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Spicy chapter kinda


    Filming for awhile was awkward, but what neither male wanted to admit was that Eden was right.

    Tropes like the one they were doing often got a bit smutty.

   To be honest, their movie wasn't that far off. It did hold well a rather intimate scene. It was a type of scene that honestly Chan nor Minho has ever really done before.

     There was talk of removing the scene altogether, however Minho assured that he was fine with doing it.

   However, Minho didn't take into account his feelings which led him to his current position.

   Right now, he was at Hyunsunglixs house. The trio had gotten back a week ago.

     "What was I thinking?!" Minho huffed as he paced around.

      "Minho, it isn't that bad.." Felix said.

    "Oh really, cause in about 5 hours, I am going to be doing a really really intimate scene with the guy I like who might I add has a damn boyfriend." Minho stated.

   "How intimate is the scene?" Hyunjin asked, setting Jisung and Felixs' hot chocolates down.

    Minho explained the scene to them.

   "Oh... Well... Uhm... What were you thinking?" Jisung asked.

   Minho whined and buried his face into one of the throw pillows on the couch.

      "I am so screwed..." Minho muttered.

    Four hours passed like nothing.

  "Okay, I should go.. it takes twenty minutes to get set.." Minho sighed standing up.

   "Alright, we'll see you later Min. Also congratulations on the role in UK."Hyunjin said quietly trying not to wake his two sleeping fiancés.

   Minho nodded and left the house.

     He could do this. At least he thought he could.

    Making it to set he was tense. Really tense.

    "You're here good. We have to get you into hair and makeup." Lia said, pulling the older towards his dressing room.

    Lia could see how tense the older was.

  "By the way Chaeyoung is here." Lia told him.

   She could see him relax a bit.

    Entering his dressing room Chaeyoung smiled and waved.

   "Hey, babe." Chaeyoung greeted.

   Minho let out a sigh and went up and hugged the ravenette.

   "Thank god you're here..." Minho muttered.

    Chaeyoung chuckled.

   "You seem nervous."

   "This scene today.. it is... Rather steamy..." Minho sighed sitting in his chair, so Lia could what she needed to.

   "I heard. Do you want me to stay?"

   "Please, I don't know how I am going to feel after the scene and I really would appreciate if you stayed." Minho said.

   Chaeyoung smiled and patted Minho's shoulder.

    After thirty minutes Minho was on set and nervous. Chaeyoung was allowed to do a little cameo which was fun and a little less nerve-wracking for Minho.

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