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    His eyes widened as he saw the message. His heart pounded hard against his chest. Why was this happening?


  1 hour earlier

   Maybe, just maybe, Minho wasn't prepared to face Chan, but here he was right next to the male who was talking to the director about something.

  "Alright, thank you." Chan smiled.

    Said male turned to Minho giving the younger his full attention.

  "Sorry, I would have called you earlier. I wasn't notified you got the role until this morning." Chan stated.

   "It is fine, honestly. I didn't even know you were in it, let alone a co-writer of it." Minho spoke nervously.

   "Are you okay Min? You seem a little tense."

   "I am fine.. Just some actual drama I had to handle this morning." Minho said.

  "Stuff with your boyfriend I assume."

   "No, actually Seonghwa and I broke up. Maybe a month ago, he got offered a really good job in Japan and he took it. He wanted me to move with him. I told him no obviously, I mean for a second I was thinking about it- moving with him I mean, but I have a like here. I have my cats, my grandfather, my friends.

  You know all that stuff, I mean yeah I could easily get work there, but you know how things are. Oh, I am rambling.. sorry.." Minho apologised.

   Chan chuckled and ruffled the youngers hair.

  "Like I said before it is cute and I am sorry to hear about you and Seonghwa." Chan in fact was not sorry at all.

   So maybe just maybe, he was a *little* jealous and pulled some strings to get Seonghwa that job. Jt was a really good job, so you know.

   Now, you may be wondering what about Seungmin? They are still very much together, however that might change. Chan isn't stupid, okay maybe a little, BUT he knew that he and Seungmin aren't as close and that Seungmin was crushing on someone else which, Chan honestly didn't mind considering the fact that he too was crushing on someone else.

   Can you guess who?

⚠️⚠️TW self harm, attempted suicide from this point on unless said otherwise⚠️⚠️

   30 minutes later with Hyunsunglix

  Hyunjin took a deep breath as he entered the hotel room.
   "Sungie? Lixie?" Hyunjin called out.

  "In here.." Jisung called out.

   Hyunjin walked into the bedroom. Jisung was sitting on the bed his face was red and puffy, probably from crying.

   "Sungie.. I am sorry for lashing out like that. I shouldn't have done that.. I was upset and I spoke before I could think. I didn't mean any of it. I love you guys so so so much. I messed up so bad and it was wrong for me to say those thing about lixie." Hyunjin was starting to cry again.

   Jisung crawled off the bed his eyes were watering. Putting his small hands on Hyunjins cheeks he wiped away the tears.

  "I know, my love. I'm not mad at you neither is Lixie we were just a little sad." Jisung said softly.

   Hyunjin cried a little harder and embraced one of his babies.

   After about two minutes them pulled away.

  "Where is lixie I need to talk to him." Hyunjin said.

   "He went to the bathroom just before you came back... he should be done by now..." Jisung said his brows knitting toget once he realised the youngest was still in the bathroom.

   The two males walked up to the door and knocked.

  "Lix?" Jisung questioned.

  No response.

   Hyunjin knocked a little harder.

  "Felix?" Hyunjin called out.

   No response.

  Hyunjin went to open the door, but it was locked.

  "Felix? Are you okay?" Jisung questioned, there was a rising nervousness in Jisung and it showed when once again they got no response.

  All it took was Hyunjin pushing the door hard enough for the latch to break and the door to open.

    Both males felt like the life was sucked out of them when they saw the sight.

   Hyunjin was the first to react.

  "Jisung call emergency services!" The older exclaimed.

   He felt frozen. He heard his fiancé say the words, but all he could do was stare at the large red cuts across his lovers arms.

   "Jisung, I know that right now you are panicking and I know that you are scared, but love, you need to call emergency services." Hyunjin said, he was trying to keep his voice steady in hopes to assure the younger.

  That seemed to snap Jisung out of daze. Rushing to grab his phone he called emergency services.

   Hyunjin was scared. Felixs heart beat was barely there. He had managed to stop the younger from bleeding more, but the younger was drained of all colour and barely awake.

    "This is all my fault... I am so sorry darling. Please, please, be okay.. damn it.. I shouldn't have snapped like that. I didn't mean it.. I love you and all your little things. I don't care about how many mood swings you have because I love you and I am so sorry for what I said.

   Please, please, just hold okay.." Hyunjin was starting to cry.

    Within minutes Paramedics were air lifting Felix to the nearest hospital. Hyunjin and Jisung had to drive there.

   "I text Minho and Changbin... Bin said is going to get the next flight out here and Min hasn't said anything.." Jisung said.

   Hyunjin just nodded.

  "This isn't your fault Jinnie."

  "Yes, it is.. if I hadn't said those things.. he wouldn't have done that. He wouldn't have felt however he was feeling.." Hyunjin said shakily.

  "He was already feeling those thing, he was already feeling helpless because of his emotions and because of everything, anything could have set him off. It isn't you fault." Jisung tried to assure.

   "I was the one that cause this... I fucked up and now we are going to the hospital. He hurt himself after the things I said. It is my fault." Hyunjin stated.

  Jisung grabbed one of the olders hands in his and squeezed it tightly.

   They could only hope that their lixie would be okay.

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