Chapter 1: Reality Submits to Us

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Vegeta was pummeling Goku Black's body again and again. Each blow felt thunderous, perplexing the divine Saiyan imposter. With each hit that he received, he felt more and more pain.

"How could there be such a huge gap in our power," Black exasperated, feeling out of breath for the first time. The strength of Vegeta felt completely paradoxical!

Black was then pulled up from his hair.

"That's simple," Vegeta replied, punching Black in the gut. "You're an interloper, a Saiyan imposter, and I'm the real thing."

With all his might, Vegeta threw Black away from him with the regality of a Saiyan prince.

"The almighty PRINCE VEGETA!!!!!!" roared the blue Saiyan, powering up with utmost fury and pride and continued to brutalize Black once more.

Black couldn't believe what he was feeling. He was actually losing! It felt like Vegeta's anger had limitless power. Power that was absolutely primal to the Saiyan race.

Vegeta punched Black straight into a building and followed up with a gargantuan energy blast. Black's fears and confusion were erased as soon as he gave a smile.


Had he been a third-rate wannabe mortal on divine conquest, it might've been over for Black. The Zero Mortals Plan might have even been over had Black kept his original body as a mere Supreme Kai in training.

But he was no normal Core person. His efforts brought the end to divine hierarchy in the multiverse and saw the elimination of almost all mortal life in the infinite cosmos.

And he had Son Goku to thank.

Blasting through the rubble, Black immediately shot up to the air to face Vegeta once more. This time, he knew what his body needed.

"So anger is what fuels this body," Black observed. Such a primal, disgusting way to obtain power. The old vermin that Gowasu used to show him would use such barbaric methods as well. On the other hand, as Saiyans, Black couldn't help but notice the clear tangible results in power from Goku and Vegeta.

"If that's what fuels this body, then I should use MY anger," Black declared. Making a violent fierce god slicer, he stabbed his other hand, focused as if he were a hyena who hasn't eaten in days.

"What the-" Vegeta exclaimed with confusion. He's seen this technique used countless times. This was certainly not how he imagined it would be used.

Goku Black roared, extending his hands, almost as if he was holding something. All his rage, frustration, and hatred crystalized into one weapon of justice and righteousness. With this scythe, he would become the harbinger of death to all that is unjust to this cosmos.

Pointing his newly made scythe at Vegeta, Black excitedly swung at him, ecstatic about his sudden new heights of seemingly endless potential.

Vegeta dodged, disappointed that what he saw was all theatrics. Suddenly, a sense of cold and fear enveloped him like never before.

"What the heck is that-" Vegeta, bewildered by the tear in reality. Clones of Black suddenly appeared, with Vegeta feeling more furious than he has ever been.

Black looked on, amused at this new development.

"Well, I'm glad you're enjoying the show, Vegeta," Black mockingly congratulated. "Let's put my power to the test even more, shall we?"

More and more tears were ripped, spawning uncountable amounts of clones. Black kept spawning more and more of these portals; his bloodlust was unquenchable.

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