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   Minho sighed as he pulled his phone out hoping that he could open maps so they could get back to the city without getting lost.

  "I have no reception..." Minho muttered turning his phone off.

   "I mean this isn't so bad..." Chan tried to look on the bright side.

  "Chan, we are in the middle of nowhere, with no cell reception and it is nearly night. This is bad." Minho said.

   "Look I am pretty sure if we turn around we will be able to make it back to the city." Chan stated making a u-turn.

    Minho nodded.

   They drove, but they didn't make it back to the city, they did however end up at a beach.

    "Let's go." Chan smiled.

   "What? We have to go back to the city, Chan." Minho said.

    "We don't have to be on set until 11 tomorrow, we have plenty of time to get back to set, so let's go." Chan stated.

    Minho pursed his lips and gnawed at his bottom lip as he looked at clock. Then, he looked to Chan, the ravenet had a soft smile as he waited.

   Minho sighed and unbuckled his seat belt. Chans smile grew a little as them both got out of the car.

   It was chilly due to the small cold front that was passing by.

    The air nipped at both males cheeks and they took their shoes off, so they could walk along the beach.

    "So what prompted you to come to set today?" Minho questioned.

   "What do mean by that?"

   "I mean you didn't have to record any scenes today, you could have stayed home and relaxed, but you came to set instead. What prompted that..?" Minho elaborated.

   "Honestly?" Chan questioned.

   "Preferably I would like the truth." Minho chuckled.

   Chan laughed a little and spoke,

  "You did. I was going to stay home today, but then I sort of remembered that you were filming today, so I kind of just dragged my self out of my house, got coffee and went to set. I know it seens kind of stupid, but you are very intriguing to me."

   "Intriguing? How so?"

   "I had heard of you plenty of times before I actually met you. You are probably the biggest BL drama actor in our industry. You co-produced one of the movies you were in and it isn't just the stuff that you have done in you career that intrigues me, it is you as a person." Chan said.

   "Me as a person?" Minho tilted his head to the side.

   "You never seem to care about what people think of you. You speak about everything that is wrong with society and not just here. You openly date who you want without care of what people think of you. I meant the fact that you openly just date is amazing, especially with how fans can be..." Chan stated.

   Minho nodded.

  "When I first started out in acting I didn't have that 'I don't care attitude'. When I first started out I turned down all BL drama offers in fear of what people would think of me.

  After my first movie came out and I saw all the negatives and the positives, I realised that no matter what I did people would always have something negative to say about it. So, I started doing stuff for myself. I was happier knowing that I was being myself and not what everyone wanted me to be," Minho started.

   "I always thought that if fans can't be happy about the fact that I am happy and healthy and in a relationship, then they aren't really fans. If they need to come around to the idea that I am dating, then okay that is fine.

   However, once they start talking bad about my significant other I don't consider them fans anymore. I have always consider them as somewhat of a family, but once they start to be rude without reason that is where I draw the line." Minho finished.

   Chan smiled the younger was cute when he ranted, but Chan did listen to every word agreeing with it.

   "Sorry, ranting.. bad habit of mine." Minho muttered.

   "It is fine. It's cute." Chan smiled.

   Minho smiled a little and stopped walking.

   "It is really pretty when the sun is setting." Minho mumbled.

    "Yeah, it is." Chan smiled.

    "Do you ever wonder what you would have been if you weren't an actor?" Minho asked.

   "Sometimes.. I always figured that if I wasn't an actor I'd probably be an idol. Maybe, in a group. What about you?"

    "My original dream was to be an idol, but then Chaeyoung got me into acting. So, I suppose if I wasn't an actor I'd be an idol as well."

   "She got you into acting?"

   Minho hummed.

  "In high school she made me join the drama club. Cliché, but it worked. Her and I were always leads in plays. When we went on to college we were in the drama department and music department. Our first movie was with each other. Half of our school made a bet that we would end up together." Minho explained.

   "There is still a chance." Chan mentioned.

    "Probably not. Chaeyoung is getting pretty serious with her own girlfriend." Minho said.

    "She has a girlfriend?"

   "Yep, they've been together for five years? Her girlfriend was the second female lead in our first movie."

   "Mina Myoui?" Chan questioned.

   "Yup her. They have been together since around the time filming concluded. I only found out because at the time Chaeyoung and I lived together, but I had my speculations." Minho told the older.

   "How about you? Are you dating?" Chan asked even though he knew the answer.

   "No, but it seems that there is someone interested in me."


   "You seem to know quite a bit." Minho turned to Chan.

   "I observe a lot. Plus, he isn't very discreet when looking at you." Chan stated.

   "What do you observe a lot of, Christopher?" Minho asked, raising his eyebrow as he did so.

   There was one thing that Minho definitely was. Confident. He was really confident.

   "How about we take some pictures.?" Chan suggested.

    Minho smiled and nodded.


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