. It was amazing, especially the scene where you and the lead got into that argument, I started to tear up." Victor said.

   "That scene was emotional." Minho chuckled.

     "That type of emotion in that scene is really hard to tap into." Victor mentioned.

    "I suppose it is." Minho said.

    "I'm sorry... I can be a little bit over the top sometimes... How has your stay been do far?" Victor calmed down.

   "It has been good, but I do get a little homesick... Though I am going back at the beginning of next month to attend the premiere of a movie I was recently in." Minho told him.

   "I heard. It sounds like an amazing movie, I really can't wait to watch it."

  Minho pursed his lips for a moment, then spoke, "How about you come with me? I mean I have a plus one for the premiere, I was going to take my best friend, but she is going out of town with her fiancé."

    Victors eyes lit up with glee.

  "Are you sure? Isn't it a bit last minute? I would have to get a plane ticket today." 

   Minho chuckled.

  "Don't worry about getting a plane ticket, a friend is letting me use his private jet to get from here to there whenever I want. Yes, it is fine. They already know I am bringing a plus one, so it is fine."

    "When is the flight?" Victor questioned.

   "It is the second at 5 in the morning." Minho told him.

    Victor nodded.

   Minho sighed as he looked at his ringing phone.

   "Excuse me, I have to take this..." Minho muttered quickly getting up to answer the call.

  He sighed and pressed the green icon.


   "Hey, Min..."

  "Is there something you need Chan? I was kind of in a meeting..." Minho stated.

    "Jus' wanted to see how you were, we haven't talked in a month." Chan said.

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